Rodrigo Tello

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La canción de Bêlit
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by Rodolfo Martínez (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 540 of 792)
Jul 13, 2013 01:18PM

Stephen        King
“My heart's with you, Bill, no matter how it turns out. My heart is with all of them, and I think that, even if we forget each other, we'll remember in our dreams.”
Stephen King, It

Emilio Bueso
“Somos una generación que pasa el relevo a otra miserable, desahuciada. No pudimos pagar a los encantadores de serpientes y eso va a convertir el mundo en un cementerio africano habitado por fantasmas de personas. Hemos levantado unas ciudades monstruosas y crueles donde se han terminado los horizontes y se acaban las condiciones, donde nuestros hijos crecerán narcotizados y pasando penurias para sobrevivir, hasta que el caos y la alienación arrasen con ellos.
Hemos heredado una tumba, pero en ella ya viven desheredados.”
Emilio Bueso, Extraños eones

Stephen        King
“Drive away and try to keep smiling. Get a little rock and roll on the radio and go toward all the life there is with all the courage you can find and all the belief you can muster. Be true, be brave, stand. All the rest is darkness.”
Stephen King, It

Arthur Machen
“silence is not weakness and decency is not pride”
Arthur Machen

Stephen        King
“You don't have to look back to see those children; part of your mind will see them forever. They are not necessarily the best part of you, but they were once the repository of all you could become.”
Stephen King, It

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