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ku-2024 (99)

“She was like a pile of kindling catching fire, the color and light moving through her as it took hold, growing brighter and hotter by the minute. I saw on her what I felt happening in me. I'd been dead without knowing it. Then I saw her and I came alive again.”
― Anastasia
― Anastasia

“Even if you see how dark the world can be...choose to believe it could be better. Life had been beautiful once. It could be beautiful again.”
― Anastasia
― Anastasia

“One heart, one mind, one soul. What is joined by choice can never be torn apart. You're mine, and I'm yours. Yesterday, today, and forever.”
― Anastasia
― Anastasia

“It hurts because we love him. That's the balance of life, hard as it is to accept. A heart open to joy is a heart vulnerable to sorrow. There's no family without loss, no love without pain.”
― Anastasia
― Anastasia

“I was a corpse when I met you, Nessa,” he says. “No breath. No heart. No life. I felt nothing. I cared about nothing. Then I saw you, and you woke me up inside. I was such a fool at first. I was so numb that I thought that spark must be hatred. If I was a normal person, I would have realized it was love. Love at first sight. From the second I laid eyes on you.”
― Stolen Heir
― Stolen Heir
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