megs_bookrack's Reviews > I Was a Teenage Slasher

I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones
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it was amazing
bookshelves: arcs-read, favorites

In 1989, Tolly Driver was your average 17-year old boy, just living his life in his small West Texas hometown of Lamesa.

He's a good kid, who mostly keeps his nose clean, helping his Mom at her hardware store, and spending time with his best friend ((crush)), Amber. All it took was one crazy Summer night to change everything...

This book is presented in a sort of confessional style. It's Tolly writing about that summer, about the events that occurred, relaying them and also reflecting upon them. He's addressing Amber, so it feels genuine and personal.

I connected with this one from the very first pages. I love how SGJ chose to present Tolly's story. It's much more than a Slasher. It's a Coming of Age tale from the perspective of a killer. A Slasher with a twist.

Reading this, it feels like a personal story for SGJ. Not the murdery-bits of course, but the sense of place, the experience of being a teenager in West Texas in the 1980s and everything that went along with that.

Honestly, it felt so rich with heart, emotion and nostalgia. I'm not sure what it is, whether it's because SGJ and I came up around the same time, both in small towns and probably with a lot of similar interests, or if it's just the humanity channeled into his stories, but they hit me differently.

Maybe it's as simple as our mutual love of this nuanced genre of Horror; Slashers in particular, I don't know, but there's something special in his delivery that takes me right back to my youth. I feel it.

I've never read anything like this. It's special. I absolutely loved it. There's only so much you can say about a book you loved without diving off the deep end into fangirl territory.

Stephen Graham Jones is one of my favorite authors. Out of the 8-books of his that I have read so far, the lowest rating I have ever given is a 4-star, and it was just the one.

I've been thinking about this a lot since I finished it, and I actually think this is my favorite SGJ work EVER!

For those of you crying yourself to sleep every night ((like I was)) because you just finished the last book in The Angel of Indian Lake trilogy, have NO FEAR, this one will fulfill your darkest Slasher desires and then some.

I'm so excited for this to release this Summer so that I can add a hard copy to my shelves. I can't wait to read it again. Tolly is a character I will never forget.

I would recommend this to any Horror Reader. It's a perfect Summer Scream story. My heart slowly shattered over the course of this novel, but it simultaneously made me ridiculously happy. I want everyone to feel that.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Saga Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and it far exceeded even my lofty expectations.

Stephen Graham Jones is such a gifted storyteller, who truly breaths life into his characters with the power of his words. His stories are edgy, raw, emotional, powerful and nostalgic. I'll never stop coming back for more.

10-out-of-10 recommend!!

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Reading Progress

November 7, 2023 – Shelved
November 7, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
April 19, 2024 – Started Reading
April 22, 2024 –
14.0% "The Coming of Age Horror fan in me is sitting up, at full attention 🖤"
April 24, 2024 –
16.0% "Yikes 😮
Yikes 😳
Yikes 😱

This is one EVENTFUL party!!"
April 24, 2024 –
30.0% "Yet again, a full-on Slasher story with emotions dripping off every sentence. I'm so in love...

SGJ, I doff my cap to you."
April 25, 2024 –
41.0% "...revenge on the marching band..."
April 28, 2024 –
43.0% "Wow. You mention watching the Challenger launch on a huge tv rolled into your classroom on the uber tall, somewhat unstable, stand and you're bringing me directly back to my childhood!!!"
April 29, 2024 –
53.0% "Amber is a good friend.
Also, I love like the perspective a Slasher. Tolly's right, they definitely don't cover that side in the movies..."
April 29, 2024 –

For those of you crying yourself to sleep every night ((like I was)) because you just finished the last book in The Angel of Indian Lake trilogy, have NO FEAR, this one will fulfill your darkest Slasher desires.

This is a Coming of Age Horror novel told from the perspective of a Slasher!? It's the greatest concept ever."
April 30, 2024 –
89.0% "Did we assume the wrong girl was Final Girl!?"
April 30, 2024 –
93.0% "My heart is slowly shattering over the course of this novel.
How does he do it?
How is SGJ able to pour such emotion into his stories?!
Why am I feeling feelings!?!?"
April 30, 2024 – Shelved as: arcs-read
April 30, 2024 – Finished Reading
May 9, 2024 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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message 1: by Julie (new)

Julie Bouchonville Oh i was hoping you were going to get to it before i did as i was worried about the quality of the whole thing x) thank you for your service mate!

megs_bookrack Julie wrote: "Oh i was hoping you were going to get to it before i did as i was worried about the quality of the whole thing x) thank you for your service mate!"LOL, nothing to worry about in the quality department where Stephen Graham Jones is concerned!!

message 3: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Jealous!!! 😭😂

megs_bookrack Rebecca wrote: "Jealous!!! 😭😂"I've started it, though not too far in, I'm definitely loving it so far!

