Maria Klondike

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You Dreamed of Em...
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  (page 25 of 220)
"“I’ve served you every meal for five years; you’re sending me to be executed and you don’t even know my name; I will rise like fog and no one will remember my passage through this world.”

Now THIS is how I like to learn history! Detailed and personal imaginings based on best historical guesses? Yes please."
Aug 29, 2024 12:13PM

Prophet Song
Maria Klondike is currently reading
by Paul Lynch (Goodreads Author)
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"Chapter 2.

Forget forboding, we’re just in full bode right now.
The writing is so visceral. I’m generally an empathic reader, but it’s turned up to an 11 for this book. I physically flinched at an insult?? Whatttt"
Apr 30, 2024 10:11AM

Invitation to a B...
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  (page 80 of 480)
"Unfortunately I have to return this to the library today, but you better believe I’m hopping right back on that hold list! Adieu, my dear, I will see you in six month." Mar 19, 2024 03:15PM

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