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Books of the Month Suggestions > May 2019 - Theme: Historical Fiction

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message 1: by Erika, Dream Thief (last edited Mar 01, 2019 08:35AM) (new)

Erika (livingforthebooks) | 3819 comments Mod
This topic is for the theme suggestions. Each person can suggest one book for this category. If you suggest more than one book only your first suggestion will count. Authors can't suggest their own book. Any book that was suggested by its author will not be counted.

The theme is Historical Fiction

To suggest a book please put the title and the author. And remember the book must be be YA! New Adult and Adult books will not be accepted.

Also a little reminder to everyone. This is not where you vote. This is where you make suggestions for the poll. Suggestions will close March 8th!

Don't forget to suggest something for the Stand Alone suggestion and Series suggestion.

The suggestions also can't be something we've already read and they have to be young adult because we are a young adult group! To see what we've read and haven't read go to the books we've read topic. If you are new I strongly suggest this!

message 2: by Erika, Dream Thief (last edited Mar 09, 2019 08:19AM) (new)

Erika (livingforthebooks) | 3819 comments Mod
The Suggestions
An Affair of Poisons by Addie Thorley An Affair of Poisons by Addie Thorley
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy, #1) by Deborah Harkness A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
Enchantée by Gita Trelease Enchantée by Gita Trelease
An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker
The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
All Is Fair by Dee Garretson All Is Fair by Dee Garretson
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Code Name Verity (Code Name Verity, #1) by Elizabeth E. Wein Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein
Lovely War by Julie Berry Lovely War by Julie Berry
Dodger by Terry Pratchett Dodger by Terry Pratchett

message 5: by Maraya21 (new)

Maraya21 (The Reading Dragon) An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker

message 6: by nitya (new)

nitya (nityatrip) | 18 comments An Affair of Poisons!

message 7: by Dustin (new)

Dustin Christensen The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf by Hanna Alkaf

message 8: by Louie (new)

Louie All Is Fair by Dee Garretson All Is Fair by Dee Garretson

message 9: by Miranda (new)

Miranda (readiculousreader) Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

message 10: by Cait (new)

Cait | 34 comments An Affair of Poisons by Addie Thorley An Affair of Poisons by Addie Thorley

message 11: by Summer (new)

Summer (speaking_bookish) (speaking_bookish) | 26 comments Lovely War by Julie Berry ohhh, this is a historical fiction fantasy that involves the Gods! it sounds so good!

message 12: by Dana (new)

Dana Cristiana (silvermoon1923) Kaity wrote: "The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue (Montague Siblings, #1) by Mackenzi Lee
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee"

I second this!

message 13: by Bridgett (new)

Bridgett Murphy | 38 comments Dodger by Terry Pratchett
Dodger by Terry Pratchett.

message 14: by Henry28 (new)

Henry28 A discovery of witches

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