Amy | Foxy Blogs's Reviews > Driven

Driven by K. Bromberg
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bookshelves: lendable, free-e-book, 2013-books, buddy-reads

*4.5 Racing Stars*

Before I started reading Driven I had heard people comparing it to Fifty Shades of Grey. I can see some similarities but to me it felt more like Bared to You. There were some cheesy lines like: "Me playing Ana to his Christian." Either way this book holds its own in entertaining the readers.

Colton is the bad boy with a sordid past. He's a famous racecar driver who has commitment issues. Reylee is the 'do-gooder' with a tragic past. These two are drawn to each other even though they feel like they are all wrong for one another.

This is the third book this week that I've read that has a major cliffhanger and the series isn't complete. I think I'm glutton for punishment.

Driven (The Driven Trilogy, #1) by K. Bromberg Fueled (The Driven Trilogy, #2) by K. Bromberg Crashed (The Driven Trilogy, #3) by K. Bromberg
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Reading Progress

September 8, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
September 8, 2013 – Shelved
September 8, 2013 – Shelved as: lendable
September 8, 2013 – Shelved as: free-e-book
September 10, 2013 – Started Reading
September 10, 2013 –
15.0% ""I think I'll enjoy working with someone as passionate and responsive as I found you to be on Saturday night."

September 10, 2013 –
28.0% ""Oh, and Ryles, just so you know, that wasn't a warning, sweetheart. That was a promise."

September 10, 2013 –
32.0% ""It's just- I am just overwhelmed with everything."

September 11, 2013 –
39.0% ""Don't worry, Sam, I'm not with him."


Love the club scene"
September 11, 2013 –
53.0% "Text msg: My love is like Whoa (by Mya). I'll be waiting for you at six.

September 11, 2013 –
69.0% ""I deserve more than this and so do you."

September 11, 2013 –
74.0% "OOOH!!! Dissed by his sister!

September 11, 2013 –
81.0% ""And I owe you one."


Can only imagine how Colton is going to collect on that!!"
September 11, 2013 – Finished Reading
September 12, 2013 – Shelved as: 2013-books
September 12, 2013 – Shelved as: buddy-reads

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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message 1: by destini (new)

destini Great review, Amy!! x

Amy | Foxy Blogs Thank you, Destini!!! :)

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog YAY!! You liked it!!!! :)

Amy | Foxy Blogs Oh yea!! It was very entertaining! You said that book two is even better?

message 5: by Nat O (new) - added it

Nat O So NOT a fan of references to 50 shades in *other* books. Loved 50, but I hate references to it on shows and books. Too cheesy. Lovely review though!

Amy | Foxy Blogs I'm with you,Sanaa! :) Luckily it was very subtle in this book.
Thanks! ♥

message 7: by Didi (new)

Didi Haha! You need a standalone, stat!

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Yes book two was fabulous!!

message 9: by Kim (new)

Kim Bailey Gotta love/ hate those cliffhangers.

Amy | Foxy Blogs doubt, huh?! Crazy. Guess I need to research better.

Patty, yay!!! complex that love/hate relationship.

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Great review Amy!
LOL! I read book 1 thinking it have a mild cliffy... = O I am holding off until series is complete....

Amy | Foxy Blogs Thanks, SueBee! :) You were smart. Lately I've noticed I've become immune to cliffhangers.

Amy | Foxy Blogs Thank you, Sammy! :)

message 14: by Jen (new)

Jen Great review Amy! So glad to know this has a cliffhanger, will be sure to get book 2 before starting this.

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Thanks, SueBee! :) You were smart. Lately I've noticed I've become immune to cliffhangers."

Whuuut! How is that even possible!? LOL!

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ I keep hearing about this series. Though that quote doesn't really appeal to me LOL
But still sound good. Wonderful review, Amy

message 17: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • FANTASTIC review x

Amy | Foxy Blogs Jen wrote: "Great review Amy! So glad to know this has a cliffhanger, will be sure to get book 2 before starting this."

