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Henry Avila's Reviews > Bleak House

Bleak House by Charles Dickens
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Is a lawsuit justice, when it goes on and on ....and on, seemingly in perpetuity ? In Bleak House located in the countryside outside of London, that is the center of the story, years pass too many to count, the lawyers are happy the employed judges likewise ; the litigants not... money is sucked dry from their vampires whose fangs are biting hard, the flesh weakens and the victims blood flows , ( cash ) evaporates and soon nothing is left but the corpses... the gorged lawyers are full until the next too trusting suckers walk by . In the case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce the quite unimportant truth be told, little known except to those who are very sadly...
involved in the Court of Chancery, notorious well renowned for its slow pace ZZZ... The court clerks, audiences or should I say spectators, and even the attorneys are amused, laughter frequently heard, not a surprise this British institution no longer exists... Esther Summerson is a typical orphan in another Charles Dickens book raised by a cold woman, (and others previously of the same type) that calls herself the child's godmother, Miss Barbary, with a mysterious background too somehow connected to the young girl but how... Often telling the unloved Esther it would have been better for all , if she had never lived. Nevertheless this enigma which the few people in contact with Summerson, maybe that name is really hers , none will discuss with the teenager. The unfriendly lady keeps the puzzle a puzzle, from the past... she won't reveal who the Miss is, the old woman Barbary can keep a dark secret. Sent to a girls boarding school later, Esther bills are paid by an extraordinary kindly gentleman John Jarndyce, yes the man unwillingly entangled in the detestable lawsuit ( like many others) started by his uncle, ironically deceased still he inherited the case. Soon the courts give custody to him his two distant cousins, orphans, there are many in Victorian England, set circa the 1830's before the railroads made travel easy. Richard Carstone an amiable but lazy boy and the beautiful loyal Ada Clare, they are also distant relatives. Bleak House Mr. Jarndyce home is not empty any more, to this rather gloomy place arrives another ward of the court Esther, their guardian is the bright spot, strangely she has somehow a relationship to the suit also. The three become quick friends all around 17. Richard and Ada fall in love, Esther is their best friend. Sir Leicester Dedlock, the arrogant Baronet (get the symbolism) is a party in the suit, his haughty wife Honoria, pretty and intimidating but there is something not quite clear there. The family lawyer Mr. Tulkinghorn, has unseen power over the proud aristocrats, he is a very capable man yet somewhat soft spoken and very quiet for his noisy profession...
...but what is it ? And the Inspector Mr. Bucket of the London police he never seems to sleep... hovering over everyone, especially the notorious underworld criminals of...
the entire city, solving crimes...One of Dickens best novels and I've read ten so far..The opening scene a description of London's famous bad weather is priceless, nobody could have done it better...
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October 31, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
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December 31, 2017 – Started Reading
January 19, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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Kalliope My favourite Dickens for the moment.

message 2: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Mine too:-)

Henry Avila Kalliope wrote: "My favourite Dickens for the moment."

It is a tremendous story , very well written, still have a few more books of the writer's to read to know for sure...

Henry Avila Fionnuala wrote: "Mine too:-)"

Yes the beginning pages are a classic, that only the great author could have written...

Luvtoread (Trying to catch up) Very nice review Henry!

Michael Wonderful review, Henry! This is one of my favorites, as well. A real masterpiece. And yes, that opening scene is so good I find myself re-reading it often, just to envelop myself in that miracle of words.

Henry Avila Luvtoread wrote: "Very nice review Henry!"

Thank you very much.

Henry Avila Michael wrote: "Wonderful review, Henry! This is one of my favorites, as well. A real masterpiece. And yes, that opening scene is so good I find myself re-reading it often, just to envelop myself in that miracle o..." It is indeed one of the best novels Dickens ever wrote, and of course the beginning is breathtaking...

Kalliope Henry, this is not an easy novel to encapsulate as you always do --reviews with a signature, yours are --. You have done a splendid job with this one.

message 10: by Claudia (new) - added it

Claudia Turner I love Dickens, and I remember enjoying the show for this one. I’ll have to read this soon.

Michael Perkins Just finished it. It's his best novel.

Henry Avila Kalliope wrote: "Henry, this is not an easy novel to encapsulate as you always do --reviews with a signature, yours are --. You have done a splendid job with this one."You made my day thank you.

Henry Avila Marita wrote: "Nicely done, Henry. Kalliope is right - you have a distinctive style."Likewise I thank you too, this great book was very interesting to read.

message 14: by Henry (last edited Jan 20, 2018 04:45PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila Claudia wrote: "I love Dickens, and I remember enjoying the show for this one. I’ll have to read this soon."I think you will like it very much.I did...

Henry Avila Michael wrote: "Just finished it. It's his best novel."He wrote so many great books...David Copperfield, Great Expectations , The Pickwick Papers, A Tale of Two's hard to choose.I liked all this author's novels I've read.

Michael Perkins Yes, read most of those. Little Dorrit is another favorite.

Henry Avila Will be my next Dickens book.

message 18: by Dolors (new) - added it

Dolors Dickens never disappoints... I still have to read this one, thanks for pointing it in my direcation Henry!

Henry Avila You are certainly welcome Dolors, this writer is what most people think first about , when discussing English authors...

message 20: by Agnieszka (new) - added it

Agnieszka Great review, Henry and good reminder that I should finally dust off my copy of Bleak House.

Henry Avila It is a great book to get engrossed in. Such a marvelous writer Dickens was.

message 22: by Tara (new)

Tara Great review, Henry! This is probably my favorite Dickens; you summarized it well :)

Henry Avila Thank you, Tara. It is hard to choose which is the best of many.

message 24: by James (new)

James McCormick Great review Henry.
I have to read more Dickens!!!
I read Great Expectations and Dombey and Son last year- I'll make sure this is the next one I get to

Henry Avila I love Dickens, such a great writer, a person can enter his world and forget about the real one ....for a short time, James.

message 26: by James (new)

James McCormick I forgot to say I watched a play a couple of weeks ago, 4 Victorian ghost stories narrated by an alehouse keeper - the audience were the customers- "The Signalman" was one of them

Henry Avila Sounds like a refreshing good time, James.

message 28: by Arah-Lynda (new) - added it

Arah-Lynda Not sure how I missed this one Henry but I sure am glad I sussed it out. You have outdone yourself with this exquisitely compelling review. Thank you.

Henry Avila Thank you, this is an excellent book.

Ellen Lovely review, Henry. This is my favorite Dickens. Love the way the opening, without verbs, sets the stage for the paralysis of the novel, with the characters caught in the endless court case.

message 31: by Henry (last edited Sep 04, 2018 12:03AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila The opening is not only a classic, but an amazing piece of work... art is the word for it, Ellie and thank you.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes yes.Super grotesque descriptions of places Bleak as life, as London fog, aspeople's interior

Henry Avila INDEED...

Chris Wonderful review. This is my favorite of Dickens of those that I have read.

Henry Avila A superior book by a superior writer...

Kenny This is a fantastic review. I'm starting this December 1 as part of my annual Dickens in December read.

Henry Avila I think you will lke it...thank you.

Kenny Henry wrote: "I think you will lke it...thank you."

I loved it.

Henry Avila That is good.

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