Lisa Vegan's Reviews > We Solve Murders

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman
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I read a Libby e-copy and simultaneously listened to a Libby audiobook, both borrowed from the library.

This book took a long time to grow on me but grew on me it did. The initial attempted crime made the story feel not cozy enough for me but this was more a cozy than not. Yes, there are some professionals and semi-professionals that do the detective work but most of the characters are laypeople.

I ended up loving Rosie and Steve and Amy and I’m glad that they (and some of the other interesting characters) will be back for more books. This is book one of a series. Rosie is a memorable character and might be my favorite person in the book.

There was a lot of humor, including a few lines that made me laugh out loud and, as with the Thursday Murder Club series, there is also some depth to the characters and their background stories. I hope that in the future books we go even deeper into the characterizations.

This is a clever story with many red herrings and a lot of characters, almost all of them fascinating. I did manage to keep the characters straight and I didn’t manage to guess the solution to the mystery. Both of those help make this book a win for me.

The people are endearing and their relationships are fun to read about and sometimes hilarious.

I’m sure there are many but here are just a couple of quotes I liked:

“And, despite his assiduous preparation, it had taken him by surprise. You can think something often enough, but you will never be prepared for your heart disintegrating.”

“It’s funny, across a lifetime, the people you pick up. It’s often the most unexpected ones who stick around. There are friendships, forged in fire, which end up disappearing like smoke, and other casual, nodding friendships, which will stay with you for the rest of your life.”

The author even makes the Acknowledgments section entertaining It’s amusing and informative. It looks as though the next book that might be coming out this next year is another in the Thursday Murder Club series and that there will be indeed more books in this series. I love that usually all of his characters are entirely fictional but that one character in this book, Trouble the cat, is based on his cat companion, Liesl Von Cat. Ha!

4-1/2 stars
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Quotes Lisa Liked

Richard Osman
“And, despite his assiduous preparation, it had taken him by surprise. You can think something often enough, but you will never be prepared for your heart disintegrating.”
Richard Osman, We Solve Murders

Richard Osman
“It’s funny, across a lifetime, the people you pick up. It’s often the most unexpected ones who stick around. There are friendships, forged in fire, which end up disappearing like smoke, and other casual, nodding friendships, which will stay with you for the rest of your life.”
Richard Osman, We Solve Murders

Reading Progress

April 16, 2024 – Shelved
December 3, 2024 – Started Reading
December 11, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Laura (new)

Laura I hope you're enjoying this, Lisa!

message 2: by Lisa (last edited Dec 09, 2024 12:59PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "I hope you're enjoying this, Lisa!"

Thanks, Laura. It is okay.

I don't think I like it as much as the Thursday Murder Club books.

There is some humor including one line that made me laugh out loud, and a few of the characters are really growing on me. It's not cozy enough and too violent (even though much of that is off the page) for my taste though.

message 3: by Laura (new)

Laura Hmm, I'm surprised to hear this. Good to know. Hopefully, it'll settle down but I guess that would be unusual, as most murder mysteries tend to get more and not less violent as they go.

Glad to see you reading, though!

Lisa Vegan Laura, Which part has you surprised?


message 5: by Laura (new)

Laura I'm surprised how violent it is. I'd have thought it w/lean more to cozy.

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "I'm surprised how violent it is. I'd have thought it w/lean more to cozy."

Maybe some would think it does. It definitely has cozy elements but for me it's not cozy enough.

message 7: by Laura (new)

Laura I'd probably be right there w/you!

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "I'd probably be right there w/you!"

Yes, probably.

message 9: by Margie (new) - added it

Margie Your review intrigued me, Lisa! I'm adding this one, thank you!

message 10: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Vegan Margie wrote: "Your review intrigued me, Lisa! I'm adding this one, thank you!"

Thanks, Margie. I have caught a grammatical error (there are probably more) but it's too late to correct it in three places. I need to wind down to go to bed.

Yes, I think you might like this one. For awhile the crimes/murders and the ones attempted seemed too brutal to me but I ended up being okay with everything, pretty much.

message 11: by Laura (new)

Laura Glad this one worked out for you, Lisa!
And good to see you too, Margie!

message 12: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "Glad this one worked out for you, Lisa!
And good to see you too, Margie!"

Thanks, Laura. It did end up working for me.

message 13: by Laura (new)

Laura A very big deal, Lisa 😀

message 14: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "A very big deal, Lisa 😀"

Yes, I'm grateful, Laura.

message 15: by Laura (new)

Laura The right book at the right time can change everything, for me. I don’t know how many non-book ppl would get that.

message 16: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Vegan Laura wrote: "The right book at the right time can change everything, for me. I don’t know how many non-book ppl would get that."

True. I'm not sure that this was the exact right book at the right time for me. It probably wasn't, but I was able to read it and enjoy it.

message 17: by Laura (new)

Laura I’m glad, Lisa.

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