Snjez's Reviews > Skeletons in the Closet

Skeletons in the Closet by Nicky James
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bookshelves: mm, mm-mystery-thriller

4.5 stars

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book, considering I didn't like the prequel. πŸ™ˆ When I turned the last page, I wished that the next book was already out because I just wanted to keep reading. And that's always a good sign.

I still don't find Diem appealing, just a personal preference, but I understand him a lot better and I do want to see him happy. I think that he and Tallus are really good for each other.

I also liked Tallus more. He is exactly what I expected him to be when I read the prequel – funny, endearing, a bit flirtatious and pushy, but not in an OTT way. I loved how considerate and understanding he is when it comes to Diem. It goes both ways, actually. I was very satisfied with how their relationship developed in this one.

I’ve skimmed through some short scenes with Baby. I totally forgot about her, to be honest. I understand, and appreciate, her significance in this story, but we’re still not on friendly terms. πŸ˜…

The case they were working on was so well thought out. Probably one of my favourite by this author. It kept me invested throughout the whole book and I loved seeing how everything connected in the end. Not sure how I feel about the resolution, but it makes sense.

I don’t even have to say how happy I was to be in the company of Valor, Doyle, Costa and Torin again. I hope we’ll see them regularly in this series!
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Reading Progress

May 30, 2024 – Started Reading
May 30, 2024 – Shelved
May 30, 2024 – Shelved as: mm
May 30, 2024 – Shelved as: mm-mystery-thriller
June 1, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 50 (50 new)

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Princess Amint (Drowning in to-dos) Great review Snjez!! I literally just finished reading this book and it was so nice to read my exact thoughts about the book echoed back to me. I went into this with low expectations after reading the prequel, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I love Tallus, and although the focus was on Diem's past trauma here, we have to remember that Tallus has faced a fair share of his despite his sunshine personality. September feels so far away... I can't want to see Diem slowly let Tallus in and watch their relationship evolve in the next book. It was also really nice to see our favourite detectives through a different lens.

PS: I also could've done without the snake as a pet lol.

Diana Terrific review, Snjez!! I guess I better get to this one soon

message 3: by Iz (new) - added it

Iz I wasn't much interested in reading this spin off series, but after your review I'll definitely give it a go! Amazing review Snjez ❀️❀️

Snjez Princess Amint wrote: "Great review Snjez!! I literally just finished reading this book and it was so nice to read my exact thoughts about the book echoed back to me. I went into this with low expectations after reading ..."

Thank you so much, Princess Amint! πŸ’— I'm so glad we felt the same way about it - all the way to the snake. πŸ˜‚ I have to say my expectations going in were low, too. I kept thinking - at least I'll see Valor & Doyle again. πŸ˜‚ I'm happy the author proved me wrong. πŸ˜‰ I completely agree with what you said about Tallus. This was so much better than the prequel, and fingers crossed it stays that way. πŸ€—

Snjez Diana wrote: "Terrific review, Snjez!! I guess I better get to this one soon"

Thanks so much, Diana! πŸ’— And happy reading! 😊

message 6: by Snjez (last edited Jun 01, 2024 07:55AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Snjez Iz wrote: "I wasn't much interested in reading this spin off series, but after your review I'll definitely give it a go! Amazing review Snjez ❀️❀️"

Thank you so much, Iz! πŸ’— After reading the prequel, I wasn't sure I'd be picking this one up. But I guess enough time has passed since then and I just wanted to be in this world again. πŸ˜… I really hope it works for you, too! 🀞

Kati *β˜†ο½₯゚ I love seeing this rating. I can't wait for the audio to get whispersynced so I can dive in. 😍

Cat the bookworm Can’t wait to listen to this one as soon as it’s whispersyned, too πŸ₯°

Snjez Kati *β˜†ο½₯゚ wrote: "I love seeing this rating. I can't wait for the audio to get whispersynced so I can dive in. 😍"

Thank you, Kati! πŸ’— I love seeing this rating, too. πŸ˜‚ I was so bummed that I didn't enjoy the prequel, but this made up for it. I hope you won't have to wait too long for the audiobook. 🀞

Snjez Cat the bookworm (in a semi hiatus of sorts) wrote: "Can’t wait to listen to this one as soon as it’s whispersyned, too πŸ₯°"

Hope it won't take long. 🀞 And happy reading, Cat! πŸ’—

Vanna (on-hiatus) Superb review Snjez! ❀️❀️ I’m relieved that you enjoyed it, because like you I too was less than thrilled with the prequel.. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ But now you’ve got me interested.. I’m adding this .. ❀️

message 12: by Bronwyn (new) - added it

Bronwyn Great review, Snjez! I’m glad you enjoyed this so much! Hopefully it won’t take too long for you to get your sequel. πŸ’•

