Kat 's Reviews > The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year

The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Ally Carter
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bookshelves: audiobooks, contemporary-romance, cozy-mystery, fiction, holidays, rom-com, women-issues

Do you like the enemies-to-lovers trope? Do you like locked-room cozy mysteries? Does a snowed-in scenario at an English countryside estate sound good? Does a story inspired by the famous disappearance of Agatha Christie intrigue you? Do you like a wounded FMC who has to learn to let her guard down and trust the sarcastic, yet eminently lovable MMC?

Welcome to Ally Carter’s newest book The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year, where you’ll get a solid cozy mystery and a charming rom-com all rolled into one!

Mystery author Maggie Chase hates Ethan Wyatt, a fellow author at their publishing imprint. He’s good-looking, popular with literally everyone and the guy can NEVER get her name right. Marcie? Margaret Grace? Margaret Olivia? Margaret Lavinia? (For the record, it’s Margaret Elizabeth). What she doesn’t understand is that Ethan knows EXACTLY who she is and has since the very first moment he saw her in that elevator years ago!

When Maggie and Ethan are unexpectedly invited for Christmas to the vast estate of Eleanor Ashley, the grand dame of their fictional mystery-writing world, Maggie thinks she may have died and gone to heaven! Her euphoria is short-lived when the eighty-one-year-old, whose books were Maggie’s lifeblood growing up, goes missing from her locked office

Trapped by a blizzard with an assortment of Eleanor’s other guests, including her son and daughter-in-law, her niece, butler, doctor, a lawyer, an inspector, a duchess and duke and fellow author Sir Jasper, Maggie has to draw on her extensive knowledge of Eleanor’s books to try to solve the mystery of what happened to her, if she can avoid all those pesky attempts on her life. It’s a good thing Ethan used to be a (view spoiler)! Maybe he’s not so bad after all …

This was really cute! The mystery is decent and serves to move the story along and give a reason for our MCs to grow closer, but it’s not the strength of the book. Where the book shines is the romance arc and the sarcastic, playful banter between Maggie and Ethan, which was so fun on the audio narrated by the talented Saskia Maarleveld and Zachary Webber. Each gets their own POV chapters, so you get both sides of the story, which is told in present and past chapters with short but hilarious police interview interstitials scattered throughout.

If you like a holiday rom-com with a little Agatha-inspired mystery thrown in, this is a fun one!


Thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager Books, NetGalley and author Ally Carter for the digital ARC to honestly review and to my library/Libby for the audio. It’s out now.
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Reading Progress

October 28, 2024 – Started Reading
November 2, 2024 – Shelved
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: audiobooks
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: cozy-mystery
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: fiction
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: holidays
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: rom-com
November 2, 2024 – Shelved as: women-issues
November 2, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 116 (116 new)

message 1: by Srivalli (new) - added it

Srivalli Rekha This sounds like so much fun! The tropes seem to have been used well. Maybe I can read it someday soon. Fab review, Kat. :)
Oh, the star rating is missing.

message 2: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Great review Kat - so glad you enjoyed it 🩵

message 3: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Kline Super review Kat!

message 4: by Liralen (new) - added it

Liralen Ooh! I'm off to go request this from the library :)

Kat Srivalli wrote: "This sounds like so much fun! The tropes seem to have been used well. Maybe I can read it someday soon. Fab review, Kat. :)
Oh, the star rating is missing."

Oops ... thanks for catching that, Srivalli! I fixed it! It's a cute one. I thought the audio made it particularly fun! 💗

Kat Ceecee wrote: "Great review Kat - so glad you enjoyed it 🩵"

Thanks, Ceecee! 💗

Kat Jenny wrote: "Super review Kat!"

Thanks, Jenny! 💗

Kat Liralen wrote: "Ooh! I'm off to go request this from the library :)"

I hope you'll enjoy it too, Liralen! 💗

message 9: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Wonderful review! 💞

message 10: by Erin (new)

Erin I Do love enemies to lovers. So much so that I have a t-shirt proclaiming that fact. Wonderful review, Kat!

message 11: by Kristy (new) - added it

Kristy Johnston This one is on my Christmas reading list. Looking forward to it all the more now after reading your review!

message 12: by JaymeO (new)

JaymeO Terrific review! This sounds fun! Glad you enjoyed it!

Kat Jayme wrote: "Wonderful review! 💞"

Thanks, Jayme! 💗

Kat Erin wrote: "I Do love enemies to lovers. So much so that I have a t-shirt proclaiming that fact. Wonderful review, Kat!"

Haha! I love that! Thanks, Erin! 💗

Kat Kristy wrote: "This one is on my Christmas reading list. Looking forward to it all the more now after reading your review!"

