valreads's Reviews > God of Fury

God of Fury by Rina Kent
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2023-favs

💛✨my first MM romance book✨💛
Rina wasn’t lying about this book!! It broke me, and then healed me in the best possible way.
I’m biased so skip the review if you’re looking for criticism, there is no criticising my babies for me. 😽 (even tho there were a few things I’d have done differently, but they were too few, and to not rate this book what it deserves would be unjust, I can’t overlook all of the best things about it, which were like 99%) so here we are. But trust me it deserves all the love and more than 5 stars!
Because the way I felt throughout the book, I can’t put into words. Beautiful. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. 💖
To be exactly defining my emotions for the this book would be me singing “A thousand years by Christina Perri” 🫶🏼
To finally meet my babies and get inside their heads, wow. I am so in love. 🥺❤️ This was my most awaited couple EVER. Literally ever, I have never anticipated a book this bad, like they were in my thoughts everyday even before the release. So imagine me after reading the book. 🫠
Every second of NxB was beautiful, you can’t tell me otherwise.
I wanna stay here in this moment forever with them and I know I will be, because they are now forever pieces of my heart. 💌♾

💛NIKOLAI *sweetest (only for Bran)* SOKOLOV💛
Nikolai’s inner monologue were such a delight to read. I was giggling, laughing the entire time and what not. He’s so unserious I love it 😭😂 y’all hating him for no reason? Bec he was described as such character in previous books as well. He’s supposed to be this unserious and childish. And pls Bran needed that type of silly joy in his life. 🕺 He’s enough smart for the both of them, and well after meeting Bran, Niko actually started ‘thinking’ and knew his Prince Charming loves smart stuff so y’all pls don’t bash my baby for being goofy. He’s cute plsss. 🥺🤭
He’s very simple as he says. I found him to be quite straightforward, he’s genuine. Whatever it was he was feeling, he never shied away from any of his emotions ever, which was admirable tbh.
Oh the one thing I disliked about him was ☠️Kolya☠️ bruh why??? 😭 and the amount of times it was mentioned, don’t even get me started 👺 that was kinda cringe… But I WILL let it slide bec I’m a biaseddd for my baby, okay? okay.
Niko is definition of the quote “Never back down, never give up” LITERALLY, my boy never gave up despite so many rejections, although he did get mad sometimes and threw fits, AND I GOT MAD FOR THAT BEC HOW DARE HE GIVE UP CHASING MY LOTUS FLOWER? Though maybeee his fits were justified 🫣 bec my baby Bran really wasn’t giving him the time of his day…. and yet I have no complains for Bran, bec when Niko pushed, Bran backed up and pulled so no complains for baby Bran 😽 Nikolai was a sunshine for Bran thru and thru. He was like Bran mentioned “an elastic band” which kept bouncing back to him. ❤️ I so absolutely enjoyed his character, his obsession, his possessiveness, his nicknames 🤭😽, his care for ONLY Bran and so much more. Basically everything except Kolya👹😂.
The people were bashing him for no reason. 🙄 HE IS THE CUTEST, SWEETEST PERSON TO EXIST HOW DARE YOU SAY NEGATIVE STUFF ABOUT BRAN’S GOOF BALL. I’m hurt 🙇 He’s preciousss and makes Bran happy and saved Bran’s life what more can I ask for? Anddd he killed for baby Bran!! He was NEVER harsh toward Bran (unlike the usual toxicity we find in every RK hero), I’d say he was quite patient with him. He loves his ‘baby’ so much mannn, I was in awe the entire time. The things he said to Bran everytime were so adorable, I’d say he was in love since the first time he sae his Lotus flower 🫠🫶🏼 NO ONE CAN DO NIKOLAI’s LEVEL OF OBSESSION. NO. ONE. He’s truly “whipped” for BRAN 😽

