Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**'s Reviews > Fueled

Fueled by K. Bromberg
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***4.5 I RACE this book hard stars***

”We’re not broken baby...we’re just bent. And bent is okay. Bent means that we’re just figuring things out.”

Talk about a 360 from the first book!! This book….this damn book had my blood racing, adrenaline pumping and heart palpitating throughout the entire angsty ride.

I saw the mixed reviews to the first book, hell I HAD mixed feelings about the first book, but I was told over and over again to hold on and push through...it’ll be worth it. Well I’m here to say…..IT’S WORTH IT! This second book was more focused, flowed better and pulled me deeper into the story from the prologue...the FUCKING PROLOGUE!!

A lot of the redundancy and circular dialogue was gone. The characters stayed true to their actions. Most of my aggravation from the first book was remedied. Don’t get me wrong, these two still had their stupid moments, but I could understand them more now. I understood Colton’s fear better. His hesitation. His reluctance. And Rylee, well she definitely did a better job grappling with her insecurities. She accepted that she needed to be the strong one in this relationship. She needed to give Colton the nurturing environment and acceptance that he craved in order to begin to address his past.

”You. This, it scares the shit out of me. I don’t know how to…I don’t know what to do…”

Little by little you watch Colton and Rylee chip away at each other’s walls. Although fears of still being thought of as an “arrangement” filter into Rylee’s thoughts and crossing paths with Colton’s previous hookups unnerve her, she holds on to her resolve to build a relationship with Colton. She rationalizes her insecurities, steps back to look at the bigger picture and draws strength from miniscule yet infinite changes that Colton shows her. Through Colton’s POV, and his actions, we see him slowly start to realize that he’s letting Rylee in, realize that he needs her…that she’s slowly healing him. He still doesn’t believe in a full recovery, but now he sees signs of hope for maybe something more than he’s had so far. Each of them giving pieces of themselves to the other. Scared like hell, but they were trying.

”Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.”

I love the way songs were interwoven into this story. Sometimes it’s hard to say what’s on your mind or in your heart and the author uses songs and their lyrics at just the right time to convey the perfect message. It could have been clichéd or overused, but each song was perfectly placed and delivered an extra layer of emotion to the scene. Sometimes a line to a song sums it up perfectly.


All this gushing and not 5 stars? Well, unfortunately two of Rylee’s actions hit on my female pet peeves…game playing and unnecessary stubbornness. The first one I could somehow wrap my mind around – it really wasn’t her idea so she’s partially excused, but her stubbornness...UH UH...NO WAY. When your heart is involved it’s hard to think rationally at times, I get that...but give a person a minute to explain if you’re angry about a situation. Be an adult. Don’t run away. Don’t ignore them...especially when they’re begging you for that opportunity to explain. GAH...I’m getting frustrated all over again.

I’m not going to touch too much on the sexual chemistry between these two in this book. I’ll just say...

This was a second book I wasn’t expecting. A depth of story I didn’t anticipate. The heartbreak and healing. The fight and surrender. At the beginning of the first book I wasn’t sure what I was in store for, and now after only finishing the second book I already know this series is going to hold a special place for me.

” I want her to own me.
Every fucking piece of me.
Game over baby.
She's my motherfucking checkered flag.”

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Reading Progress

August 26, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
August 26, 2013 – Shelved
October 27, 2014 – Started Reading
October 27, 2014 –
7.0% "What a fucking start to the second book!!! I was NOT expecting all of this! Oh Colton!!!

October 27, 2014 –
17.0% "Seriously Rylee?!? As a social worker you recognize and, more importantly, have SEEN the emotional damage of Colton's past, yet your plan of action consists of playing mind games with him?!?!?!

October 28, 2014 –
40.0% ""I want you thinking about me all night long. Where my tongue is going to lick. Where my fingers are going to grip. Where my mouth is going to taste. Where my cock is going to stroke." - - Use words I cannot.

October 28, 2014 –
99.0% "OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I've been white knuckling my Kindle for the last 15%!! I fucking race this book!!! Review to come..."
October 28, 2014 – Finished Reading
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: 4-star
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: cry-me-a-river
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: i-like-your-tats
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: i-m-broken
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: paparazzi
October 29, 2014 – Shelved as: too-hot-for-tv
February 7, 2018 – Shelved as: athletes
March 29, 2018 – Shelved as: feeeeels
September 14, 2018 – Shelved as: paperbacks

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Great review, hooker! I'm thinking I need to give this series another go now

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Fantabulous review MGirl!! I really to read this series!! xo-

message 3: by Mysza (new)

Mysza Fab review M!

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "Great review, hooker! I'm thinking I need to give this series another go now"

Thanks hooker! Oooooh, I really do think so....but I don't know if your ADD would have patience with the first book. It's a very bumpy one....even my OCD was facepalming! LOL

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Fantabulous review MGirl!! I really to read this series!! xo-"

Bahahaha Thanks Deanna!!! The first book was a little rough for me, but I couldn't put this one down!! Can't wait to hear what you think if you get around to it! :D

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Mysza wrote: "Fab review M!"

Thanks Mysza! :)

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Great review, Mirjana. Glad it was worth it! ;) xxx

Catarina Nice review, Mirjana :D

message 9: by K. (new) - rated it 4 stars

K. Great review, Mirjana! Glad to see that you're loving this series! Will read soon! :D

message 10: by Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** (last edited Oct 31, 2014 07:38AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Jxxx ♥ Pink Lady ♥ wrote: "Great review, Mirjana. Glad it was worth it! ;) xxx"

Thanks J! After my mixed feelings about the first book, this one quickly wiped the slate clean and hooked me deep!

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Catarina wrote: "Nice review, Mirjana :D"

Thank you Catarina! :)

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Karéz wrote: "Great review, Mirjana! Glad to see that you're loving this series! Will read soon! :D"

Thanks Karéz! Can't wait to hear what you think when you get around to it.

Penelope ✘ that awkward girl that doesn't go here ✘ Awesome review, Mirjana! :D Totally agree on the female pet peeves, that totally gets my blood pressure rolling. But I'm glad this one worked better for you than the first one! :D

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Penelope wrote: "Awesome review, Mirjana! :D Totally agree on the female pet peeves, that totally gets my blood pressure rolling. But I'm glad this one worked better for you than the first one! :D"

Thanks Penelope! I find more times than not, it's the heroine that ruins a book for me....not the dude. I think that's another reason why I like my M/M so much ;) LOL

~Kristin~ Great review darling!, I really enjoyed the first two books in this series!

Maida (Medley of Books) WONDERFUL review, sweets!! I've wanted to read this series for the longest time. It sounds great despite the first book being lack luster. I love it when second books don't disappoint. Happy you enjoyed this despite you being annoyed at Rylee! :D xoxoxo

Wendys Wycked Words Great review Mirjana... I really enjoyed this series ;) xoxo

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** ~Kristin~ wrote: "Great review darling!, I really enjoyed the first two books in this series!"

Thanks, doll!! I need to come back to this series and read all of the spin-offs. I've heard they're just as good.

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Maida»-(¯`v´¯)-» wrote: "WONDERFUL review, sweets!! I've wanted to read this series for the longest time. It sounds great despite the first book being lack luster. I love it when second books don't disappoint. Happy you en..."

Thanks, doll!! I highly recommend it, such a great series! The first book is really rough, but this series is so worth it! I hope you enjoy whenever you get around to it.

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Wendy wrote: "Great review Mirjana... I really enjoyed this series ;) xoxo"

Thanks, Wendy! I love me some Colton! ♥ ♥

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