Sean Barrs 's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: fantasy, children-of-all-ages, 5-star-reads

I’m yet to mention one of the most important characters in this series in a review. I’m, of course, talking about Severus Snape.

Severus, the unsung hero.


Severus, who sacrificed his own soul.


Severus, who loved another more than life itself.


Severus, the half-blood prince- the truth about his character was, and will likely always be, one of the most surprising twists I’ve ever read in fiction. The set up is all in this book.

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Reading Progress

June 3, 2014 – Shelved
September 7, 2015 – Shelved as: fantasy
September 7, 2015 – Shelved as: children-of-all-ages
February 13, 2016 – Shelved as: 5-star-reads

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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Waffles - Kelsey Literally after this book I was a big fan of Snape. At the end it literally broke my heart. I do like the movies, but I believe they just don't do justice to Snape like the books do.

message 2: by Lavon (new)

Lavon Youins I'm about to start an argument, Sean, but just because he did everything he did for the sake of protecting Harry and honored his mother's memory (the love of his life) didn't mean that he wasn't actively abusive towards Harry. He was. That wasn't a disguise. That was his personality, and I don't believe for a second that it wasn't a significant part himself that bullied a child, and most children.

message 3: by Jocelyn (new)

Jocelyn Always 😢😢😭😭

Lesley Dalgleish Lavon wrote: "I'm about to start an argument, Sean, but just because he did everything he did for the sake of protecting Harry and honored his mother's memory (the love of his life) didn't mean that he wasn't ac..."

I've always (get it) thought this too.

.•*¨*• ☼ marie ☼ .•*¨*• Lavon wrote: "I'm about to start an argument, Sean, but just because he did everything he did for the sake of protecting Harry and honored his mother's memory (the love of his life) didn't mean that he wasn't ac..."

Yes, and also I wouldn't call someone being obsessed with a dead person who ended the friendship with him and didn't speak to for like 7 years before her death, who was also married with a child, "true love"... that's just creepy

Erin *Proud Book Hoarder* Snape was always my favorite character too - he had dark sides but that made him more realistic. I think the bitterness twisted him. On the contrary to some other opinions, I found the dedication and loyalty to a woman he truly loved refreshing. Sometimes love does last, even if that ends up being tragic.

Sean Barrs Erin ☕ *Proud Book Hoarder* wrote: "Snape was always my favorite character too - he had dark sides but that made him more realistic. I think the bitterness twisted him. On the contrary to some other opinions, I found the dedication a..."

Me too. It was undeniably true love. Snape's dark side only bespeaks it more. Imagine how he must felt all these years- dead inside and truly depressed. We can't walk in the light and deal with such emotions.

Sean Barrs marie wrote: "Lavon wrote: "I'm about to start an argument, Sean, but just because he did everything he did for the sake of protecting Harry and honored his mother's memory (the love of his life) didn't mean tha..."

Or is it devotion?

Sean Barrs Lavon wrote: "I'm about to start an argument, Sean, but just because he did everything he did for the sake of protecting Harry and honored his mother's memory (the love of his life) didn't mean that he wasn't ac..."

It's true. He was far from perfect, and he was never a nice guy, but he was still a hero in the end.

message 10: by Joseph (new)

Joseph The thing I really like about Snape is that he seems to be the only character in the entire series who chose which side of the conflict to support, even if he did so for reasons that were suspect at best -- everybody else, for better or for worse, was at birth issued either a white hat or a black hat and just stuck with it.

Mehrnaz you wrote about him what he deserves. I loved him from the first book. I don't know why but I somehow could feel the pain he was feeling inside...

sparrow spoiler much?

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)


message 14: by Judy (new)

Judy Parrish Love these GIF reviews!!!

message 15: by Christine (new) - added it

Christine Thank you so much for spoiling the last book 👍

.macie /Hermione are you a slitherin or what

Ilona Liu Snape is the only character that I love in this series. Period.

Akash De Fonseka Aaaand, you have just dropped a major spoiler, without even MENTIONING "Spoiler Alert". I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!

message 19: by Lila (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lila *sings harry potter puppet song thingy* Snape, Snape, Severus Snape

Snape is amazing !!!!

Kendall Hurley i wont ever understand how anyone feels sympathetic for him

message 21: by Tia (new)

Tia not the snape sympathizers...

investor.of.the.century.aka.kaz.brekker Neville Longbottom's parents were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. But do you know what his biggest fear was? Severus Snape. James Potter was the mom friend and if hedecided that someone deserved to be bullied they god damn did. MARAUDERS SUPREMACY!!!!!

message 23: by Nona (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nona Yeah, no, he's an abusive creep. Nothing can redeem that.

message 24: by fifi ☆ (new)

fifi ☆ ummm...yall okay. snape abused a bunch of kids just bc he couldn’t get with their friends mom.

message 25: by Jude (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jude Harris despite the disagreements, i agree with the this review. snape really did have to sacrifice so much, as shown. i'm not even going to lie, i've written multiple letters to jk rowling requesting snares pov on the series. i think i would provide a more intriguing aspect to the series and frankly, would put a stop to the snape shaming.

Ptera Hunter I agree. Definitely my most beloved character in the books.

Rachel Willis I agree. I don't think people realize Snape has to act the way he does because otherwise Voldemort would never have accepted him back into the fold upon his return. Do I think sometimes Snape's own flaws influence his behavior? Of course, but to treat Harry or Neville any differently than he did would betray his true allegiance. Dumbledore knows Voldemort will return, and he knows Snape must play his role flawlessly to have any chance of getting back into Voldemort's circle when he does return. Snape is the saddest character because he can never have friends (other than Dumbledore). He must continue to bully and alienate those around him because to do otherwise would betray his mission.

Audrey Kepple Very true. Snape is and always will be my favorite character in the books. He is one of the bravest and is yet the most complex character JK Rowling created, and Voldemort could not have been defeated without him.

Sarina_m96 "And my soul, Dumbledore? Mine?"

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