Anna Laughter

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The Seven Year Slip
Anna Laughter is currently reading
by Ashley Poston (Goodreads Author)
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Finding Me
Anna Laughter is currently reading
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The Favorites
Anna Laughter is currently reading
by Layne Fargo (Goodreads Author)
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See all 8 books that Anna is reading…
“The forgotten art of focusing on one task at a time is a treasure, a joy, and the gateway to a life of prayer.”
Nathan Foster, The Making of an Ordinary Saint: My Journey from Frustration to Joy with the Spiritual Disciplines

“Nobody cries at a funeral because the world will be missing out on another pretty face. They cry because the world is missing another heart, another soul, another person. Don’t wait until it’s too late to focus on what will actually matter: creating something that lasts far beyond your body.”
Brianna Wiest, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
tags: death

Aundi Kolber
“The work of paying compassionate attention is, in a sense, learning to steward for ourselves what God already believes about us—that we’re valuable and loved.”
Aundi Kolber, Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and into a Life of Connection and Joy

“Everything is hard in some way. It’s hard to be in the wrong relationship. It’s hard to be in the right one. It’s hard to be broke and miserable, it’s hard to achieve your dreams. It’s hard to be stuck in the middle, not really feeling anything at all. Everything is hard, but you choose your hard. You choose what’s worth it. You don’t choose whether or not you’ll suffer, but you do choose what you want to suffer for.”
Brianna Wiest, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

Tyler Staton
“The assumption of biblical prayer is that God's action always precedes my request The aim is not to get God in on what I think he should be doing. Rather, the aim of prayer is to get us in on what God is doing, become aware of it, join it, and enjoy the fruit of participation.”
Tyler Staton, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer

99 Shrink Rap (Psychology Books) — 1177 members — last activity Dec 27, 2023 06:57PM
This is an open group for students, amateurs, and professionals of psychology. It is intended to connect mental health professionals from all fields t ...more
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