Karlii Le

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The Best Christma...
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A Boy Called Chri...
Karlii Le is currently reading
by Matt Haig (Goodreads Author)
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25 Days
Karlii Le is currently reading
by Per Jacobsen (Goodreads Author)
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345436 Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine — 156038 members — last activity 39 minutes ago
Hey Y’all, We’ve been reading together for awhile and we don’t know about you, but we’re ready to hear your thoughts and opinions. This group is a pl ...more
1103665 Booktok 📚 — 178030 members — last activity 1 hour, 52 min ago
A place for booktokers to interact with each other and share the love
73843 YA Buddy Readers' Corner ♥ — 17732 members — last activity 3 hours, 13 min ago
“We read to know that we are not alone.” ― C.S. Lewis ----------------------- WHAT DO WE DO HERE? This group encourages people to interact with f ...more
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