emma's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: 1-and-a-half-stars, nope, unpopular-opinion, dystopian, sci-fi, ya, reviewed, project-review-everything

the fact of the matter and the unfortunate truth is that this book, in my humble opinion, sucks.

remember in the late 2000s and early 2010s when, if you wanted to read newish YA, your choices were dystopian books about chosen one characters who weren't like other girls and...paranormal romance books about chosen one characters who weren't like other girls?

this managed to transcend that by making the same apply to boys, and also being worse.

this was a snoozefest, the characters were horrible to be around even on the page, and the slang is annoying and dumb. the attempt at A Moral Or Lesson About Society™️ that every single book had to include was so lame. having your protagonist just remember stuff instead of learn it is such a boring, fun-sucking choice that i cannot believe any author would even consider it, let alone rely on it this hard.

i read this book 6 years ago and i still have it in me to get angry about how dumb i think it is.

that says a lot, to be honest. i can't remember the details of books i read last week.

part of a series i'm doing in which i get mad for no reason review books i read a long time ago
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July 7, 2014 – Shelved
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January 31, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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Lune Same… this trope gave me trust issues when it comes to fantasy books like 8/10 of the time they’re like this :(

message 2: by Wowcoolbanana (new)

Wowcoolbanana Gosh, I hated this book so much. My least favorite thing for books to do has to be withhold information for the sake of the plot, and this book was full of that.

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) I completely agree though the movie for some reason was better

Sarah Esmae Wolfe I wonder if I would hate this if I reread it now. I DNFed the second book even back then.

sydney truth. it was so hard to get through and yet all my friends were super hype for the movie?? but we all knew the book was...yeah , and the rest of the series was a mess

message 6: by kay (new) - rated it 1 star

kay series literally sucks

Josip Jagić A lot od YA didn't age well...

message 8: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Lune wrote: "Same… this trope gave me trust issues when it comes to fantasy books like 8/10 of the time they’re like this :("


message 9: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Rae wrote: "Gosh, I hated this book so much. My least favorite thing for books to do has to be withhold information for the sake of the plot, and this book was full of that."

the plot basically WAS withholding information

message 10: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Jonathan wrote: "I completely agree though the movie for some reason was better"

not hard to do!

message 11: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Sarah wrote: "I wonder if I would hate this if I reread it now. I DNFed the second book even back then."

how i feel about shadow and bone!!

message 12: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Sydney wrote: "truth. it was so hard to get through and yet all my friends were super hype for the movie?? but we all knew the book was...yeah , and the rest of the series was a mess"

all my friends were hype for the movie too, but that was bc of dylan o'brien

message 13: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma 7 wrote: "series literally sucks"

i never made it past here

message 14: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Josip wrote: "A lot od YA didn't age well..."

true. yet i did not like this even then

message 15: by Jeff (new)

Jeff P Thanks Emma, sounds like a good one to avoid.

message 16: by Elle (new) - rated it 2 stars

Elle (ellexamines) this book does suck you're right to say it. god bless<3

message 17: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Jeff wrote: "Thanks Emma, sounds like a good one to avoid."

it is that!

message 18: by emma (new) - rated it 1 star

emma Elle wrote: "this book does suck you're right to say it. god bless<3"

god we're so good at having opinions

message 19: by lem◍nade (new)

lem◍nade I'm gonna write a book where the main character has amnesia and then as the story continues remembers more and more convenient details and the twist at the end is that he's a actually a human encyclopedia and that passages that would be helpful at the moment are automatically transferred to his memories to help him

Neila I noticed this while reading it, it kinda just got boring how much of a blank slate the main character was. he had no opinions on anything. the death of some random kid that showed up like twice was dragged so hard. and dear god teresa. her character was inconsistent and her introduction was so…

sobbing. it’s hot garbage.

message 21: by Rae (new) - rated it 1 star

Rae *in my Katniss Everdeen era* REAL!!!

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