Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! )'s Reviews > Lioness

Lioness by Emily Perkins
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This was an interesting novel, albeit imperfect.
It's about Therese Thorne, a fifty-something-year-old, the owner of a small chain of luxury homewares/decor. She's been married for thirty years to a property developer, two decades her senior. He came with baggage - four children and some lovely properties. ;-)
Therese came from a modest family, but she's had no problems getting used to a life of luxury - as if it's hard. She thinks her life is pretty sweet, she's content in her marriage. When her husband's property development affairs start being investigated by authorities, Therese is left to question her life, her role and her choices, including who she really is and what she wants. She's spurred on a journey of discovery by her somewhat unhinged neighbour, Claire.

There were many things I liked about the novel as it looks at affluence, career, having children, ageing, and female rage. While Claire was an interesting catalyst, an in-your-face kind of character, I found her unbelievable, and I questioned a few other situations that felt over-dramatised and incredulous, e.g. in what universe do people just let some strangers live in their home, rent-free and are so blase about it? I also found the author's choice to have an impromptu orgy peculiar, to say the least, not on moral grounds, just on logistical and probability grounds.

This had good bones, some parts were well done, so I'm keen to read more by this author.
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September 25, 2023 – Started Reading
September 25, 2023 – Shelved
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: contemporary
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: female-author
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: general-fiction
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: library
September 27, 2023 – Shelved as: new-zealand-author
September 27, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Mark (new)

Mark Porton Shame the main character was a bit unbelievable Bianca - great write up!

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Mark wrote: "Shame the main character was a bit unbelievable Bianca - great write up!"

Thanks, Mark. There were a few absurdist elements in this novel, I don't know how to explain it. Still, I'm happy I read it.

message 3: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen You had me curious at female rage - lol - this is when I say every female should go on HRT! lol. A fair review, Bianca.

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Jen CAN wrote: "You had me curious at female rage - lol - this is when I say every female should go on HRT! lol. A fair review, Bianca."

Ha, yes, but it is good to have all the decades of build-up resentment come out - or is it just me? ;-)

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Excellent review Bianca 💖

message 6: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Orgies... strangers living in their home... living a life of luxury... female rage... this sounds like a wild combination! Glad you found things to appreciate in this one even if you didn't love it, Bianca!

message 7: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro It's bad enough having to clear up all the plates, bottles and glasses after having a houseparty, so I can't imagine how much mess would be left after hosting on orgy! 😯
Excellent review, Bianca!

message 8: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen A very intriguing review, Bianca. I have to ask an orgy? really. Hmmm. LOL

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Cheri wrote: "Orgies... strangers living in their home... living a life of luxury... female rage... this sounds like a wild combination! Glad you found things to appreciate in this one even if you didn't love it..."

It was wild, there was a dreamlike quality to the writing, the novel had good bones, it was just that the quirky, unusual aspects seemed too much.

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Kevin wrote: "It's bad enough having to clear up all the plates, bottles and glasses after having a houseparty, so I can't imagine how much mess would be left after hosting on orgy! 😯
Excellent review, Bianca!"

Ha. Thanks, Kevin. FYI, that was an impromptu orgy in an unfinished building, seemed very uncomfortable :-)

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Jen CAN wrote: "A very intriguing review, Bianca. I have to ask an orgy? really. Hmmm. LOL"

Cheers, Jen. Not to give spoilers, but they got busted before things went too far...

message 12: by Rich (new)

Rich Nice review Bianca. Those don’t seem like too bad of problems unless someone goes to jail I guess...doesn’t everyone have unscheduled orgies🤷‍♂️.”lol. Maybe just the very wealthy...

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Rich wrote: "Nice review Bianca. Those don’t seem like too bad of problems unless someone goes to jail I guess...doesn’t everyone have unscheduled orgies🤷‍♂️.”lol. Maybe just the very wealthy..."

Thanks, Rich. I may have been jealous, as these days everyone is so busy, it's hard to organise 6 people to catch up, so having an unplanned orgy where everyone present is up for it, seems improbable to me, but I do lack imagination and could be considered an overthinker :-)

message 14: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Oh too funny :)

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