*JEN the booknerd* My request is still pending! I'm jealous!

megs_bookrack *JEN the booknerd* wrote: "My request is still pending! I'm jealous!"I really hope you get it, Jen!!!

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today Have not read the book, but I loved the Spanky GIF, I found that film somewhere over the internet this past year (tossing out Bearer Bonds from granny's window? - maybe she won't lose the house after all LOL)

megs_bookrack Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today wrote: "Have not read the book, but I loved the Spanky GIF, I found that film somewhere over the internet this past year (tossing out Bearer Bonds from granny's window? - maybe she won't lose the house aft..." Hahaha, thank you, Tamar!!!

message 9: by Melly (new) - added it

Melly A 5 star ?!?!?! I expected no less 🙏🙏🙏 even more excited to read this!

megs_bookrack Melly wrote: "A 5 star ?!?!?! I expected no less 🙏🙏🙏 even more excited to read this!"
Oh, without a doubt! I knew I would be giving it 5-stars after the first chapter! LOL -- I hope you absolutely adore it when you get to it, Melly! xx

message 11: by Jess (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jess So excited for this one!! Glad to know you loved it!

megs_bookrack Jess wrote: "So excited for this one!! Glad to know you loved it!"
It's fantastic, Jess. I hope you love it when you get to it!!

Joey's deathly tomes of death I can't wait to read this! I pre-ordered the hardcover, so excited. I'm writing a slasher right now, always inspired by SGJ lol.

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "I can't wait to read this! I pre-ordered the hardcover, so excited. I'm writing a slasher right now, always inspired by SGJ lol."
I hope you love this one. It's so freaking good. I ordered a hard copy too and can't wait for it to arrive. I'll def read it again someday!!!

message 15: by Sonia (new) - added it

Sonia I am so excited for this one. DYING.

megs_bookrack Sonia wrote: "I am so excited for this one. DYING."
I hope you love it when you get to it, Sonia! It's so well done!

Gareth Is Haunted Such a great read. Oh and that ending

megs_bookrack Gareth wrote: "Such a great read. Oh and that ending "
Awww, I am so glad you loved it too, Gareth! SJG tore my heart out and stomped on it. I couldn't be happier with it 😂🖤

message 19: by Nora (new) - added it

Nora Currie Wonderful review, megs! I had to DNF another book by the same author. However, your review makes me want to read another book by him!

megs_bookrack Nora wrote: "Wonderful review, megs! I had to DNF another book by the same author. However, your review makes me want to read another book by him!"
I love him, but of course, it is for a certain type of Reader. His tone/style/content focus is fairly steady amongst his work, but it's always worth giving another try, IMO!

Joey's deathly tomes of death Just got my copy in the mail today while at work, just started. This is awesome! l'm feeling the embossed letters on the cover, like to say, don't go anywhere. I'Il be right back!

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "Just got my copy in the mail today while at work, just started. This is awesome! l'm feeling the embossed letters on the cover, like to say, don't go anywhere. I'Il be right back! "

Hahaha, I love that! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, Joey!

Gatorman Just starting it now

megs_bookrack Gatorman wrote: "Just starting it now"

Ooooo, I'm nervous. I hope you enjoy it. I will definitely be looking for your thoughts!

message 25: by Grace (new) - added it

Grace Anderson This makes me so excited to read it

megs_bookrack Grace wrote: "This makes me so excited to read it"

I hope you enjoy it, Grace!!!

message 27: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Orlopp Terrific review!

megs_bookrack Sharon wrote: "Terrific review!"Thank you, Sharon! I appreciate that!!

message 29: by Cass (new) - added it

Cass I did not need to be sold on this one but you have def moved it up on my priority list! Just finished The Angel of Indian Lake and sobbed when it was over. SJG is one of my favourite authors and I highly recommend his novellas if you can get your hands on them!

megs_bookrack Cass wrote: "I did not need to be sold on this one but you have def moved it up on my priority list! Just finished The Angel of Indian Lake and sobbed when it was over. SJG is one of my favourite authors and I ..."Yesssss, I was devastated too when The Angel of Indian Lake was over. You're going to love this, Cass!!! xx

Machiavelli This was my first of SGJ… and I loved it… since you are a fan, can you please recommend what of his to pick up next?

megs_bookrack Machiavelli wrote: "This was my first of SGJ… and I loved it… since you are a fan, can you please recommend what of his to pick up next?"
Awwww, your first, and you loved it!!! You should just go for it and do the Angel of Indian Lake trilogy next:
My Heart Is a Chainsaw (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #1) by Stephen Graham Jones
Don't Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #2) by Stephen Graham Jones
The Angel of Indian Lake (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #3) by Stephen Graham Jones

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