Namratha's Reviews > Inferno

Inferno by Dan    Brown
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did not like it
bookshelves: adventure, mystery, thrillers, sci-fi

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
~ Dante's Divine Comedy.

(Oh, Mr.Brown...the irony and the accuracy)

The last Dan Brown novel that I recall reading and enjoying to the hilt was Angels & Demons. So, when I proudly hefted his new tome INFERNO home from the book store, I was all:

And then, barely twenty pages had passed by and my buoyant emotions pretty much went The Little Mermaid Way:

The author has decided to morph into a dry-as-day-old-bread version of Wikipedia. And also, into a closet tourist guide - a tourist guide who will bore the sweaty and itchy tourists into a rigid stupor as he drones on, ad nauseum, about every gilt-edged pillar and every conspiracy-ridden niche that the museums of Italy seem to be overflowing with.

And might I add that the plot was non-existent.
So my reaction at the complete absence of a storyline began at a mild:

laboured along at a steady:

and eventually escalated into a full-blown:

But wait, there was more…

200 Pages on and we are still sifting through a sea of unnecessary facts, vapid musings of the characters and brick-by-brick descriptions of Italy’s hotspots.
And still, no plot.

I am getting a tad snitty and mighty snotty now, Mr.Brown.
Take it from here, Miss.Pony:

I’m trying to keep an open mind. I’m trying to remember that one day, I will write a book and I will not want reviewers to tear it to soul-destroying shreds. I remind myself that Dan Brown is an articulate man with a brilliant mind.

But a description of Gondolas? Which, for the record, wasn't essential to the plot. REALLY, Mr.Brown?!?

AND, if I have to hear about the Provost’s deeply tanned face or his sun drenched visage one more time:

And then, a faint glimmer of hope.
THE PLOT! It exists! It’s alive!!


But wait, I spoke too soon.

What you saw and read and believed is NOT what you saw and read and believed.
Yes, big shock there, Prof.Langdon.

On a parallel (but seemingly wholly unrelated) note, is the plot progressing?

Nope. No sir. Not at all. It’s just more pages of lectures and descriptions and yes, lectures.

Stop it, Mr.Brown!
Stop it.
I am getting big imaginary welts on my forehead with all these big imaginary medieval *headdesks*

It’s not right.
I want to stop. But I have paid a third-cousin-twice-removed-duke’s ransom for this book.

I must finish it.
I must.
I will see the promised land.

But it’s a lonely path. And it’s dark.


Why is it not ending?


Mr.Brown. STOP. Please.

For the love of Angels & Demons, STOP.

oh look, I'm done.

Deep in my heart, having emerged from INFERNO with my wallet lighter, my head throbbing and my spirit chafed, I only have to say this:

To summarize,
I broke my rule of writing scathing reviews because:
a) An interesting premise could have avoided a long and messy demise, had the book been 200 pages long. 200 pages. Not 400 agonizing, brain-numbing pages long.

b) Reputed and respected Prof.Langdon is facing what could probably be the biggest catastrophe of his life. And his reactions? Dry chuckles. Startled asides. The occasional uppity smirk.
Kristen Stewart. Rejoice. YOU have more expressions than Robert Langdon.

c) Sienna Brooks was a huge disappointment. And really, were her actions justified? I think not. Prof.Langdon, stop acting all noble and understanding. You just want to, excuse the crudeness, get into her pants.
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Reading Progress

April 30, 2013 – Shelved as: thrillers
April 30, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
April 30, 2013 – Shelved
April 30, 2013 – Shelved as: adventure
April 30, 2013 – Shelved as: mystery
May 17, 2013 – Started Reading
May 21, 2013 – Shelved as: sci-fi
May 21, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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message 1: by Basuhi (new)

Basuhi I'll read this as soon as I get my hands on it :)
How is it ?
I liked Angels and Demons the best.

Namratha It hasn't taken off yet, Basuhi.
I live in eternal hope.

message 3: by Mith (new) - rated it 1 star


Namratha Mith wrote: "I LOVE YOU"

I'll be your Virgil, Mith. Step into the light. NOW!

Anoop Pai B I am wishing for u to write book bashing Inferno... No holds barred....

Namratha Anoop wrote: "I am wishing for u to write book bashing Inferno... No holds barred...."

I pretty much did all the bashing I could muster, in here. Have to return to my beloved Hogwarts now.

message 7: by Harini (new) - added it

Harini Thank you.... Thank you... thank you.... so much. You saved my money, time and more importantly saved me from agony. I still have to read The Lost Symbol but as I own it I will read it.

message 8: by Ash (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ash oh no.. is it that bad? :( I had such high hopes from this book. Thankfully I didnt buy it yet.

