Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > The Bone Season

The Bone Season by Samantha    Shannon
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In short: the publisher's overblown hype set this book up for judgment and failure, but the book itself provided the rope.

I hate hype. The thing about hype is that it---unfairly, at times---sets the bar up so high that there is really nowhere to go but down. This is true especially in the case of such a young author. You throw in the name Bloomsbury, and the "seven book series" bit, and the J.K. Rowling comparison surely comes. It certainly sets standards extremely high, unrealistically high, that inevitably one is disappointed with anything less. And this book, while technically acceptable, is in no way comparable to the enjoyment I had from reading the first of the Harry Potter series.

Granted, the premise is not the same, the audience is not the same. One fact remains: my enjoyment of the book is just not there. Take away the hype, take away the expectations, and I am only left mildly impressed at this freshman effort of a book.

It is an overly ambitious infodump. It was difficult to read. I sludged through this as I would a school textbook: it was just not an enjoyable book at all, for me. Action and information takes priority over a a sensible plot and character development. The addition of a massive cast serves to only disguise the fact that the plot is a hot mess. This is not science fiction. It is fantasy, it is paranormal, there is nothing remotely resembling science in here for a book that purportedly takes place in the future.

The premise: This is Gameboard of the Gods, with a glossary. I oftentimes joke that in sci-fi, there really needs to be a glossary because oftentimes the terms and concepts are neither well-explained enough, nor are they explained in a timely manner. Well, ta da! I got my wish...and I wish I hadn't. It is really bad when there is a glossary of this length. It is not a good sign when within the first 20 pages, I am confused out of my mind, and have to read the book on two mediums, my reader and a netbook, just so I could have two versions of it open so I could constantly (and I mean constantly) refer back to the glossary. It is one thing to create a new world, it is another to immerse the reader so that they feel like they're drowning, holding onto the fucking glossary as a flotation device. It took me a long, long time to read the initial chapters, because I kept having to look things up and then memorize what they actually are. And there are. So. Many. Terms.

It took me awhile to realize that this is an alternate universe of the UK; I didn't know this was so until it was mentioned that Oxford (a not-so-subtle-reference to the author's pedigreed university) was destroyed in the year 1859. Oh. That answers a lot of questions, like why the fuck is the UK, not even half a century from now, so goddamned different. Why are there oxygen bars?! Isn't oxygen kind of required for living? Etc. Alternate London. Well, that was easy.

The world building is at simultaneously overly detailed and extremely vague. Very, very, very specific information is given only when it pleases the author to do so. There is a lot of information (information is the word of the day, in the context of this book) given to us when it's convenient for the author to do so. People with clairvoyance are feared and hated and hunted down---the reasons is never explained clearly enough for my satisfaction. There is little history, little background, little explanation to why things are this way or that, nothing to make us feel like this could be an actual world.

As quickly as we are dumped into this setting from a 50-foot plank, we're immediately plunked into yet another underground world. An secret world set in an alternate universe. It's so very Inception, is it not? We've got clairvoyants, seers, etc., in one world, and we're dumped into Sheol I, in which there are Emims and Rephaites, and there's more info-dumping on them. God save us all.

The characters: The characters and the setting are gloriously sterile. They left me emotionless. You could easily kill any of the main characters off 90% through and I wouldn't even blink, much less shed a microscopic tear. The book didn't give any of the characters personality or character development until the author suddenly remembers, oh, I should probably insert _____ poignant moment in here at _____ appropriate time.

Paige Mahoney is our special snowflake of the day. She is the daughter of an eminent scientist within the Scion scientific research division, and has had a very privileged life due to her father's status and importance. She doesn't want it.
I’d always hated school: the uniform, the dogma. Leaving was the high point of my formative years.
I always hate it when characters act stupidly contrary like this. Guess what, Paige? It's life. You are not special. School is expected, as are following the rules. Nobody likes it, but we do it because it's the mature thing to do. Making a character a special snowflake is a surefire way to guarantee that I will not like her. Paige just doesn't feel like she belongs in the average life. She's meant for something more. So instead of settling into a mundane life like the rest of us (and therefore saving me from having to read this book), Paige joins the clairvoyant version of the Mafia.

For a book that is told from a first-person narrative, I got no sense of Paige's personality or any sort of complexity or development as the book progresses. Her narrative is comprised of more action than thoughts. Take away the plot, and you are left with a book of YA PNR tropes and clichés. The jealous queen bee, the darkly mysterious guy, the girl with special powers.

There is a very large cast of characters about whom I could not care less. Short of a few main characters, the rest of the cast are largely extraneous and utterly forgettable.

