Appalling things had happened since Hitler had come into power ten months earlier; but the range of horror was not yet fully unfolded. In the country the prevailing mood was a bewildered acquiescence. Occasionally it rose to fanaticism.

“I look East, West, North, South, and I do not see Sauron; but I see that Saruman has many descendants. We Hobbits have against them no magic weapons. Yet, my gentlehobbits, I give you this toast: To the Hobbits. May they outlast the Sarumans and see spring again in the trees.”
“How often we prefer division with regard to language and culture over union in the Spirit of Truth! The Holy Spirit is a spirit of unity, and in this unity we find not a flattening of human variety, but harmonious diversity: rich and poor, erudite and simple, young and old, male and female. It is the human and sinful element of the Church that often tries to turn the Church into a gathering of like-minded people with common cultural interests: a church for
a particular ethnic group, a church for the young, a church for the old, a church for the super-pious.”
― Meditations for Pascha: Reflections on the Pentecostarion
a particular ethnic group, a church for the young, a church for the old, a church for the super-pious.”
― Meditations for Pascha: Reflections on the Pentecostarion

“I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains, and then find somewhere where I can rest. In peace and quiet, without a lot of relatives prying around, and a string of confounded visitors hanging on the bell. I might find somewhere where I can finish my book. I have thought of a nice ending for it: and he lived happily ever after to the end of his days.”
― The Fellowship of the Ring
― The Fellowship of the Ring

“When we lack the will to see things as they really are, there is nothing so mystifying as the obvious.”
“Mysticism without theological truth is subjective and delusional, and theology without mysticism is nothing but an academic hobby.”
― Meditations for Pascha: Reflections of the Pentecostarion
― Meditations for Pascha: Reflections of the Pentecostarion

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A Christian group mainly for Christian authors who are willing to review other Christian authors books in exchange for reviews of their own books. T ...more

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This is a book group for people who are Orthodox Christians, and/or for those interested in Orthodox Christianity. We will be reading Orthodox Christi ...more
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