Annet's Reviews > Oracle Night

Oracle Night by Paul Auster
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bookshelves: new-york, literature-pure, dark, crime, weird, beautiful-poetic, age-ing, hope, family-ties, wisdom-philosophical

I had been sick for a long time. When the day came for me to leave the hospital, I barely knew how to walk anymore, could barely remember who I was supposed to be....

One of the best Austers I've read, seriously.
Auster, you love him or you hate him. I've struggled with his books, but always ended up fascinated.
Auster writes brooding stories, there's always something below the surface and to find out what's going on is a challenge....This is a brooding story too, it was a smooth read for me, enjoyed every moment of it. Brooding, fascinating, intriguing, loving & sad. Fantastic story, really. Auster uses storylines within the main story, by way of footer notes in small print. Yes, it worked for me. And again, I love Auster's usual setting, New York, Brooklyn. The main character in the book Sidney Orr, walks the streets of New York, recovering from a serious illness. I can see, smell and feel New York.... one of my favorite cities in the world.... Auster always knows how to describe it just in the right way.... Loved it. 4.5 stars, maybe five. It's a story that lingers in the back of your head....

The story in short: "Several months into his recovery from a near-fatal illness 34-old novelist Sidney Orr enters a stationery shop in Brooklyn and buys a blue notebook. For the next 9 days Orr will live under the spell of this blue book, trapped inside a world of eerie premonitions and bewildering events that threaten to destroy his marriage and undermine his faith in reality..."
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Reading Progress

May 3, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
May 3, 2014 – Shelved
January 15, 2017 – Started Reading
February 5, 2017 –
page 24
February 11, 2017 –
page 52
February 11, 2017 –
page 96
February 12, 2017 –
page 170
69.39% "I always think... you either lover Paul Auster or you don't. I've always been fascinated by his work. This book.... Oracle highly fascinating and a great read. Never read through an Auster so quickly I think... And I love it that most of his stories are in New York, one of my favorite cities in the world. Great book so far, grand writer."
February 16, 2017 –
page 201
February 18, 2017 – Shelved as: new-york
February 18, 2017 – Shelved as: literature-pure
February 18, 2017 – Finished Reading
February 19, 2017 – Shelved as: dark
February 19, 2017 – Shelved as: crime
February 19, 2017 – Shelved as: weird
February 19, 2017 – Shelved as: beautiful-poetic
February 23, 2017 – Shelved as: age-ing
February 23, 2017 – Shelved as: hope
August 30, 2018 – Shelved as: family-ties
March 15, 2019 – Shelved as: wisdom-philosophical

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Paula (new)

Paula K Lovely review, Paromjit.

message 2: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Great review, Annet!

Andi Excellent review!

Annet Thanks Andi. Paul Auster has always been a writer people love or hate. I love his writing, although tough reading sometimes...

message 5: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Wonderful review, Annet! I really need to read more of his books, so hard to pick one!

Annet I would recommend Brooklyn Follies Cheri!

message 7: by Laysee (new)

Laysee Annet, great to know I’m not the only reader who struggles with Auster’s writing. You’re right about readers either loving or hating him. Thanks for this splendid review. One for me to consider reading in future.

Annet Basically, I love Paul Auster. One of my favorite writers. Always intriguing stories, great writing, great atmosphere.... Although I'm sometimes in the dark as to his stories :-)
Thanks Laysee!

message 9: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Thanks for an enticing review, Annet. Auster is an author I haven't read, but want to explore.

Annet A tough one, but so worth it to explore, Auster :-) Happy weekend Barbara!

message 11: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Annet wrote: "A tough one, but so worth it to explore, Auster :-) Happy weekend Barbara!"

Thanks, Annet - you too.

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