The romance: utterly forced. Utterly unnecessary. Not well-built at all. Came out of nowhere. To summarize: Paige gets rescued/captured by the Rephaim as she is about to die (so terribly convenient), and is told that she is part of Bone Season XX---which starts...NOW!(Again, so terribly convenient). The Rephaite captures people and save them for every 10 years to compete in this special contest to see who gets to be their special servants, a red-jacket (as opposed to the regular servants, who are just performers---harlies). Shock of all shocks, Paige notices one particular Rephaite, a very-super-extra-good-looking one (among the merely really-good-looking ones).
One of the Rephaim was looking at me.
His gaze cleaved straight to mine, as if he’d been waiting for me to look, watching for a flicker of dissent. His skin was a dark honey gold, setting off two heavy-lidded yellow eyes. He was the tallest of the five males, with coarse brown hair, clothed in embroidered black. Wrapped around him was a strange, soft aura, overshadowed by the others in the room. He was the single most beautiful and terrible thing I’d ever laid eyes on.
Shockingly, he picks Paige to be his Special Girl. She gets to be his servant! She's soooooooooooo special, because guess what?
“You have attracted the attention of the blood-consort: Arcturus, Warden of the Mesarthim. He has decided to be your keeper.”
“It is rare that he takes interest in a human...You are very, very fortunate.”
Fuck me. Facepalming so hard.

Their romance is forced and stretched. It is a prison-guard/mentor type of a relationship, only...not, because clearly, certainly the author is setting us up for romance somewhere along the way. The "like,", the love, the gradual building up of the relationship never felt realistic, it never felt natural; when it finally came, it just left me utterly cold and disbelieving.

The writing is technically well-done, the action scenes are acceptable, but is entirely too dependent on the use of Deus ex Machina as a plot device. The plot is a mess. It is peppered through with flashbacks that tried to give me insight into Paige's character, and while that worked somewhat, it just took too long to get to the point, and I felt the majority of the with the book...were largely useless and noncontributing to the book in general.

Undoubtedly, this book has a lot of fans already, based on the huge numbers of glowing reviews. I, for one, remain highly skeptical. If this is indeed to be a 7-book series, I'm not sure where it will lead, but I know will not follow.

The ending is meant to leave us wanting more...but I'd rather spend my summer at the Dursleys.
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Reading Progress

August 20, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
August 20, 2013 – Shelved
August 22, 2013 – Started Reading
August 22, 2013 –
0.0% "Starting this. Let's see if the Kool-Aid is good."
August 23, 2013 –
10.0% "Jesus fucking christ, I am so confused. Holy infodump, Batman.

This is not looking good.

Too many terms, not enough clarification. Amaurants, mime-lords, voyants, amaurosis, muses, Unnatural Assembly.

Fuck that shit, it's 2057. Why is London, not even 50 years from now---so ridiculously different? Give me some fucking background instead of dumping all this on me.

This is not looking good, guys."
August 27, 2013 –
50.0% "Not impressed."
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: ya
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: why-do-i-hate-myself
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: uk
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: try-hard
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: sci-fi
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: high-school
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: glbt
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: dystopian
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: boring-main-character
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: never
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: alternate-universe
August 27, 2013 – Shelved as: aliens
August 27, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 115 (115 new)

message 1: by Jack (new) - rated it 1 star

Jack Truong I feel you. I'm at page 13 and the whole time I feel like the author could have used normal phrases instead of contrived wordings which make no sense. Why call Earth 'meatspace'? why guns are called 'irons'? It's very irony that irons aren't the kind of material to make guns nowadays, I can't imagine they use it in the future.
Crossing my fingers.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Jack wrote: "I feel you. I'm at page 13 and the whole time I feel like the author could have used normal phrases instead of contrived wordings which make no sense. Why call Earth 'meatspace'? why guns are calle..."

I JUST discovered the my understanding of this is bound to be better, but you're right, it feels way too contrived and overreaching. This is no Harry Potter. I don't see this as a series of 7.

Jeann (Happy Indulgence) There is a glossary at the back that may help

Ornella I was pretty frustrated at the start as well. Reading the glossary helped quite a bit, and after that you just get used to it really.

message 5: by ♥Rachel♥ (new)

♥Rachel♥ I hate info dumping!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies It got pretty overwhelming in the beginning :| Things are slowing down, though.

message 7: by Donna (new) - added it

Donna oh, I'm just starting this one! I have been really looking forward to it! I hope it gets better!

Ornella Khanh wrote: "It got pretty overwhelming in the beginning :| Things are slowing down, though."

