Arah-Lynda's Reviews > The Rithmatist

The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: why-eh, i-said, top

"Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s."

Brandon Sanderson has hit a home run here in this awesome world of chalk, just sick with possibility. He drops you into this world of chalk drawings that come to life, possess power and threaten the main protagonists, who also duel and defend in chalk.

These protagonists, the people of whom I speak, are interesting; possess a depth that contradicts Sanderson’s sparse prose. I found it easy to connect with and care about them.

But they are at risk, under attack from the wild chalkings.

The concept is so simple. The future is wide open and invites complexity.

Ben McSweeney’s illustrations are spot on, deftly portraying the rules of battle, bursting with Sanderson’s positively plump pace of potential.

The Rithmatist is sure to spark discussion, invite lively, animated debate, especially among those strategic thinkers, those denizens of debauchery.

I love that there are so many excellent options available to our young readers today. They own tomorrow.

You can too, just gather your knowledge; draw your lines of vigour and forbiddance. Get in your circle, imagine well, your chalkings, then plan and maintain your offense.

New rithams are possible.

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Quotes Arah-Lynda Liked

Brandon Sanderson
“It had been eight years. The pain of loss was still there. It never went away. It just got buried in time, like a rock slowly being covered over by dirt.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Rithmatist

Reading Progress

August 13, 2013 – Started Reading
August 13, 2013 – Shelved
August 17, 2013 – Finished Reading
August 18, 2013 – Shelved as: why-eh
August 18, 2013 – Shelved as: i-said
August 19, 2013 – Shelved as: top

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Stickgeneral I loved this book so much I created a board game on it much like chess. It is fun, just as this book was to read. I found myself dreaming that I was in the world, as a rithmatist. So enjoyable.

message 2: by Arah-Lynda (last edited Jul 26, 2015 08:48AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Arah-Lynda Stickgeneral wrote: "I loved this book so much I created a board game on it much like chess. It is fun, just as this book was to read. I found myself dreaming that I was in the world, as a rithmatist. So enjoyable."

I believe that this is Sanderson's first try at the YA genre and he did an admirable job. I remember thinking when I read this that young strategists would find a way to make a game here. Thrilled that you did. I snuck a peek at your profile and see this is the only book marked as read so I just wanted you to know that there are a lot of other great reads out there by many different authors, both YA and not. Keep reading Stickgeneral. Wishing you great new rithams.

message 3: by Ivonne (new) - added it

Ivonne Rovira Thank you for this lovely review; I would never have picked this book up otherwise, and it sounds as if that would have been quite a loss. You also convinced me to go with the Kindle so I could see the illustrations rather than the audiobook, which I also might have done without your recommendation.

Arah-Lynda Ivonne wrote: "Thank you for this lovely review; I would never have picked this book up otherwise, and it sounds as if that would have been quite a loss. You also convinced me to go with the Kindle so I could see..."
Thank you Ivonne. I think this is a great story out there for those young strategic thinkers. Hope you enjoy that potential as much as I did.

message 5: by George (new) - added it

George Jankovic Great review. This sounds like such an interesting book. I loved what he did with the last three Wheel of Time books. They were amazing.

Arah-Lynda George wrote: "Great review. This sounds like such an interesting book. I loved what he did with the last three Wheel of Time books. They were amazing."

Thanks George. I have not read The Wheel of Time Series but all those wonderful reviews tell me I should correct that. I hope you find this offering as full of potential as I did.

Em Lost In Books loved this book. and Sanderson is very cruel writing sequels to other books and ignoring this one.:(

Arah-Lynda Manju wrote: "loved this book. and Sanderson is very cruel writing sequels to other books and ignoring this one.:("

Yes I enjoyed it as well Manju although this remains the only Sanderson I have read to date. I really must correct that. I hear you, I was looking for book two as well, so much potential here for future imaginings.

Em Lost In Books its such a good book with an amazing magic systems and yet its not part of the cosmere. I wanted it to be and Sanderson has no intention of including this in Cosmere. He just completing series which are part of Cosmere.

Arah-Lynda Manju wrote: "its such a good book with an amazing magic systems and yet its not part of the cosmere. I wanted it to be and Sanderson has no intention of including this in Cosmere. He just completing series whic..."

You are clearly talking to the uninitiated Sanderson reader. I actually had to look that up to see what you were on about. Yes I definitely have to read me some more Sanderson.

message 11: by Ritwik (new) - added it

Ritwik I have heard of lot about this author and intended to read him but I understand his books are usually a series and would need commitment in order to completely appreciate his works.
Happy to see a 5-star rating to one of his recent works. Thank you, Arah-Lynda, I think I know where to start with the author. :)

Em Lost In Books Arah-Lynda wrote: "Manju wrote: "its such a good book with an amazing magic systems and yet its not part of the cosmere. I wanted it to be and Sanderson has no intention of including this in Cosmere. He just completi..."

oops my bad! I totally missed that in your comment. and yes, you definitely have to read more from Sanderson. Just don't start with Stormlight Archives.:D

Em Lost In Books Ritwik wrote: "I have heard of lot about this author and intended to read him but I understand his books are usually a series and would need commitment in order to completely appreciate his works.
Happy to see a..."

I think Mistborn is the right series to start this author. :)

Arah-Lynda Ritwik wrote: "I have heard of lot about this author and intended to read him but I understand his books are usually a series and would need commitment in order to completely appreciate his works.
Happy to see a..."

Thanks Ritwik. I think you are right about knowing where to start with this author. Surprisingly if you google Cosmere, as I did based on Manju's comment, you will see that there is actually a suggested reading order provided by a couple of sights. Happy reading and I look forward to your take on Sanderson's writing.

message 15: by Ritwik (new) - added it

Ritwik My idea was to get a hint of his writing before I delve into the complete series.
Manju, thank you, Mistborn does seem like the most popular series by Sanderson.
Arah-Lynda , I googled Cosmere, I didn't realize it was a complete universe weaved by the author. Made up for an interesting read.

Arah-Lynda Ritwik wrote: "My idea was to get a hint of his writing before I delve into the complete series.
Manju, thank you, Mistborn does seem like the most popular series by Sanderson.
Arah-Lynda , I googled Cosmere, I d..."

I understand Ritwik. Please keep in mind that this is Sanderson's first brush within the YA genre.

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