Rick Wilson's Reviews > Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity

Outlive by Peter Attia
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it was ok
bookshelves: bullshit-psuedo-thoughts, empty-consulting-platitudes

This book is silly. There’s absolutely no reason for this to be as long as it is. And most of the examples are dubious at best.

This book is easily split into two parts. Speculative and dubious medical research and basic yet very resonable information. Delete half, I don’t really care which, and you have a better book. Better yet, since this guy gives me grifter vibes, split it into two books and you can make twice as much money. Whos the consultant making statements outside his zone of competency now Peter?

The core, good information you can find anywhere. Exercise, get sleep, eat good food, not too much. But this dude wouldn’t be able to charge people for his *super *special* magical* longevity consulting if he was actually honest about the fact that he doesn’t have any secret sauce. so like KFC and Coca-Cola before him, he claims that people are out to keep the good stuff from you, and that only his secret combination of herbs and spices will give you lasting health for all your days.

The book seemed like mostly a waste of time. I’m sure some of it is directionally, correct. If you throw enough darts eventually you can hit a bullseye. But I genuinely resented wasting half the book talking about speculative drugs and mostly unproven research while cloaking himself in the credibility of “I went to med school and dropped out right before I could’ve actually become a doctor.“ This dude wants the best of both worlds. like I was a math major for a while, doesn’t mean I know jack shit about the Riemann hypothesis.

No, this just felt a lot like a very clever consultant pitching you his health oriented version of synergy through workforce reduction and cross bilateral inventory redistribution, with the subcontext that you should continue to pay his firm lots of money. I found it mostly annoying.
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Reading Progress

October 4, 2023 – Started Reading
October 4, 2023 – Shelved
October 5, 2023 –
25.0% "This feels like Tim Ferris flavored pseudoscience"
October 5, 2023 –
50.0% "If life is finite, write a shorter fucking book."
October 6, 2023 – Shelved as: empty-consulting-platitudes
October 6, 2023 – Shelved as: bullshit-psuedo-thoughts
October 6, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Taylor (new) - added it

Taylor Sweetman Any good knowledge nuggets if ignoring the more speculative aspects? One thing he preaches on YouTube which I've found helpful is to spend more time training in "zone 2" whereas I was guilty of pretty much always spiking my effort to near max levels on cardio.

message 2: by Boy (new)

Boy Blue Thanks for this review. I've walked past this a few times at various bookstores and wondered whether it was worth it.

message 3: by Dave (new)

Dave Go to an old age home, or long term memory care facility… live now! Do wait until yer old!!!

Rick Wilson The Zone 2 stuff seems reasonable Taylor. I think the litmus test for a lot of this is “how well and how much has it been replicated” in research. And most of that has been around for awhile and seems well documented

Rick Wilson Blue, you could get maximum value out of this book by flipping through the second half in the bookstore.

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