Arlene's Reviews > Gimme a Call
Gimme a Call
Gimme a Call by Mlynowski was a GREAT read that was a ton of fun! I enjoyed the book from cover to cover and could not have asked for a better plot and ending. The storyline is unique, the characters are very well developed, and as you read the book, you wonder… How is this going to resolve itself? Well, Sarah was clever and spot on with her perfect conclusion. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a break from paranorm, but still want to have some fun with a bit of suspended reality.
About the book… Devi's day is going bad, bad, bad. Her boyfriend of three years just broke up with her via voice mail and now she has no date for the Senior prom. As she listens to the message for the umpteenth time and tears slip down her cheeks, she loses grasp of her cell phone and it falls into a fountain. Well that's just dandy, the topper of her day… but wait! As she dries off her phone and starts pressing the buttons hoping it still works, she finds she can call only one number… her own. So when the phone rings, Devi from three years prior answers and the adventure begins. And boy what an adventure that turns out to be as Devi tries to recreate her past for hopefully a better future through ever changing advice.
This book gets five stars from me for many reasons. The storyline is different from the cookie cutter themes currently out there… no vamps… no weres! Yayay! The book is perfectly paced with fun adventure and constant laughs. The narrative from Devi's perspective was engaging and refreshing. And the content made me think about what I would do if I had a chance to counsel my previous self… What would I do differently? What would that advice sound like? Have more fun? Work harder to reap the benefits later? Give myself the winning lotto numbers to change my fate in life? How much am I willing to sacrifice to have a better life?
What a great book that will keep me pondering about the possibilities and what is versus what could have been. I loved it! Highly recommend this book to my fellow avid readers that are ready for a light, fun, engaging book that pushes the boundaries on reality, but delivers some valuable lessons. If I had a "phone a friend lifeline," Devi would definitely get a call from me.
About the book… Devi's day is going bad, bad, bad. Her boyfriend of three years just broke up with her via voice mail and now she has no date for the Senior prom. As she listens to the message for the umpteenth time and tears slip down her cheeks, she loses grasp of her cell phone and it falls into a fountain. Well that's just dandy, the topper of her day… but wait! As she dries off her phone and starts pressing the buttons hoping it still works, she finds she can call only one number… her own. So when the phone rings, Devi from three years prior answers and the adventure begins. And boy what an adventure that turns out to be as Devi tries to recreate her past for hopefully a better future through ever changing advice.
This book gets five stars from me for many reasons. The storyline is different from the cookie cutter themes currently out there… no vamps… no weres! Yayay! The book is perfectly paced with fun adventure and constant laughs. The narrative from Devi's perspective was engaging and refreshing. And the content made me think about what I would do if I had a chance to counsel my previous self… What would I do differently? What would that advice sound like? Have more fun? Work harder to reap the benefits later? Give myself the winning lotto numbers to change my fate in life? How much am I willing to sacrifice to have a better life?
What a great book that will keep me pondering about the possibilities and what is versus what could have been. I loved it! Highly recommend this book to my fellow avid readers that are ready for a light, fun, engaging book that pushes the boundaries on reality, but delivers some valuable lessons. If I had a "phone a friend lifeline," Devi would definitely get a call from me.
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Reading Progress
April 20, 2010
– Shelved
May 3, 2010
Started Reading
May 5, 2010
"I love it so far. Almost called into work "busy reading" today because I couldn't put it down."
May 6, 2010
"Love it so far. How is this storyline going to resolve itself? I can't figure it out. So good!"
May 6, 2010
Finished Reading
May 7, 2010
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May 7, 2010
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May 7, 2010
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March 4, 2013
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rated it 4 stars
Apr 20, 2010 12:05PM
The Pace will always be one of my fav's! I can't wait for book two already!!
This book looks cute! Can't wait to hear what you think:D
I'm okay with cliff hangers as long as the author tells a complete story and does a great job of developing the characters. The Pace did that very well. Others I've read recently... not so much.
I am looking forward to the Broken Lake. I can't wait to see how the story continues.
Is excited about this book. Thanks!
Squeeeee!!!! :)
The Broken Lake can not come fast enough!!!
K, I'm off to work ~grumbles~
Have a great day baby!
Have a good day at work. :)
I'll bring the book to our bookclub in case any of you want to read it.
I'd get it if it had something to do with warranty. But that's not the case. Neither are release dates: I can order a book on on the release day and have it delivered to my doorstep two days later. WHY CAN'T I GET ANY FREE BOOKS THEN???
I'm sorry about my rant, I'm still happy for you! *giggles*
Guess it's not a good time to tell you I won another book last night.
*runs and hides from Kim* :/
Oh and Kim I kinda know the feeling, these give-a-ways are mostly directed to the US and Canad gets very few chances plus we can't swap:(
I don't understand why they exclude other countries? Tina, I've tried the swap. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I've paid for shipping on books and never got them. I think the paperbackswap site is better, but you still never know the condiction of the books you'll get.
@ Tina: Aw, I'm sorry. We should make our own Belgian/Canadian site. how does sound?
Swapping is not an option for me, shipping costs an arm and a leg around here, it's ridiculous.
Haha Kim, muchbetterreads sounds good:D It's no biggy I guess, I mean they are A LOT of books out and still not enough time to read them all.
(time for some food and then some *shivers* ironing)
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