Gary 's Reviews > The Woods Are Dark

The Woods Are Dark by Richard Laymon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: horror

I have to admit Laymon is my favorite horror author. He was such a master at his craft and what he does he does with relish. This novel is no exception. Atmospherics and edginess always play a huge role in Laymon's books and he has some unique tricks in his bag that never seem to fail for me.
Granted, after reading a few of his novels an astute reader recognizes plot devices that are being reused, albeit some shifting and name changing, but if you liked them the first time you will enjoy them the second.
The way out in the woods for a while vibe is one of his time tried and proven techniques for building suspense. Even as innocent (or not so innocent) characters are bathing in a far out of the way locale you feel as if they are being watched. Of course they are. The writer makes me feel as if I am also.
This is a great read to start Laymon with. He is at his best here. My one regret was that Laymon had passed away by the time I began reading his books and I knew I was on a limited count down of supply.
The Woods are dark was one of his books I reread and I am rarely a rereader.
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Started Reading
March 14, 2004 – Finished Reading
January 16, 2014 – Shelved
January 20, 2014 – Shelved as: horror

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Addy Laymon is prob one of my all time horror favorites as well. If you ever wanna buddy read one with me, let me know. I have like 6 or 7 i still need to read.

Gary Sounds like a great idea. Let's see which ones we have yet to read.

message 3: by Angie (new) - added it

Angie That sounds like a great idea, I'd be up for doing another Laymon buddy read with you guys:-)

Gary We just started today with Darkness Tell Us. There is a section in the group Horror Aficionados. I read the first four chapters today. Have you read it yet?

message 5: by Angie (new) - added it

Angie I'll look that up now, I've got quite a collection of his books now!

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