Brandi's Reviews > Parasite

Parasite by Mira Grant
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did not like it
bookshelves: cant-bear-to-finish

Gave up at 37% because this was terrible.

It's because of my sick fascination with this type of thing that I bought this book instead of getting it from the library. I have a love/hate relationship with knowing about parasites, and other creepiness that can gross me out, so I expected to love this book on the merit that it would have me completely freaked out. Nope. BORING.

It was so obvious what was going on with her (though I admit I hadn't thought that for Sherman - I skimmed to the end once I was done with forcing myself to read it), but that was only part of my annoyance. She used some nice language but didn't know 'dork'?! The whole I-don't-know-slang-even-though-it's-been-six-years was a bunch of bullshit I thought.

I also didn't fully buy her fear of driving. She remembered absolutely nothing before waking up in the hospital, but somehow that fear manifested?

I didn't need the descriptors for dog behavior either (reading those bits made me think of a word count to meet), but beyond that I thought the writing itself was pretty dry and really fucking boring.

I've read Feed and actually liked it pretty well, even though I'm not a big zombie fan, but these two books feel as though they weren't even written by the same person. I'm going to assume this book is a "it's not you, it's me" issue though, but damn... I really wish I'd kept my $9.
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Reading Progress

October 30, 2013 – Started Reading
October 30, 2013 – Shelved
October 30, 2013 –
7.0% "This is awkward."
October 30, 2013 –
21.0% "It's a bit annoying that she can describe the jogger's attack but not see how hers was the same (since she knows what happened)."
October 31, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Lol! It actually picks up after than 33% mark, but I can understand if you want to give up. Sally's rather annoying.

message 2: by Tandie (new)

Tandie Discovery Channel and NatGeo have completely traumatized me. I just can't pick up a parasite book, I've seen to much real life horror.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Tandie wrote: "Discovery Channel and NatGeo have completely traumatized me. I just can't pick up a parasite book, I've seen to much real life horror."

I was going to insert a horrible picture, but I'm not Andrea.

message 4: by Tandie (new)

Tandie Don't! Please! They stay burned in my mind. You know my eyeball gore aversion? One of my friends posted a picture on my FB page of an eyeball with a fishhook in it. Every time someone commented, it popped to the top of my feed again! If my eyeball got fish hooked, I'd have to be sedated or I'd lose my sanity. Ditto for some of the parasites from the African rain forest. She could see her skin moving! Vomit.

Dear Faye Sorry to see you didn't like it, but I understand... it does take a long time for it to really pick up ahaha

Brandi I wrote up a little blurb finally. I read a bit of the action parts since I skipped ahead to read the last page (I stopped at one chapter near the middle), but it wasn't enough to make me want to keep trudging through.

I really need a famazing book soon though because this is getting depressing.

Scarlet I found this boring too. For a blurb that promised a freak-show, the book was very uneventful. People just kept talking and talking and talking and even then, it took Sally forever to figure things out :/

You say Feed is better? Maybe I should give it a go.

Brandi Feed wasn't for everyone though. I liked the formatting, but it's chapters are done in the form of blog posts, and the characters are on a political campaign trail. I enjoyed it, but the second book made me super pissed and I haven't felt inclined to read the last one in the trilogy at all. :/

Scarlet Damn. Series that start off great, then go kaput are the worst :/

message 10: by C.J. (new) - rated it 1 star

C.J. Ruby I felt the same way.

Brandi Such a disappointment.

Lilac I agree so much. The fact that people liked this book astounds me.

Brandi It's nice not being alone in our hate, isn't it? LOL!

Michael Foster I thought the first half was OK, but when Nathan and Sal met Dr. Cale, it quickly went south into a stereotypically bad 1970s made-for-TV horror movie. When did we become four-year-olds that have to have the same story told to us over and over again? A typical zombie story with mad scientists and evil capitalists, with gay characters to make it "relevant and current" (except they are the first to die?!). I'm not sure how this rates being nominated for the Hugo Award.

Brandi Agreed!

message 16: by Ami (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ami I gave up precisely at 37% as well. Weird.

message 17: by Carin (new)

Carin Agreed. Boring, annoying and badly written.

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