Saraí Elvir

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Saraí Elvir is currently reading
by Stephanie Garber (Goodreads Author)
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Sarah J. Maas
“You sent that music into my cell. Why?” Rhysand’s voice was hoarse. “Because you were breaking. And I couldn’t find another way to save you.”
Sarah J. Maas

Rainbow Rowell
“Eleanor tenía razón. Ella nunca se veía bien. Se veía como el arte, y no se suponía que el arte se viese bien, sino que se suponía que te hiciese sentir algo.”
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park

Rupi Kaur
“what if
there isn't enough time
to give her what she deserves
do you think
if i begged the sky hard enough
my mother's soul would
return to me as my daughter
so i can give her
the comfort she gave me
my whole life”
Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

Cassandra Clare
“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Rainbow Rowell
“—¿Me veo como una vagabunda?

—Peor —dijo—. Como una triste payasa vagabunda.

—¿Y te gusta?

—Me encanta.

Tan pronto como lo dijo, ella estalló en una sonrisa. Y cuando Eleanor sonreía, algo se rompía dentro de él.

Algo siempre lo hacía.”
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park

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