Lucy's Reviews > A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
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** spoiler alert ** For the last two months I have been putting off reading this book. For starters, I bought the book at an airport in Taiwan, which meant it didn't have a due date which meant it took a backseat to many books that I didn't have the luxury of reading whenever.

Additionally, because I've heard so much about this book already, I almost didn't want to read it at all. I've heard that it's depressing, that it's not as good as The Kite Runner, and that it's basically a novel about the brutal treatment of women in Afghanistan.

You know when you read a book or see a film that has had great reviews and you finish feeling disappointed because it didn't live up to the hype? My experience reading this book was the complete opposite. I loved it. I didn't feel the message of the book was one of brutality or depression, but of hope and the toughness of the human spirit.

There are plenty of awful scenes to lend credence to its reputation. While the story's time frame spans thirty years, the main focus of the novel are two woman, a generation apart, whose lives cross as they become the wives of the same man, Rasheed. The elder, Mariam, was born to a servant woman out of wedlock and is raised in banishment, ignorance and eventual rejection during the years the Afghani government was controlled by the communists. She finds herself forced to marry a much older man after her mother commits suicide. Laila, fifteen years younger and raised by intellectual parents, enters the marriage under much different circumstances. Alone after a bomb destroys her home and kills her parents, and pregnant by her childhood love who has fled the country, she marries Rasheed in a desperate attempt to save her unborn child.

The writing engrossed me. Much like the Kite Runner, Hosseini magically puts the reader in the city, neighborhood and house of his characters. Much to his credit, I found myself torn between wanting to yell at Laila to hush up, so that she'd avoid another beating, and kicking Rasheed myself, because he is a despicable brute.

Mariam, one of the most tragic characters in literature, makes this book what it is; a story of love and strenghth. She, who didn't have an easy day in her life, allows herself to be touched by the love of Laila and her children. In return, she performs the ultimate act of love and saves a family.

I appreciate Hosseini's portrayal of a part of the world that is under so much scrutiny lately. Afghanistan, and the city of Kabul where the story takes place, have a long history of wars and occupations which result in a great chasm between different ethnic tribes, Islam, economic classes and gender. Hosseini uses this novel to tell the story of Afghani women and the hardships that face them with each regime change.

As a woman, I feel blessed to have been given confidence and opportunities. I truly cannot imagine what it would be like to live under the conditions the women in this book live under. I am grateful to be born to the family I was born to and in a country which allows me to live the kind of life I choose.

Miram and Laila didn't have the opportunities or support that I have. And yet they survived. They endured and they reached out to others, despite their circumstances. In this, Hosseini redeems all of Afghanistan by showing these two women's humanity. He shows that in a place whose beauty was written about in a 17th century poem, where "One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs and the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls" is a city that can become illuminated once again.
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December 4, 2007 – Shelved
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January 1, 2008 – Finished Reading
October 2, 2013 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

Aline I did like the Kite Runner more...both have their brutal components...did take too long for the women to retaliate....the man who turned them in at the bus station was incredibly upsetting. Can you even imagine living in a culture like that?

message 2: by Tom (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tom I agree with the despair of having to live in a culture like that, but relate that man's act as the same as Tariq putting a knife to a child's throat just so he could secure his dying mother a blanket. In their positions, who's to say we wouldn't put our families first, even if our acts are abhorable?

Lucy, your review was good, but I have to disagree with Mariam as one of the 'most tragic characters in literature' comment, perhaps solely because of the way she treated Laila upon Laila's arrival, and because she's so faceless and characterized as so pitiful, I found it almost hard to empathize with someone so lifeless and accepting of her horrible position in life, enough so to be jealous of Laila and feel she has some right to be the sole female who was mistreated by a despicable man.

Liesl Kruse Hi Lucy, i just read your review because i've just gotten to the part where Laila says yes to the marriage proposal. I almost quit reading because of the engagingly descriptive way that Hosseini writes, i knew I would be emotionally entering into a marriage that I was not sure as to whether or not I wanted to experience. It's a painful book to read, it hurts, I was hoping someone would just tell me the ending so I didn't have to read it,..but after listening to you, i will go on. Thanks.

Liesl Kruse haha, sorry, i was just reading some of Tom's review of your review Lucy without looking to see who wrote it and thought to myself,.."This must be written by a man." Haha,..then i looked at his name. no offense Tom, but you're probably a white boy.

message 5: by Mary (new)

Mary Pettigrew I want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns do I need to read Kite Runner first???

message 6: by Mary (new)

Mary Pettigrew I want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns do I need to read Kite Runner first???

Mandy No, the two stories are not related. I loved A Thousand Splendid Suns and hope you will too!

