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The Forever War
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Slasher Girls & M...
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She's Always Hung...
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“There are three butterflies that dance around a flame. The first butterfly comes close to the flame and says, 'I know all about love. It is beautiful, unforgettable.' The second butterfly wants to get even closer than the first, so it does. But it singes its wings. So it withdraws. Terrified, the butterfly says, 'I know that love only burns.' But the third butterfly simply throws itself into the flames and is consumed.”
Hannah Lillith Assadi, Sonora

Julia Kristeva
“During that course in which "I" become, I give birth to myself amid the violence of sobs, of vomit.”
Julia Kristeva, Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection

Eliza  Clark
“Get off your high horse bitch youre literally reading school shooter fanfic.”
Eliza Clark, Penance

James S.A. Corey
“you’re not that important and it ain’t up to you to fix the universe?”
James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Falls

Mona Awad
“Samantha Heather Mackey thinks she understands everything, but she fails to understand the depths of the human heart. She fails to understand the depths of our heart. Our heart our heart our heart! We’ve read Jane Eyre too, you cunt, and we’ve read The Waves, and when we read it, you know, we wept for minutes.”
Mona Awad, Bunny

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