Jenn (The Book Refuge)

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The Merchant Match
Jenn (The Book Refuge) is currently reading
by Jenna Bigelow (Goodreads Author)
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For Wrath and Red...
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59 minutes ago

Hold by Claire Kent
Jenn (The Book Refuge) is currently reading
by Claire Kent (Goodreads Author)
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Mar 05, 2025 08:56AM

Sophie Lark
“She was like a pile of kindling catching fire, the color and light moving through her as it took hold, growing brighter and hotter by the minute. I saw on her what I felt happening in me. I'd been dead without knowing it. Then I saw her and I came alive again.”
Sophie Lark, Anastasia

Sophie Lark
“Even if you see how dark the world can be...choose to believe it could be better. Life had been beautiful once. It could be beautiful again.”
Sophie Lark, Anastasia

Sophie Lark
“One heart, one mind, one soul. What is joined by choice can never be torn apart. You're mine, and I'm yours. Yesterday, today, and forever.”
Sophie Lark, Anastasia

Sophie Lark
“It hurts because we love him. That's the balance of life, hard as it is to accept. A heart open to joy is a heart vulnerable to sorrow. There's no family without loss, no love without pain.”
Sophie Lark, Anastasia

Sophie Lark
“I was a corpse when I met you, Nessa,” he says. “No breath. No heart. No life. I felt nothing. I cared about nothing. Then I saw you, and you woke me up inside. I was such a fool at first. I was so numb that I thought that spark must be hatred. If I was a normal person, I would have realized it was love. Love at first sight. From the second I laid eyes on you.”
Sophie Lark, Stolen Heir

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