Alyssa Nieves
is currently reading
(page 178 of 464)
"“Tabby, I’m not the kind of guy who fucks around. So you can make up all the rules you want, but I’ll be following my own. And that rule is that there won’t be anyone else while I’m wearing this ring.”
🤭" — 3 hours, 2 min ago
"“Tabby, I’m not the kind of guy who fucks around. So you can make up all the rules you want, but I’ll be following my own. And that rule is that there won’t be anyone else while I’m wearing this ring.”
🤭" — 3 hours, 2 min ago
Alyssa Nieves
is currently reading
(page 5 of 823)
""Paiiiiiin, immense, unimaginable paiiin lies in your future if you continue reading this book.”
Not this being in the dedication 😭✋" — Mar 04, 2025 12:42PM
""Paiiiiiin, immense, unimaginable paiiin lies in your future if you continue reading this book.”
Not this being in the dedication 😭✋" — Mar 04, 2025 12:42PM
People mistake me being quiet for being shy, but I’m not shy. I don’t think I’m even that quiet, it just looks that way because of how loud everyone else is.
Eugenia liked this

“I cannot survive without reading.”
― A Court of Silver Flames
― A Court of Silver Flames

“I think, as readers, we all have a comfort read, the one book that protects us in the exact ways it needs to—whether it is a romance or erotica or a thriller or a crime story or a fantasy. A book that we find ourselves in, like looking in a mirror. Oh, you, too? It will ask, as it fills that soft, hollow place in your heart that nothing else dared to touch. I think we all deserve a book like that, whatever yours is.”
― The Dead Romantics
― The Dead Romantics

“how many loves do you get in a lifetime? I remember wondering that. How many people will look at me like he does, not just like I’m the sun but like I’m the whole god damn universe.”
― Magnolia Parks
― Magnolia Parks

“Eternally sunny, then.”
“Oh—” He grimaces. “Can’t promise that. Storms always come, they have to — brings balance.”
― Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home
“Oh—” He grimaces. “Can’t promise that. Storms always come, they have to — brings balance.”
― Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home

“To the stars who listen—and the dreams that are answered.”
― A Court of Mist and Fury
― A Court of Mist and Fury
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