Snjez Vanna (on partial-hiatus) wrote: "Superb review Snjez! ❀️❀️ I’m relieved that you enjoyed it, because like you I too was less than thrilled with the prequel.. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ But now you’ve got me interested.. I’m adding this .. ❀️"

Thanks so much, Vanna! πŸ’— It took me a few pages to get into it, because Diem still grunts and growls a lot πŸ˜‚, but having his POV made the story so much better. I really hope you enjoy it, too! 🀞

Snjez Bronwyn wrote: "Great review, Snjez! I’m glad you enjoyed this so much! Hopefully it won’t take too long for you to get your sequel. πŸ’•"

Thanks so much, Bronwyn! πŸ’— I hope so, too. πŸ€—

message 15: by Teru (new) - added it

Teru No way!! Just today I was wondering if I even wanted to read the book after the underwhelming prequel, and then boom came your review! Maybe I really should give this a chance...😳 Amazing review! ❀️

message 16: by Jay (new)

Jay H (Hiatus) Amazing review!! πŸ₯° I am so glad you loved this bbs!! πŸ’“

Snjez Teru wrote: "No way!! Just today I was wondering if I even wanted to read the book after the underwhelming prequel, and then boom came your review! Maybe I really should give this a chance...😳 Amazing review! ❀️"

Thank you so much, Teru! πŸ’— No one is surprised more than me. πŸ˜‚ I feel the characters had more room for development in a full-length novel and we have Diem's POV here, which helped a lot.
Fingers crossed if you decide to read it! I'll be looking forward to see what you think. πŸ€—

Snjez Jayden H (ALL EYES ON RAFAH) wrote: "Amazing review!! πŸ₯° I am so glad you loved this bbs!! πŸ’“"

Thank you, Jayden! πŸ’— I didn't expect to enjoy it so much at all. 😊

message 19: by Liya (new)

Liya Great review! I might it read it after all. Is it necessary to read the prequel? I only heard bad things about it

message 20: by len ❀ (new) - added it

len ❀ great review, snjez! i still haven’t even read the prequel because i was saving it for when this released, but obviously this is now out and i still haven’t read it. i’m blaming my romance slump. i’m hoping i’ll get to it soon. i’m hoping it’ll be one of the only romance books i’ll read haha. so glad you enjoyed it though! i’m honestly so excited. i can’t wait to reunite with everyone again but to also learn more about tallus and diem. πŸ’›

Snjez Liya wrote: "Great review! I might it read it after all. Is it necessary to read the prequel? I only heard bad things about it"

Thanks so much, Liya! πŸ’— I don't know what to tell you about the prequel. Generally, I would always say yes, read it. You get to know the characters a bit, how they meet and their early dynamics. However, I didn't like it. I feel that both characters are very complex and there was no time or space in that short novella for any kind of development. It only felt rushed and even ridiculous at times.
Maybe don't listen to me, give the prequel a try and fingers crossed it works better for you. πŸ€žπŸ˜…

message 22: by Snjez (last edited Jun 01, 2024 11:50PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Snjez len ❀ [a little inactive] wrote: "great review, snjez! i still haven’t even read the prequel because i was saving it for when this released, but obviously this is now out and i still haven’t read it. i’m blaming my romance slump. i..."

Thank you so much, elena! πŸ’— There's no rush, take your time and read it when it feels right to you! I understand you, because there aren't many new releases I'm interested in reading when it comes to MM romance. I think there were only three May releases that I've read. And I still have nothing for June. πŸ˜… Whenever you decide to start this series, I hope you enjoy it! πŸ’•

Llakshmi I am a little skeptical with the characters but I liked the plot too!! So glad you got a win <3

Snjez Llakshmi wrote: "I am a little skeptical with the characters but I liked the plot too!! So glad you got a win <3"

Thank you, Llakshmi! πŸ’— I'm still not completely sold on the characters, either. I liked them more in the prequel, but we'll see what the next books bring. 😊

Drache.... (Angelika) You're on a Nicky James - roll Snjez, and I love how many of their books are winners for you ❀️

message 26: by J (new) - rated it 4 stars

J Just started this. Have to admit both MC's seem a little weird.

Snjez Drache.... (Angelika) wrote: "You're on a Nicky James - roll Snjez, and I love how many of their books are winners for you ❀️"

Thanks so much, Angelika! πŸ’— To be honest, when I read the prequel a few months ago, I thought I'd never continue with the series. πŸ˜… I'm glad I gave it a chance after all. 😊

Snjez J wrote: "Just started this. Have to admit both MC's seem a little weird."

Yes, they are a bit ... different. πŸ˜‰ But I kind of got used to them here. It's the prequel that didn't work for me at all.
I hope you'll end up enjoying it! πŸ€žπŸ’—

Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus Great review Snjez. ❀️ Sounds really interesting.

Snjez Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus wrote: "Great review Snjez. ❀️ Sounds really interesting."

