Cyndi (hiatus)'s Reviews > Skeletons in the Closet

Skeletons in the Closet by Nicky James
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really liked it

A slow start, but a strong finish that made me optimistic about this series. My heart hurt so much for Diem throughout this entire book. He reminded me of the scared animals in those SPCA commercials, shaking and cowering in the corner of a cage because they'd only ever known fear and neglect and abuse. The amount of trauma he has endured and the physical and mental scars it left behind mean the relationship development between him and Tallus will need to move at a snail's pace to make any sense, and so far that's exactly what it's doing. I'll admit that right now a love story feels close to impossible, but this author is so good at writing about mental health and healing that I have faith she will do Diem and Tallus justice.

While the mystery didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, it was layered enough to keep me guessing and intrigued. I thought the ending was exactly what it needed to be at this point and am looking forward to whatever comes next.
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message 1: by J (new) - rated it 4 stars

J I'm almost done and find your review spot on. The mystery part (as with other V&D stories) is certainly not a strong point, D & Tallus keep the book interesting with their very different personalities, especially Tallus trying to tenderly help D.
Does anyone else feel an earthquake when Aslan Doyle walks into a scene? Boy, I sure do.

Cyndi (hiatus) J wrote: "I'm almost done and find your review spot on. The mystery part (as with other V&D stories) is certainly not a strong point, D & Tallus keep the book interesting with their very different personalit..."

Hahahahaha!!! I love your earthquake comment! Aslan definitely has a presence, doesn't he? I agree with you about the mystery - not super strong but gave Diem and Tallus lots of forced proximity. I'm glad you're enjoying it too!

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