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Helmut said:
Erste Idee:
Tiki-Cocktails und die Umgebung, in der sie entstehen - ein Simulacrum nach Baudrillard/Deleuze?
Die Tiki-Welt ist keine Kopie einer existierenden Welt. Sie ist zusammengestellt aus Elementen, die von überall her gesammelt sind, mit eigene ...more "
Tiki-Cocktails und die Umgebung, in der sie entstehen - ein Simulacrum nach Baudrillard/Deleuze?
Die Tiki-Welt ist keine Kopie einer existierenden Welt. Sie ist zusammengestellt aus Elementen, die von überall her gesammelt sind, mit eigene ...more "
(page 60 of 164)
"Boah. Ich fühle mich so schrecklich dumm, während ich dieses Buch lese." — Oct 04, 2019 11:53AM
"Boah. Ich fühle mich so schrecklich dumm, während ich dieses Buch lese." — Oct 04, 2019 11:53AM
“Then I find I'm not ashamed after all. I enjoy the power; power of a dog bone, passive but there. I hope they get hard at the sight of us and have to rub themselves against the painted barriers, surreptitiously. They will suffer, later, at night, in their regimented beds. They have no outlets now except themselves, and that's a sacrilege.”
― The Handmaid's Tale
― The Handmaid's Tale
“A Thoroughbred racehorse is one of God's most impressive engines. Tipping the scales at up to 1,450 pounds, he can sustain speeds of forty miles per hour. Equipped with reflexes much faster than those of the most quick-wired man, he swoops over as much as twenty-eight feet of earth in a single stride, and corners on a dime. His body is a paradox of mass and lightness, crafted to slip through air with the ease of an arrow. His mind is impressed with a single command: run. He pursues speed with superlative courage, pushing beyond defeat, beyond exhaustion, sometimes beyond the structural limits of bone and sinew. In flight, he is nature's ultimate wedding of form and purpose.”
― Seabiscuit: An American Legend
― Seabiscuit: An American Legend
“I think there's a very strong Calvinistic bias against a free lunch. The idea that you could achieve a spiritual insight without suffering, soul-searching, flagellation, and that sort of thing, is abhorrent to people because they believe that the vision of these higher dimensions should be vouchsafed to the good, and probably to them only after death. It is alarming to people to think that they could take a substance like psilocybin or DMT and have these kinds of experiences.”
― The Archaic Revival
― The Archaic Revival
“Du sollst Gott nichts Schlechtes angewöhnen. Wenn Er sieht, daß du dich mit weniger begnügst, gibt Er dir auch weniger.”
― The Terror of God: Attar, Job and the Metaphysical Revolt
― The Terror of God: Attar, Job and the Metaphysical Revolt
“Das ist, entgegen der beliebten Eskapismusschimpfe von Sozialpädagogen und anderen Wirklichkeitsdressurreitern, eine völlig legitime, im Gelingensfall sogar hoch ehrenwerte Leistung phantastischer Literatur oder Kunst. Ich meine, im Ernst, Kinder: Das könnte denen so passen, daß man ihre Scheißwirklichkeit nicht nur nicht verändern können soll, sondern noch nicht einmal das Recht zugestanden kriegt, sich mal eine Weile mit was ganz anderem zu befassen, um nicht komplett abzustumpfen.”
Leserunde - Der Goldherr besteigt den weissen Tiger
— 2 members
— last activity Oct 28, 2013 09:33AM
Hier lesen wir gemeinsam Dschau-yang dschü-schi. Ein historischer Roman aus der Ming-Zeit. Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von F. K. Engler. Mit Gelei ...more
Hier lesen wir gemeinsam Dschau-yang dschü-schi. Ein historischer Roman aus der Ming-Zeit. Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von F. K. Engler. Mit Gelei ...more
Goodreads Librarians Group
— 263483 members
— last activity 4 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
— 99 members
— last activity Nov 16, 2016 02:10PM
Wuxia is a Chinese word that literally means Martial Hero. These stories are about kung fu masters and their adventures. These Chinese stories differ ...more
Wuxia is a Chinese word that literally means Martial Hero. These stories are about kung fu masters and their adventures. These Chinese stories differ ...more
Divine Comedy + Decameron
— 270 members
— last activity Nov 07, 2020 01:07PM
This group is for those interested in reading either or both Dante's Divine Comedy or Boccaccio's Decameron in 2014. Each read will be non-concurrent ...more
This group is for those interested in reading either or both Dante's Divine Comedy or Boccaccio's Decameron in 2014. Each read will be non-concurrent ...more
The Pickwick Club
— 390 members
— last activity Apr 04, 2020 10:42AM
Welcome to the Pickwick Club! This group is dedicated to reading, discussing, critiquing, and devouring the works of Charles Dickens.
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Welcome to the Pickwick Club! This group is dedicated to reading, discussing, critiquing, and devouring the works of Charles Dickens.
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