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A Brewing Storm
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Jim  Butcher
“You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me.”
Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty

Jim  Butcher
“An errand is getting a tank of gas or picking up a carton of milk or something. It is not getting chased by flying purple pyromaniac gorillas hurling incendiary poo!”
Jim Butcher, Blood Rites

Jim  Butcher
“In the name of the Pizza Lord. Charge!”
Jim Butcher, Summer Knight

Jim  Butcher
“My magic. That was at the heart of me. It was a manifestation of what I believed, what I lived. It came from my desire to see to it that someone stood between the darkness and the people it would devour.”
Jim Butcher, Fool Moon

George Carlin
“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
George Carlin

year in books
13,294 books | 3,829 friends

43 books | 54 friends

58 books | 199 friends

Andrew ...
0 books | 27 friends

Donna Gill
1 book | 3 friends

1 book | 58 friends

1 book | 83 friends

Dan Bender
0 books | 8 friends

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