Thank you, Shile! πŸ’— I didn't like either of the MCs in the prequel, but I wanted to read this because of Valor & Doyle. I'm glad the author managed to completely pull me into the story. 😊
Looking forward to see what you think, if you decide to read it! πŸ€—

S.Lily.B.Reads Great review! I waited to read it until I finished the book. I liked the prequel of this better than the Quaid & Aslan one. I really want the second book to be out sooner! I totally get why you haven’t warmed up to Diem yet, he’s a hard guy to like. I hope he gets a really great redemption story and I just adore Tallus for him. Tallus has to be protected at all costs!!!!! 😁 He’s such a strong character but also so caring. β™₯️

Snjez SZ wrote: "Great review! I waited to read it until I finished the book. I liked the prequel of this better than the Quaid & Aslan one. I really want the second book to be out sooner! I totally get why you hav..."

I liked the Quaid & Aslan prequel more. πŸ˜… But I'm really glad both books in this series so far were a winner for you. 😊 Hope it continues to be that way! And thank you, suz.πŸ’—

message 33: by Elena (new)

Elena Color me intrigued. I was putting off reading the prequel since I read your (and other) negative review, so your rating and review of this first book are a very nice suprise. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Snjez, I hope the rest of the series keeps staying strong! πŸ₯°

message 34: by Snjez (last edited Jun 04, 2024 01:28PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Snjez Elena wrote: "Color me intrigued. I was putting off reading the prequel since I read your (and other) negative review, so your rating and review of this first book are a very nice suprise. I'm glad you enjoyed i..."

Thank you, Elena! πŸ’— Yes, this was definitely a surprise. I mean, Diem still growls and grunts, but I guess I got used to it. πŸ˜‚ They won't replace Valor & Doyle for me, but I'm still interested to see how everything will develop.
The prequel got a lot of mixed reviews. Some of my friends enjoyed it, and I hope you'll feel the same if you decide to read it! 🀞

message 35: by Eugenia (new) - added it

Eugenia Fantastic review! So, skip the prequel?

message 36: by Andi (new)

Andi Great review, SnjezπŸ’œ

Snjez Eugenia wrote: "Fantastic review! So, skip the prequel?"

Thank you, Eugenia! πŸ’— Maybe give the prequel a try? It's where they meet and sort of work together on their first case. You might enjoy it more than I did. 🀞

Snjez Andi wrote: "Great review, SnjezπŸ’œ"

Thanks so much, Andi! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

message 39: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Aw, it’s always a nice moment when you get to understand a character like that better, even if you still don’t have to like them much! Awesome reviewπŸ’—

message 40: by Mina (new) - added it

Mina Hi!! I’ve not been on GR in a while but I came here just for your review. Ty!! πŸ˜„ so glad that this book worked for you as I’ve put this fr reading the prequel after your review and was wondering if this series would be worth it haha like I love NJ but was having doubts if she could pull it off!

Snjez Imme wrote: "Aw, it’s always a nice moment when you get to understand a character like that better, even if you still don’t have to like them much! Awesome reviewπŸ’—"

He didn't leave a good impression on me in the prequel, so I was happy about this. πŸ˜‰ Thank you, Imme! πŸ’—

Snjez Mina wrote: "Hi!! I’ve not been on GR in a while but I came here just for your review. Ty!! πŸ˜„ so glad that this book worked for you as I’ve put this fr reading the prequel after your review and was wondering if..."

Really glad to see you back, Mina! πŸ€— I had my doubts, too, since I didn't like the MCs in the prequel, but she managed to keep me invested in this one. 😊 I hope you enjoy it, too! πŸ’—

message 43: by Jay (new)

Jay H (Hiatus) Am glad this was a nice surprise bbs!!πŸ’– Hopefully the sequel will be a five star read 😘

Cat the bookworm Awwww we get some Valor and Doyle again? πŸ₯°

message 45: by J (new) - rated it 4 stars

J Very cute little peek.

Snjez Jayden H πŸ‰(Semi-Hiatus) wrote: "Am glad this was a nice surprise bbs!!πŸ’– Hopefully the sequel will be a five star read 😘"

Thank you so much, Jayden! Hope so, too. 😊

Snjez Cat the bookworm (in a semi hiatus of sorts) wrote: "Awwww we get some Valor and Doyle again? πŸ₯°"

Yes! πŸ˜€ That's what I was looking forward to the most. πŸ˜…

Snjez J wrote: "Very cute little peek."


Jennifer Happy to see you enjoyed it! I'm diving into this book as we speak and I might be very ridiculously excited about it haha

Snjez Jennifer wrote: "Happy to see you enjoyed it! I'm diving into this book as we speak and I might be very ridiculously excited about it haha"

Thank you so much, Jennifer! πŸ’— Happy reading to you! I hope you enjoy it. πŸ€—

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