L's Reviews > The Imposter Bride

The Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler
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This book was very intriguing in the beginning.. With a very promising main plot line and several minor subplots that were equally interesting. I see the story has been described several times already, so I won't. I simply found it disappointing. We are taken through Ruth's entire life feeling her emptiness and asking her questions. Wondering what tormented Lily so much...why rocks arrived as birthday gifts... And so forth. There was a mystical uncut diamond and mysterious journals.. One empty. It was insinuated that Ruth would finish that journal, but all the end of the story that too was just a plan. I felt that Ruth meeting her mother would bring that character to life, and answer all of those questions, pull the story together. But the meeting was short and uneventful, giving me no satisfaction whatsoever in understanding all of the wonderful mysteries the author created. It was almost as though the author was just tired of writing it, and decided to have the two meet with the mother giving no answers and the daughter somehow being ok with that. I wasn't ok with that lol!! I wouldn't recommend the waste of time that is this book, sadly:(
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Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Naomi Gross Totally agree about book being disappointing! Felt like a bit of a waste is time unfortunately.

Tanya I totally agree with your review. I was SO disappointed with this book. While I'm no literary expert, I do have to question this book making the Giller shortlist. I would not recommend unfortunately though it has such plot potential.

message 3: by L (new) - rated it 3 stars

L Well...No one needs to be a literary expert to know a poor reading experience:). This isn't your everyday literary disappointment...,like you said this had such potential... It promises the reader so much, and then drops them lol. I have the worst urge to write a series of alternate endings... The only redemption would be a sequel that finishes the story.

Arzina I totally agree about the disappointment of this book. I was intrigued about all the mystery and was eagerly waiting for the answers to our questions to be revealed. The last 1/3 of this book was a let down and was difficult to get through. Many redundancies in what was said and a lot of "talking without actually saying anything".

I think Lisa was bang on when she said that it seemed as if the author gave up at the end. I didn't get a real sense of who Lily was, what her motivations were, why she chose those gifts (and why she started sending them and why she suddenly stopped), what her notes meant, if Ruth got closure, etc. there are so many unanswered questions!

Alexandra’s Absolutely agree!

Norine Back Absolutely agree!!

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