Mitchel Broussard's Reviews > The Scorch Trials

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
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bookshelves: dystopia, science-fiction, ya-fiction

** spoiler alert ** Okay first Mockingjay and now this? What is going on? I honestly can't even put into words what I felt so lacking in this installment, but I just felt so bored the entire time. Where the first book was so insanely mysterious and really baited you along in finding out what was going on, I feel like I don't want to know what's going on anymore.

What seems to be really going on is getting SO annoying. WICKED is evil. But then they save Thomas. But then they get his girlfriend to curb stomp his head in. Then they save them in the end. Then they betray them again. EXACTLY like the ending of book one. It just felt so repetitive by the end, and Thomas's endless "Oh Teresa I love you, wait I hate you, wait where's Brenda I miss her" became grating on my nerves.

I don't even feel like overlaying the plot. It gives away way too much way too soon, you know exactly where they are and where they need to go very early on, losing that first book mystery and charm within 100 pages.

I wanted to love this. You guys know that The Maze Runner holds a special place in my dystopian heart. I just.. can't. It evolves on the overall mystery, but I just feel that there isn't much to find out anymore. We know Thomas and Teresa helped WICKED out. They want to know why. Um.. because they're trying to save the world? Isn't that obvious? Yeah the methods are unorthodox, I just wanted to kinda yell at the characters sometimes at how idiotic they sounded.

And there's just not enough answers (that I also feel may NEVER get answered, for some reason). Like what the hell were those metal balls that decapitated people? Or that room that Teresa threw Tom in in that cave that gassed him to health? Or those creatures lacking mouths, eyes, ears and any orifices, but with glowing orange bulbs all over their body? I almost feel like I want answers less to the big questions, but more to these really really odd occurrences.

And then there's the new Group B of girls that we learn have to kill Thomas. But change their mind. And a new kid Aris (who was with Group B in their Maze) seems to be touchy-touchy with Teresa. But turns out they really... aren't. I think. And Thomas and the Gladers group up with Brenda and Jorge, Cranks they met in a huge old city and who help them along. But Brenda turns out to be a mind reader/talker person, too. So that means I can't trust her anymore? I... guess.

TO MUCH, man. It bordered on contradictory most of the time and hit frustrating all the time.

Let's hope The Death Cure helps me fall back in love with the series. I have this hunch that they're gonna throw them back in the Maze. Or a new Maze. I dunno. It's probably me just wanting to go back there, it was so brilliantly realized and it's own character. The Scorch, on the other hand, besides creepy lightning storms... *yawn*
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Reading Progress

December 21, 2009 – Shelved
January 28, 2010 – Shelved as: dystopia
January 28, 2010 – Shelved as: science-fiction
January 28, 2010 – Shelved as: ya-fiction
October 25, 2010 – Started Reading
October 26, 2010 –
page 68
October 27, 2010 –
page 202
October 30, 2010 –
page 360
99.45% "umm... what?"
October 30, 2010 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Aaron Vincent (new)

Aaron Vincent I really got high hopes for this one but the "companion" thing worries me.

Joan Please keep your language's really immature to talk that way.

message 3: by Johnathan (new)

Johnathan Maultsby Haha "Joan" Wow. :)
Anyways I hope it is good like the first one. I'm just really really nervous.

message 4: by J. (new)

J. It is definitely a sequel, and it's great!

message 5: by Michael (new)

Michael Yay for finally getting a chance to read it! :D

message 6: by Mitchel (last edited Oct 26, 2010 12:52PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mitchel Broussard I know! it's great already. haha i just realized this is the review that that woman said i shouldnt curse on. awesome.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

'bout time. ;)

message 8: by Michael (new)

Michael Yeah, god, you immature POS. (:

Mitchel Broussard i rem discovering that like months later and being like "wtf is she serious right now?"

and go blow a chainsaw, nic.

message 10: by Seth (new) - rated it 5 stars

Seth I liked it a lot better than MockingJay. Haha. That is all.

message 11: by Jhaide (new) - added it

Jhaide I feel like majority series' the second book is always the filler book. Like it just crams information and sometimes pointless things into one book just so that in the third book there's more to look forward to or it makes more sense and becomes less annoying and you're just like "oh I get why that book exists now." But I haven't read it yet and it's driving me bonkers to figure out how it's gonna go. But I feel like I have an idea of how it's gonna go...

Maddie Reynolds I would like to ad that The Maze Runner series was written before the Hunger Games was so it's not as justly comparable to Mockingjay

buppyspek Your review illustrates exactly how I feel about The Scorch Trials. I almost didn't even finish it. I had a really hard time suspending my disbelief.

message 14: by Monique (new) - added it

Monique Kempen-bruls You so right! I read the first book and it was boring but I read through it....but the second is know!

Geoff This book was amazing!

message 16: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Fletcher I didn't think the author did a very good job of building off momentum from the first book. The plot of this book was stupid and unnecessary. The introduction of the new characters pissed me off. The love/hate relationship with Teresa and Tom was quite a bit over the top. I hope he sticks with Brenda because I feel that would save a lot of drama. There was too much dead space in the novel where all that seemed was happening was walking and thinking about the betrayal. I also hope the Death Cure can help me enjoy the series again. I also feel you made a great comparison to Mockingjay in the unenjoyability of this novel.I would not really recommend this to a friend and I hope they don't make this into a movie.

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