Mimi's Reviews > The Rachel Incident

The Rachel Incident by Caroline O'Donoghue
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2.5 stars

Petition for writers to stop using gay characters as comic relief best friends for their protagonists.

I love books about friendships. Friendships are unique in that they are the only kind of relationships one truly chooses, unaffected by blood bonds or hormones (or both--I know you're out there, you sickos).
For friendships to work out, certain criteria have to be met.
For one, those involved need, you know, a personality.

Unfortunately, this novel's protagonist has no defined characteristics whatsoever, she just kind of exists and lets the plot happen to her.

The other half of the central friendship is the Gay Best Friend™, a flamboyant, 'funny', promiscuous Madonna-fan. Wow, I sure have never come across that caricature character before!

The prose had its moments though, at times painting vivid imagery and holding my interest more than the 'characters' and the plot combined.
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Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Berengaria (semi-hiatus) Sounds majorly stupid.

Mimi Berengaria wrote: "Sounds majorly stupid."

I won't argue with you there 😂

message 3: by Federico (new)

Federico DN

Mimi Federico wrote: ""

OMG this is perfect 😂😂😂

Kathryn You must be talking about the characterization of James because his being gay was pivotal to the story so not just for the sake of the gay best friend character.

Dawid Skrodzki @Katrhyn
Exactly, this story wouldn't exist without James being homosexual. Also, I didn't find James much funnier than other characters in the novel. But even so, his career path also made sense, given how funny, witty and quick he was.

Elsa FT touch grass tbh…. -a lesbian

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