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“I'm not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.”
― Normal People
― Normal People

“It's funny the decisions you make because you like someone, he says, and then your whole life is different. I think we're at that weird age where life can change a lot from small decisions.”
― Normal People
― Normal People

“Life offers up these moments of joy despite everything,”
― Normal People
― Normal People

“She closes her eyes. He probably won’t come back, she thinks. Or he will, differently. What they have now they can never have back again. But for her the pain of loneliness will be nothing to the pain that she used to feel, of being unworthy. He brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her. Meanwhile his life opens out before him in all directions at once. They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.
You should go, she says. I’ll always be here. You know that.”
― Normal People
You should go, she says. I’ll always be here. You know that.”
― Normal People

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