Julia's Reviews > Fun With Dick and Shane

Fun With Dick and Shane by Gillibran Brown
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it was amazing
bookshelves: m-m, mmm

Well, that was unexpected in the best way. I'm not much into biographies. It's just not how I'm built. But I was in the midst of a book slump and a good friend recommended this little gem. I was a little hesitant because as a mom of two, I am seriously annoyed by tantrums and I knew from reviews Gilli is the young king of them. What I didn't expect was to be completely enamored by Gilli. By the 24% mark I had shed tears twice and I, too, became wrapped around Gilli's finger. As many have mentioned, his antics are absolutely hilarious. And I wanted to tape his mouth shut on so many occasions, but I think it was his honesty and insecurity that drew me in. There's something about someone else laying themselves bare that makes them irresistible to me. I know some people see books about ménage, domestic discipline, or D/b relationships and think they know exactly what it will be like. I think this book seriously breaks those stereotypes.
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Reading Progress

March 21, 2014 – Started Reading
March 21, 2014 – Shelved
March 22, 2014 – Finished Reading
March 24, 2014 – Shelved as: m-m
March 24, 2014 – Shelved as: mmm

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Vivian Love this series!

Julia I was so surprised by it. It was great!

Vivian Yay! Enjoy the rest of the Gilli ride :)

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) If you think you've shed tears in this one, wait until you get further in the series. I echo Vivian, one of my favorite series!

message 5: by Ingie (new)

Ingie Maybe not for me but your review is great. :)

Bree Cheese YAY!!!!!!!!!! I did good in recommending it to you *pats myself on the back.* Gilli is so easy to love, huh? You HAVE to read the rest of the series the last book is really great too. I don't have anymore to lend though, sadly, I bought the others from another site.

Vivian Good job, Bree--wondering who the smart cookie was :)

Julia Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "If you think you've shed tears in this one, wait until you get further in the series. "

The tears took me by surprise, but how could you not feel for Gilli? Looking forward to reading the rest. :)

Julia Bree Cheese wrote: "YAY!!!!!!!!!! I did good in recommending it to you *pats myself on the back.* Gilli is so easy to love, huh? You HAVE to read the rest of the series the last book is really great too. I don't ha..."

You did good, sister! It was just what I needed. I'll definitely be checking out the others.

Bree Cheese Julia wrote: "You did good, sister! It was just what I needed. I'll definitely be checking out the others.."

I knew if nothing else, this book would make you smile. Sorry that a few tears slipped out too!

Bree Cheese Vivian wrote: "Good job, Bree--wondering who the smart cookie was :)"

Poor Julia seemed so sad on my thread, so I sent her the power of Gilli to make it all better, ha.

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