Forrest's Reviews > The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
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it was amazing

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September 3, 2013 – Shelved

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message 1: by S.E. (new)

S.E. Lindberg I assume you have seen the Gustave Dore illustrated version from the 1860's; his engraving of the Divine Comedy are amazing. Given that you like art books, you probably already know about him. If for some reason you missed must search his work:

Forrest S.E. wrote: "I assume you have seen the Gustave Dore illustrated version from the 1860's; his engraving of the Divine Comedy are amazing. Given that you like art books, you probably already know about him. If..."

Oh, yes, I know these well!

message 3: by sj (new)

sj Speaking of Doré, have you read Moers' A Wild Ride Through the Night?

Forrest sj wrote: "Speaking of Doré, have you read Moers' A Wild Ride Through the Night?"

I haven't, though I loved City of Dreaming Books.

message 5: by sj (new)

sj Forrest wrote: "I haven't, though I loved City of Dreaming Books."

Oh, it's fabulous! Moers' whimsy paired with Doré's art? I think you'd love it.

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