Thanks, Jen! I plan to read book 2 next week. Then I'll have to wait for book 3.

Amy | Foxy Blogs Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "I keep hearing about this series. Though that quote doesn't really appeal to me LOL
But still sound good. Wonderful review, Amy"

Thanks, Lkay! yea, that quote was too much cheese for me too! blah!

Amy | Foxy Blogs Lisa Jayne wrote: "FANTASTIC review x"

Thanks, LJ! I read a book you haven't read?! What is this world coming to?! ;)

message 21: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Lisa Jayne wrote: "FANTASTIC review x"

Thanks, LJ! I read a book you haven't read?! What is this world coming to?! ;)"

LOL too funny I'm staying away from series remember, I can't even be tempted (well maybe a little)! ❤

Amy | Foxy Blogs I know. You'll have a lot of books to catch up when you finally do decide to read all these series. LOL

message 23: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "I know. You'll have a lot of books to catch up when you finally do decide to read all these series. LOL"

Are you playing 'dirty stop up'? - (I'm hoping you use that expression stateside) it must be late your end? ❤❤

Amy | Foxy Blogs LOL...I have no clue what that expression means... sounds dirty. (plugged toilet?) ;)
It's 11:30 pm.

message 25: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "LOL...I have no clue what that expression means... sounds dirty. (plugged toilet?) ;)
It's 11:30 pm."

It means staying up late hehe oh the time difference is a lot different to Anna and Christy ... It's 7:50 here soooo we are 8 hours different ❤❤

message 26: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Ps where in the states are you? ❤

Amy | Foxy Blogs yea, I live in the pacific northwest. Oregon. So, they are 3 hours ahead of me.
8 hours is a big difference. We need one time- goodreads time zone. lol

message 28: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "yea, I live in the pacific northwest. Oregon. So, they are 3 hours ahead of me.
8 hours is a big difference. We need one time- goodreads time zone. lol"

I know and most of my friends are stateside ... I do love the states though it has a part of my heart ... I will come back over one day my dad is a travelling preacher so Ive done some visiting over there over the years! *sigh* I miss all things USA!!

Amy | Foxy Blogs That's awesome. I wonder if I've heard your father? Does he preach in the North West?
I bet he has a cool accent. I seem to pay attention better when I hear a cool accent.

message 30: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "That's awesome. I wonder if I've heard your father? Does he preach in the North West?
I bet he has a cool accent. I seem to pay attention better when I hear a cool accent."

He's not famous or anything LOL but he has travelled around Washington mainly Seattle, he has a connection with a few churches there ... ❤ I lived In Denver Colorado for a year when I finished university so I get homesick for my slice of stateside but i think if I was to choose between where Ive already been I loved Seattle ... So many places to visit stateside still ❤

Amy | Foxy Blogs Lisa Jayne wrote: "Amy (Foxy) wrote: "That's awesome. I wonder if I've heard your father? Does he preach in the North West?
I bet he has a cool accent. I seem to pay attention better when I hear a cool accent."


I'm only 5 hours from Seattle. If you do come you'll have to let me know so I can see if I can work it in my schedule.
Denver is a nice place but I don't enjoy there HUGE thunder and lightening storms when I visit my aunt.

message 32: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Lisa Jayne wrote: "Amy (Foxy) wrote: "That's awesome. I wonder if I've heard your father? Does he preach in the North West?
I bet he has a cool accent. I seem to pay attention better when I hear..."

Definitely babes ... ❤❤

Amy | Foxy Blogs Lol. Jaa Jaa, did you just "dumb ass gal"? ;).
Fun reading it with you too even though I can't keep our time difference straight.

Amy | Foxy Blogs Oh true!!! Mr. Funny Guy

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Nice review, Amy x

Amy | Foxy Blogs Thank you, Jxxx! :) Hope you enjoy it when you read it.

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