Lucy You definitely do not need to read Kite Runner first. While they both portray Afghanistan and its treatment of its citizens under both the Communist regime and later the Taliban, the stories are independent of each other and address different topics. The Kite Runner is much more masculine but presents a universal story of friendship while Thousand Splendid Suns is ultimately a feminine book. While I do know some people who haven't liked either story for their brutality, most who have read agree that the story is well told and has an important message. Happy reading!

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Okay, perhaps Mariam is not one of the "most tragic characters in literature," but the cycle of Mariam's "enlightenment" certainly fits the criteria of the heroic journey.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Lucy, Your review was great as was this book. I completely agree with you that this book is not about "brutatlity or depression". Although there is much of that in the book it more about these two women's journey and it shows you how tough women living in that situation have to be and how much we have to admire them. This book is one of my all time favorites.

Jessica I agree that Mariam was the most tragic charcater. If you look at the two together, Laila and Mariam both lost all of their family. The difference is that Laila manages to survive and live almost happily ever after and Mariam dies.

The only thing that Mariam ever wanted was to love and be loved. She thought she had that for a brief moment when she was married to Rasheed, only to find that his "love" was short lived when she could not have children. Then she meets Laila, who comes into her life and is able to not only gain affection from Rasheed but succeed where she failed as a woman. Her anger stemmed from jealousy. Who can't relate to jealousy?

When Mariam finally finds the love she has been looking for in Aziza and indefinitely Laila, she makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect that love. That to me is a tragic end. She does not go on to live and enjoy the life she wanted as Laila does.

I also think that part of the reason Mariam did not try to leave Rasheed on her own is because of her lack of education. She was not as smart about the outside world as Laiala was. However she was wise in other ways.

Rachel Great review, Lucy. HOWEVER, please classify this as a a SPOILER, or edit your review to take out the plot details. If I had read your review before reading the book, it would have ruined so much of the suspense and masterful storytelling.

Also, I totally disagree with Tom's comments.

And I whole-heartedly agree with Jessica and Lucy that Mariam is a tragic character, and that both Laila and Mariam give us hope that we can endure anything and still find the happiness and love that give meaning to our lives.

Bunnie O'hara Mary wrote: "I want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns do I need to read Kite Runner first???"

no both are excellent books that stand alone

Bunnie O'hara Mary wrote: "I want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns do I need to read Kite Runner first???"

no both are excellent books that stand alone

Bunnie O'hara reading a book like this opens our eyes to the way a lot of other people have to should make us appreciate what we have here in America. i found the book informative and very interesting.

message 16: by Bhaskar (last edited Jun 05, 2010 10:53PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Bhaskar Sunkara Your timeline is skewed. In the 1970s (after 1973) Afghanistan was ruled by Daud (when Mariam is married, etc). The communist (PDPA) takeover happened in 1978, which lead to an Islamist reaction in the 1980s.

Denise Although it was heart wrenching, I loved it and gave it 5 stars. In fact, I read it in 6 days. To me, it's the kind of book you want to share with all your friends.

Slmcal What an eloquent and touching review. I too loved the book and was touched by the power of love and the sacrafice Miriam makes.

Heather Prescott I loved this book. I thought it was better than the kite runner. You're review is excellent.

message 20: by Dave (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dave Lum I was feeling rather depressed. I've gotten to the part where it switches to part two. I was just thinking maybe I don't want to finish, but after the first half of your review I've decided to continue. I'll read the rest of your review after I finish.

Matthew I am not ashamed to say that this book is one of my top three favorite books of all time. I read it years ago, but the words on the page are forever in my head. The novel is so emotional and the storylines and characters are unforgettable and it is the first and only book that has ever made me cry, and by cry I mean sob uncontrollably for an hour.

Thulasi I don't dare to read the book for the same reasons you listed. But at the end of this review, I've decided to read it. Excellent review.

message 23: by Viviane (new) - added it

Viviane Florencio I could not agree more with you!

message 24: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah Scholl Let me read the book before I can comment

message 25: by Eve (new)

Eve Great. You've ruined most of this book for me in your review.

Shivani I read "Kite Runner" a few years ago and put off reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" until recently because I thought it would be too similar to "Kite Runner". However, since reading this book (and completing it within a few days), I've added it to my top 5 best reads and Khaled Hosseini has now become one of my favorite authors.

message 27: by Lynne (last edited Oct 04, 2013 09:54AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lynne King Lucy, What an absolutely splendid review of this book that I also loved and so good to see that 535 individuals thought the same as me.


Ridha What a great review! I love these book so much & the other book, And The Mountains Echoed I have ordered. I am very excited!

message 29: by Khan (new)

Khan Lucy u ruined the suspense i was still reading the book

Saumya Srivastava Am I the only one who liked A thousand Splendid Suns more than the kite runner?

Ridha @sumya nope i loved this book more as well!