Yeah. The beginning made me want to rip my hair out cause I had no idea what was going on. It does get much better though xD

message 9: by Gabi (new)

Gabi Everyone's talking about this book! It seems like a good portion of the reviews are pretty negative, though.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Wow, a hot mess huh? Isn't this the book people are calling The Next HP? Hahaha

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Nenia wrote: "Wow, a hot mess huh? Isn't this the book people are calling The Next HP? Hahaha"

It's the next HP if I'm the next Paula Deen.

Experiment BL626 ? lol. Didn't Paula Deen recently fall from grace?

message 13: by Nasty Lady MJ (new)

Nasty Lady MJ I got my copy yesterday. Saw all the maps and charts at the beginning shook my head and was like saving it for later...That's never a good sign.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Experiment BL626 wrote: "? lol. Didn't Paula Deen recently fall from grace?"

Yeah, apparently it's ok to be racist if you're from the Old South.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Howdy YAL wrote: "I got my copy yesterday. Saw all the maps and charts at the beginning shook my head and was like saving it for later...That's never a good sign."

It's always bad when you have to do your homework before reading a book.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Khanh wrote: "Howdy YAL wrote: "I got my copy yesterday. Saw all the maps and charts at the beginning shook my head and was like saving it for later...That's never a good sign."

It's always bad when you have t..."


message 17: by Nasty Lady MJ (new)

Nasty Lady MJ Nenia wrote: "Khanh wrote: "Howdy YAL wrote: "I got my copy yesterday. Saw all the maps and charts at the beginning shook my head and was like saving it for later...That's never a good sign."

It's always bad w..."

Seriously, it looked like I needed my GPS to read this book. Or at least a Rick Steves travel guide.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies JennyJen wrote: "Did you finish it? Did the ending suck as much as the beginning?"

The first half of the book was far superior to the second. Judge that how you will.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Oh, if I had a nickel for every time a good plot petered out at the end. :/

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Great review.

Fun fact: I think oxygen bars actually exist. I believe oxygen comprises a minority of the proportion of gases that make up the breathable air, and that breathing pure oxygen can cause intoxication.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Nenia wrote: "Great review.

Fun fact: I think oxygen bars actually exist. I believe oxygen comprises a minority of the proportion of gases that make up the breathable air, and that breathing pure oxygen can cau..."

I know oxygen bars currently exist! Women use them because they think it'll make them look younger, lol!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Hahaha! Okay. I just wasn't sure if you thought that was part of the made-up world or what. I know when I first saw them mentioned in the Simpsons I was like THOSE EXIST?!

Hadn't heard that they make you look younger though. Does it work? ;)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Nenia wrote: "Hahaha! Okay. I just wasn't sure if you thought that was part of the made-up world or what. I know when I first saw them mentioned in the Simpsons I was like THOSE EXIST?!

Hadn't heard that they m..."

Well, I haven't used them, but considering people already think I'm 10 years younger than my actual age, I think I'd be scared to use one now, lest I get mistaken for a 14-year old.

I was a horribly gawky teenager, so that would be bad.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell LOL. You look about 21 in your profile picture. Is that right?

People think I'm younger than I am usually, although I recently had one man try to tell me that I was some middle-aged woman hiding behind my high school yearbook photos. I told him his pick-up lines sucked before I blocked him. :D

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies JennyJen wrote: "That's BAD. Really bad."

I've read your status updates, I know :)

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Khanh wrote: ""


Oh my God. Too funny.

Too true.

Lucky Asians and their lucky genes. ;)

message 28: by Estelle (new) - added it

Estelle I am not sure whether it is a good or bad thing that this book is in your "jericho-fucking-barrons" shelf LOL.

I already have a physical copy of this book so I guess we'll how I go...

Thanks for the detailed and helpful review as always Khanh!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Estelle wrote: "I am not sure whether it is a good or bad thing that this book is in your "jericho-fucking-barrons" shelf LOL.

I already have a physical copy of this book so I guess we'll how I go...

Thanks for ..."

You know what? I'm going to remove him from that shelf. The Warden is just too bland to be worthy of it.

message 30: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca I bought this about a week ago . . . and then took it back. I only read about fifty pages, but there was way too much info-dumping going on, I didn't care about the world and none of the characters felt particularly real to me. I totally agree with you about the glossary! It's so convenient MOST of the time, but it should not compete with the actual book in length lol. You have made me feel better in exchanging The Bone Season (I got Eleanor & Park instead), and I adored your review to pieces. You are awesome. :D

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Rebecca wrote: "I bought this about a week ago . . . and then took it back. I only read about fifty pages, but there was way too much info-dumping going on, I didn't care about the world and none of the characters..."

:D Thank you so much.

message 32: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Great review, Khanh. I also have a very low tolerance for Mary Sue characters, lower than most of my friends on Goodreads. I might still check this one out to see what all the fuss is about but after reading your review I'm not sure I'll enjoy it much. :/

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Lisa wrote: "Great review, Khanh. I also have a very low tolerance for Mary Sue characters, lower than most of my friends on Goodreads. I might still check this one out to see what all the fuss is about but a..."