Yay! I hope you love it too, Kristy! 💗

Kat JaymeO wrote: "Terrific review! This sounds fun! Glad you enjoyed it!"

Thanks, Jayme! It's a cute one! 💗

message 17: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ lovely review, kat! i’m glad this balanced its elements right and was an enjoyable read for you!

message 18: by Heidi (new)

Heidi When I first saw this book’s cover, I thought— kinda looks like a Cary Grant hero. After reading your delightful review, I’m totally thinking Cary Grant and will definitely be looking for this one! As always, thanks for sharing another good book recommendation! 😎

message 19: by Debra (new)

Debra Fantastic review, Kat!

Heather Adores Books Intriguing review, Kat!

message 21: by NZLisaM (new) - added it

NZLisaM Gorgeous review, Kat. 🎄

Kat len ❀ wrote: "lovely review, kat! i’m glad this balanced its elements right and was an enjoyable read for you!"

Thanks, Len! 💗

Kat Heidi wrote: "When I first saw this book’s cover, I thought— kinda looks like a Cary Grant hero. After reading your delightful review, I’m totally thinking Cary Grant and will definitely be looking for this one!..."

Y'know ... I can see that now that you mention it! 😁 I hope you enjoy it, Heidi. Thank you! 💗

Kat Debra wrote: "Fantastic review, Kat!"

Thanks, Debra! 💗

Kat Heather Adores Books wrote: "Intriguing review, Kat!"

Thanks, Heather! 💗

Kat NZLisaM wrote: "Gorgeous review, Kat. 🎄"

Thanks, Lisa! 💗

message 27: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara Yes, yes, yes, yes and YES! Adding. This sounds like a perfect December read!

message 28: by Kat (last edited Nov 03, 2024 02:11PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kat Barbara (sad about notification changes) wrote: "Yes, yes, yes, yes and YES! Adding. This sounds like a perfect December read!"

Excellent! I hope you'll love it too, Barbara! 💗

Panic!_at_the_Library (formerly known as MonReads) Yay! I liked this one too! The mystery was super helpful bc I’m not a big romcom person.

Sunflowerbooklover Yay Kat! So glad that you loved it!! Fav review ♥️

Kat Panic!_at_the_Library (formerly known as MonReads) wrote: "Yay! I liked this one too! The mystery was super helpful bc I’m not a big romcom person."

I'm glad it worked for both of us! I do like that it's not fully a mystery or a rom-com. It gave us a little bit of both! 💗

Kat Kendall wrote: "Yay Kat! So glad that you loved it!! Fav review ♥️"

Thanks, Kendall! 💗

➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥ Fantastic review, Kat!

message 34: by Jane (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jane Sounds like a perfect read for the holidays

message 35: by Kath (new)

Kath B Lovely review Kat. Sounds like a good holiday read.

Kat Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥🥂 wrote: "Fantastic review, Kat!"

Thanks, Paulette! 💗

Kat Jane wrote: "Sounds like a perfect read for the holidays"

It fits the season quite nicely for sure! 💗

Kat Kath wrote: "Lovely review Kat. Sounds like a good holiday read."

Thanks, Kath! 💗

message 39: by Cara (new)

Cara What a beautiful review, Kat💞!!!!!!!!!

Kat Cara wrote: "What a beautiful review, Kat💞!!!!!!!!!"

Thank you, Cara! 🤗💗

message 41: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fabulous review! 🤗

message 42: by Tina (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tina I picked this one up at Costco so I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it. A most wonderful review Kat ❄️🎄❤️

message 43: by Taufiq (new)

Taufiq Yves I love the idea of a snowed-in mystery with a touch of romance, Kat. It's the perfect setting for some witty banter and unexpected twists.

I'll definitely have to check this one out. Thanks for the recommendation!

message 44: by Maureen (new)

Maureen That’s an enticing review Kat 💚

message 45: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Outstanding review, Kat! 💜 I'm so glad you had fun with this one.

message 46: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Glad you enjoyed and Wonderful review Kat! 🤩🩷

Kat Mary Beth wrote: "Fabulous review! 🤗"

Thanks, Mary Beth! 💗

Kat Tina wrote: "I picked this one up at Costco so I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it. A most wonderful review Kat ❄️🎄❤️"

Nice!! I hope you enjoy it too, Tina, and thank you! I recommend the audio to go along with it if you can. 💗

Kat Taufiq wrote: "I love the idea of a snowed-in mystery with a touch of romance, Kat. It's the perfect setting for some witty banter and unexpected twists.

I'll definitely have to check this one out. Thanks for th..."

I'm happy to recommend it! I hope you enjoy it as well. Thanks, Taufiq! 💗

Kat Maureen ( Wants email notifications Restoring) wrote: "That’s an enticing review Kat 💚"

Thanks, Maureen! 💗

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