Ajna's Reviews > Evocation
Evocation (The Summoner’s Circle, #1)

This book didn’t leave me with much at all – and I mean it in a derogative way. The premises were good, and so was the aesthetic: I liked the setting and I believe I liked the characters as well, if taken singularly. I didn’t really like their relationships and I especially disliked the way they acted when they were together. Obviously, I liked David the most: he had some great lines, he was funny yet complex and layered and, in my opinion, a quite likeable character, for he had a story, a past and everything a character needs to exist. However, David with Rhys was a whole other matter. Maybe my problem was that there was more romance than I anticipated? Yeah, maybe. But I cannot say that the magic system, the curse and the Society were exactly crystal clear to me, or that the author really took her time explaining them. So, to summarise, there were some considerable missing pieces and a little too much no sense going on around here – the writing was good though!
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rated it 3 stars
Aug 15, 2024 03:19AM