Namratha Harini, it was a great idea but the sheer length of it killed the reader's interest.

Namratha Ash...wise decision

Sabareesh A perfect summary of my emotions. The plot-twist was awesome though. The only part where the book had life. As you say, it'd have been far better had the size been smaller.

Namratha Sabareesh wrote: "A perfect summary of my emotions. The plot-twist was awesome though. The only part where the book had life. As you say, it'd have been far better had the size been smaller."

Exactly! You know, if Dan Brown hadn't gone on and on and on like a possessed art curator and instead would have given us some more juice on that brilliant would have been a book of epic proportions.

message 13: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Raut I wanted to hit Robert Langdon over the head with a jackhammer that was made of the needless symbolic musings on every second line in The Lost Symbol. But this looks like it's much, much worse.

Hilarious review. Also, extra love for Alison Brie.

Namratha Rohit wrote: ""

:) An accurate summation of Robert Langdon's adventures. So very, very true!

Alison Brie is delightful, isn't she? I wish they would bring COMMUNITY back already!

message 16: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Raut Alison Brie is amazing! And she's genuinely funny.

Community was brought back recently for a fourth season. I wish they hadn't. It feels like a completely different show.

Dan Harmon needs to get back to the child he abandoned.

Namratha Rohit wrote: "Alison Brie is amazing! And she's genuinely funny.

Community was brought back recently for a fourth season. I wish they hadn't. It feels like a completely different show.

Dan Harmon needs to get ..."

A 4th Season? Really?? Wasn't even aware of it. I love the cast in it's entirety but Abed remains a favourite. And Vampire that was amazing.

Sabareesh Namratha wrote: "Exactly! You know, if Dan Brown hadn't gone on and on and on like a possessed art curator and instead would have given us some more juice on that brilliant would have been a book of epic proportions. "

True. This one seemed to lack a strong plot. It is as if he happened upon Dante's Inferno and decided he ought to write a novel about it and started spilling whatever entered his mind.

message 19: by Scarlet (new)

Scarlet This is hilarious! Thanks for the laughs!!
I'm yet to read a Dan Brown book (yeah, you read that right) and I'm not sure I even want to anymore.

Namratha Scarlet wrote: "This is hilarious! Thanks for the laughs!!
I'm yet to read a Dan Brown book (yeah, you read that right) and I'm not sure I even want to anymore."

:) You're welcome.
Do read Angels & Demons. It's very well-written and has a stellar plotline. The only Dan Brown novel that doesn't make you want to hurl yourself off a cliff.

message 21: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Raut To use Community parlance, Dan Brown Britta'd this book.

Namratha Rohit wrote: "To use Community parlance, Dan Brown Britta'd this book."

Ah, so accurate.

message 23: by Sunil (new)

Sunil I'm a fan of Angels & Demons too, but after reading your review I think I'll skip this one. Thanks for saving me the torture.

Sohini Banerjee hell of a review... now I am seriously gonna read it ...(my chuckles and yours startled gaze!!!)

Namratha Sohini wrote: "hell of a review... now I am seriously gonna read it ...(my chuckles and yours startled gaze!!!)"

Best of luck, Sohini. I hope you emerge heart-whole and sane :)

Namratha Astoria wrote: "Dang, was it that bad? I don't like Dan Brown's works (Deception Point was bad) but wow... I never thought it would get so bad."

It could...and it has :(

Kelvin Philip Ha ... Haa ... I can't stop laughing at your review ... Very funny and satirical, though ! Yes, You can say that ... Dan Brown is exhausted of ideas ... But, "The Lost Symbol" is really great. Generated great interest in secret societies ...

message 28: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Karns Best book review ever!

Namratha Matthew wrote: "Best book review ever!"

Thank you, Matthew :)

EastAsianLover Haha, this one was epic. Totally describes the emotions I went through while reading the book. Ultimately, had to skip to the end.....

Namratha EastAsianLover wrote: "Haha, this one was epic. Totally describes the emotions I went through while reading the book. Ultimately, had to skip to the end....."

heh heh, thank you :)
And might I add, that was a wise decision.

Miquel Reina Lol! ;)

Namratha Miquel Reina wrote: "Lol! ;)"


message 34: by Tyler (new) - added it

Tyler Tremaine "Kristen Stewart. Rejoice. YOU have more expressions than Robert Langdon."

You may have just ruined Langdon for me. I will now read him in this tone. [knocks over bookcase and sets rubble on fire.]

Montzalee Wittmann Guess I will skip this one of his! Everyone is giving it one of two stars and not finishing it!

message 36: by I.M. (new)

I.M. Redwright Wow, this was a hilarious review :D

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