Vicar Sayeedi I think it's probably my favorite book of all.

message 33: by Lela (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lela I'm one of the Kite Runner #1 folks.

filecc I liked so much your review! Thank you :)

message 35: by Asma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Asma Bbl I haven't read the book yet it seemed depressing but after readind your review I think I will give it a try I didn't finish reading all the review though I didn't want to spoil the excitement thanks :)

message 36: by Lela (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lela I just reread your review & all the comments. Kite Runner has to remain my favorite as I remember so much of it - scenes and words spoken stay though it has been years. But Thousand Suns is a magnificent book and one all non Middle Easterners should read. It explains, or rather, illuminates so much. Khalid is such a clear, lyrical writer, I was not put off by the anger, fear and brutality. Your review captures the sad hopefulness found in that country and pays homage to the loveliness of human connection. Wonderful!

"Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their oneness with the Universe, when they realize it is really everywhere, it is within each one of us." Black Elk

message 37: by Raja (new) - rated it 5 stars

Raja Izdi Great review !
Hosseini gave me the opportunity to discover a part of the world, that I can't reach by myself, trough his novel "A thousand splendid suns". As I read the comments, I've been convinced that "the kite runner" will be another triumph that I should read..

Sadat hi dear raja. I believe that, this roman can't give u, a very good view about this country, because it's a part of that. yes, war is terrible. The situation of women is bad some times but this country has many values, many people are religious but no completely strict or without feeling. they've got old culture which they are true and good.:-D

Ellen Klock You said it all so beautifully. I listened to this book on tape (I was sitting in my driveway listening so long that I had to call AAA to have my battery jumped) and it continues to haunt me.

The continued harsh treatment of women throughout the world, even in the twenty first century, needs to be told over and over again. Khalid did an excellent job in getting the word out without being preachy.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

message 40: by Buse (new) - rated it 5 stars

Buse Bu kitabı çok sevdim çünkü gerçek olaylara birçok insanın gözünden bakma fırsatı buldum. Özellikle Afganistanın siyasi karışıklığının yanında sosyal hayattada bir o kadar karışık olduğu başarılı bir şekilde işlenmiş.Okurken çok etkilendiğim yerlenden biri meryemin annesinin intihar etmesi oldu.Hiç beklenmedik bir anda hiç beklenmedik kötü veya iyi sürprizlerle karşılaştım.Kitap beni heyecanlandırmakla beraber bambaşka bir dünyanın olduğunuda bana gösterdi.Herkese tavsiye ederim.

message 41: by Buse (new) - rated it 5 stars

Buse Bu kitabı çok sevdim çünkü gerçek olaylara birçok insanın gözünden bakma fırsatı buldum.Özellikle Afganistanın siyasi karışıklığının yanında sosyal hayattada bir o kadar karışık olduğu başarılı bir şekilde işlenmiş.Okurken çok etkilendiğim yerlenden biri meryemin annesinin intihar etmesi oldu.Hiç beklenmedik bir anda hiç beklenmedik kötü veya iyi sürprizlerle karşılaştım.Kitap beni heyecanlandırmakla beraber bambaşka bir dünyanın olduğunuda bana gösterdi.Herkese tavsiye ederim

starlight sparkle read it its awsome

Arangi Harvey Absolutely perfect review! This book will stay with me forever.

Elizabeth A magnificent book. I couldn"t put it down...

message 45: by William (new)

William What a wonderful review, Thank you. Misty here just from your review. So much cruelty in the world, mostly by men. “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” - Charles de Gaulle

Annesha Saha My best friend recommended this book ..and I had been putting it off for some months. But then I decide that I would give this a try. No book has affected me this much. Emotionally..i was drained. This is one of my favourites yet.

Charles E Lapointe This was a surprisingly good read!

Rachel Appelbaum This book was absolutely outstanding. It gives you a view of the world that you have never seen before. It takes you on an emotional roller coaster that you don’t want to get off of. It is sometimes very sad, but it’s worth it. The content is sometimes a bit disturbing, so I don’t recommend this book to younger readers. There is never a dull moment, you are always wanting more. This book is one of the best books I have ever read and I highly recommend it.

message 49: by Ruci (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ruci Tukana Yes Lucy I would agree with you. Hosseini is a great writer and though I find this book depressing, I am still content that love conquers all.
Nana' love to Miriam , Miriam's love to the 2 children, Laila's love for Miriam, Aziza's love for Miriam and Tariq's love for Miriam.
Miriam faces the ruthless claws of the Sharia Law but she died happily knowing Laila & her children love her much.

message 50: by Nokwanda (new) - added it

Nokwanda I agree. I also read this book after hearing so much about it and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it. But oh my goodness. What and amazing story. So beautiful. I wish that we could even get the story told from the kids. But what a great story. And yes, even though there are scenes of such violence, for me what resonates most, and stayed with me, is the fight to survive that these ladies showed. The love that grows even in the harshest environment.

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