Capt.'s Reviews > The Marquess Wins a Wife

The Marquess Wins a Wife by Aydra Richards
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it was ok
bookshelves: asshole-male-mcs

I was ready to give this a 4-stars during the first parts. It’s a stunning read with great dialogue and plot.
Although Luke started to be some sort of rude asshole, he warmed up to me by the way he was acting with Lizzie’s younger siblings. Their bond and banter and Luke’s development was so great I thought it would continue. Not to mention that Lizzie was such a fun FMC, she kidnapped and shot Luke because of mistaken identity, then proceeded to nurse him back to health all the while the feverish Marquis was demanding retribution for being kidnapped 🤣, how can one not stan the story?

But when they returned to London, Luke became an unforgivable ass. The things he said and did, and the revelation that he is a widower who loved his wife despite said wife cheating on him, that he has the floor-length portrait of his wife decorated for all the world to see, and that he was a rake-RAKE combined it all made him insufferable with his blowing hot then cold to the point I wished Lizzie would leave him and find someone else.
He groveled but for me it wasn’t enough. Lizzie kinda gave in easily too.
I guess part of it is because of her youngest sister, Jo who is fond of Luke and wants to live with him again, but I guess I just hate it when children are used as foil for the reconciliation of the MMC who fucked up and FMC (also why I’m not a fan of surprised pregnancy).

If he groveled more, suffered more, begged more, then maybe I would have liked the book more or maybe I’m just too hard to please with men in books these days 🧍‍♀️but anyway, it is a wasted potential for me.
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Reading Progress

December 15, 2024 – Started Reading
December 15, 2024 – Shelved
December 15, 2024 – Shelved as: asshole-male-mcs
December 15, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Juniper (new)

Juniper Jo pissed me off because she showed no loyalty to her sister who had given up her whole life to take care of them. I get she’s a kid but damn, it should take more than some candies to take the side of the man who treats your sister like garbage.

Capt. Juniper wrote: "Jo pissed me off because she showed no loyalty to her sister who had given up her whole life to take care of them. I get she’s a kid but damn, it should take more than some candies to take the side..."

Right?? I was pissed off at that too because if Lizzie denied her sister the luxury that Luke can provide, she’ll be considered a bad sister so she really has no choice but to come back to him and it just sucks so bad cuz I feel like Luke hasn’t suffered enough 😕

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