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you think of it, Lisa :)

message 34: by Scarlet (new)

Scarlet "This is Gameboard of the Gods, with a glossary."

Just what I was afraid of. And seven books?? No, thank you. My patience is running low these days.

Great review Khanh! I was apprehensive about this book from the start and now I'm going to stay away.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Scarlet wrote: ""This is Gameboard of the Gods, with a glossary."

Just what I was afraid of. And seven books?? No, thank you. My patience is running low these days.

Great review Khanh! I was apprehensive about t..."

Lol! The first book is usually the most enjoyable, too. Nope nope nope.

message 36: by Scarlet (new)

Scarlet OMG, that asian aging thing rocks!! I'm laughing so hard I can barely type :P

Liz Well...I guess I won't read this then. It's sad that this didn't pan out the way you hope. It sounds interesting from the synopsis, but I'll skip this one.

message 38: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited Aug 28, 2013 12:56AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Liz wrote: "Well...I guess I won't read this then. It's sad that this didn't pan out the way you hope. It sounds interesting from the synopsis, but I'll skip this one."

@ Liz, the synopsis really oversimplifies it. The actual plot is a mess, it feels like several separate plots squished together, and it's been done before, much better. The melding of the underworld and the real London wasn't done well at all, and if you want a love story based on a captured woman and her guard,
Poison Study does it beautifully and Throne of Glass also features it...though not quite as well.

@ Scarlet, I had the same reaction when my friend showed it to me :P

Liz wouldn't be the first time the synopsis oversimplifies the novel.

Thanks for the heads up.

#ReadAllTheBooks Ugh, I was afraid of this being the case with this book. It was being heralded as being "The Book that's Better than any Other Book EVER". The hype for this has been so big that I kind of expect to be able to rub it against the body of a starving child and have it turn them into a pre-heroin, Full House era Olsen Twin.

If I do this, I guess I'll probably just grab the audiobook and hope that I don't get too lost on the definitions. I had a feeling that this was probably the only way I'd get through this and your review sort of confirms that.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Chibineko wrote: "Ugh, I was afraid of this being the case with this book. It was being heralded as being "The Book that's Better than any Other Book EVER". The hype for this has been so big that I kind of expect to..."

Oh no. You absolutely require the glossary or you will be so utterly lost. Listen to the audiobook if you must, but be sure to get the glossary for reference. The first 10% is pure info dumping and terminology.

❤Ninja Bunneh❤ Too confusing of a book for my mommy brain. ^_^

message 43: by Morgan (new)

Morgan Jeez, this book has so much mixed reviews that I'm getting whiplash just trying to keep up!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Yep. Reviews are all over the place for this, although there seems to be a pretty big number of positives.

message 45: by ♥Rachel♥ (new)

♥Rachel♥ I hate info dumping and to be honest I probably wouldn't have picked this up before your review, Khanh. I don't like picking up books with a complicated plot when the rest of the series hasn't been released. I really don't have time for re-reads. Great honest review. :)

Kathylill Love your review :) ... This book is so overestimed

message 47: by Jack (new) - rated it 1 star

Jack Truong I don't think the plot of this book is complicated at all. I can easily sum it up in four sentences: girl has special power, girl gets kidnapped, girl falls in love with kidnapper, girl escapes. Nothing truly ground-breaking from the dystopian/paranormal mold the last 4 years. It sounds complicated because the author did a very very poor job at explaining the world. The good people are good, and the bad are bad. No twist like "OMG, Snape is actually saving Harry?" like JK Rowling.
So yeah, this book is bad from plot to prose to characters.

message 48: by Mel (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mel Hype is evil. I read this book without actually running into the hype, and thoroughly enjoyed it ... my mileage would no doubt have varied immensely if I'd expected Amazeballs!

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator

After what you said that 'book' doesn't deserve even one star. I mean, seriously. A long glossary? And I hate special snowflakes mixed with perfect sex-gods. Let me guess - he was cold, powerful, aloof, but she... She was sooooo special!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies AnHeC wrote: "

After what you said that 'book' doesn't deserve even one star. I mean, seriously. A long glossary? And I hate special snowflakes mixed with perfect sex-gods. Let me guess - he was cold, powerful..."


I make a lot of criticisms, but I'm pretty generous with my ratings when it comes to bad books. As long as the writing is good, even if the plot is crap, I give the author the benefit of the doubt. Only when it is irredeemably bad, with elements like slut shaming, things that make me go ragey, does it get 1 or below.

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