amarachireads's Reviews > House of Marionne

House of Marionne by J. Elle
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bookshelves: young-adult

This was okay. I think because it’s the first book in the series it was confusing and hard for me to understand the world building. There so many things going on in this world. The main character Quell and her mom have to constantly flee because of Quell’s dark magic/powers an assassin trying to get her. She ends up meeting her grandmother and getting into a secret society debutante world. The world is still very confusing to me but there’s magic, shifters, druguns, inductions, quadrants, initiations, magic school, rites and membership. The plot is that Quell try’s to fit into this world to protect her mom and herself from assassins while keeping her dark magic hidden. There’s a romance which was nice and a slow burn but after a while the relationship moved very fast with little development. The third act was very interesting and things really picked up with the betrayals and more world development. The main characters development was also really badass so I’m excited for the next book. Despite not liking this as much I would still recommend for lovers YA fantasy and romance.
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Reading Progress

December 5, 2023 – Started Reading
December 5, 2023 – Shelved
December 5, 2023 –
5.0% "There’s already so much going on"
December 5, 2023 – Shelved as: young-adult
December 5, 2023 –
December 5, 2023 –
December 6, 2023 –
December 6, 2023 – Finished Reading

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dudekisser✧DK✧ Would not or will not recommend?

amarachireads dudekisser✧DK✧ wrote: "Would not or will not recommend?"
I’ll recommend it especially if you like YA fantasy

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