🪷BRANDON *perfect* KING 🪷
My beautiful, precious baby.
The love of my life. A character I want to give my biggest hugssss. Bran’s character was the one with more depth, so well described, such genuine struggles, my heart hurts for my baby. Though I already kinda predicted the self-harm/suicide part by listening to the playlist and I knew it’d be Bran. I was already scared for that part bec I knew it’d be painful. He was everything I expected and so much more. Such a sweetheart. Oh and a grump (only with Niko) bec he makes him lose his control. The pain he went through everyday was heartbreaking, to feel him hurting everyday was truly, so heartbreaking. He deserves ALL THE LOVE. I WILL KILL FOR HIM 🤺He’s an Angel. Protect him at all costs.
Like TS said ✨in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman✨
Everyday he fought his demons which is why he kept pushing Niko, bec he didn’t want to hurt him along with himself. He struggled everyday, yet did his best to survive. I’m proud of him. 🫶🏼 I also loved how he was hesitant at first and didn’t jump at the first opportunity of Niko pursuing him, he slowly came to terms with it and accepted it. His hesitancy was real and I’m glad it was shown that way, he took his right time. And I am so so glad, he re-discovered and started creating his preferred art, also sketches of Nikolai were 🥺🫶🏼 and when he started sketching himself back, my heart felt so happy, I felt proud 🫀✨
He’s perfect. He cooks, is obedient to his parents, cares for everyone from humans to animals, does incredible art. Oh and I loveee his fashion sense. 🤤 and so much more. Oh and also buys desserts for Niko bec he has a sweet tooth. And what not? He’s perfectttt. With the most beautiful heart ever. Bran was such a different male Rina character. He’s perfection. He’s everything. He’s love. He’s truly ✨goldennn✨ Bran does no wrong everrrr. He’s the best guy ever in every way possible. ♥️😽🥰
Oh and I loved the scene were this little girl gave him a flower. That was cute. Because I wanna give him flowers too, lots of them. 🤭💘
Anything I say for him would be less. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. With all my heart and soul. 💛❤️❤️‍🩹

Don’t even get me started on their tattoos *GOOD GRIEF* 🥺😽🫠🤭🥰 my babies are sooo cute and soooo in love. Them together, WOW.ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! Their rings, Perfection. 🥺💘
The push and pull between them, the softness, the obsession, I can’t even shut up about ittt!
Ohh and they fucked a lottt, tbh I didn’t expected it to have so many smut scenes but it was hot 🥵
Also their texts were so much fun, every text exchange was loveee. Their dates, omg cutest 🥺✨
Niko is sooo obsessed with Bran, tho who wouldn’t be? HE’S BRANDON FUCKING KING. 😽
Niko can’t fall asleep on a bed without Bran. Niko bought an apartment for him just so Bran would have a comfortable place to be around him. Niko was ‘enough’ considerate not to throw things around bec Bran hated the mess. Oh and boy turned into a stalker for Bran, love him for that! And can you guess Niko’s favorite time of the day? It is 5:30, bec that’s when he meets the highlight of his day, my precious Lotus flower. 💛🫶🏼 who would have thought the violent, chaotic Nikolai could be so thoughtful for the love of his life? 😭❤️ N&B and truly exact opposites, but they fit together so well. I couldn’t have asked for a better couple. No love like NikoBran’s 💗
“Yellow” by Coldplay was the perfect song Rina added to their playlist. That’s soooo NIKO to BRAN. 😭🫀✨
The entire book was a highlight tbh. 💛 Every moment, every line was a highlight, can’t just put one here. The whole book is a starrr of the show. ♾
I miss them already. 😭 I can never get enough of them. ❤️‍🔥 Is if too soon to re-read it though? 🫣
can we get another book for them @rina please? 😽

📌Also I kinda expected more from the punching scene but there wasn’t really much to it. (Tho Idc at this point, bec I was given so much more also so 😽)
📌 Unlike other books, this one didn’t really feed any crumbs for the other couples. Not only that not much of their sibling/friend groups bonds were shown here. Though I’m not complaining I love me some BRAN AND NIKO only.
📌 There definitely isn’t copy paste of another books! Some scenes were repeated from previous books but those were the scenes we were dying for from a long time so. 🤷🏻‍♀️
📌Once again, loved Landon here like every other book (unlike his own’s 🫣). I cherished their twin bond more than anything, I was so happy they reconnected, I’ve been waiting for the moment since so long 🫂🫶🏼 and Lan for the first time apologizing and confessing his love to Bran was so precious 😩💗🫀 one of my top favorite siblings scene from the entire LOG series. 🙌
📌 Jeremy and Niko, best bro bond of the series 💛🧡 Every scene of them together was an icing on the cake to me but their scenes were so less, I wanted more. 🥲 The lacrosse game scene tho. So cute. 😂🤭
📌 White mask identity is surely revealed. But it was made such a big thing in other books of the series, here it was just vaguely revealed.
📌 Both of Niko and Bran’s relationships with their father were so precious and pure. I adored them. 🤍
Especially Kyle and Niko’s, so adorableee, their banter>>>
Also My goddd, Niko was so polite to Levi, even he was surprised 😂 Niko was so actually respectful towards Bran’s parents, love Niko for that <33 and Levi likes him better than Kill, yayy 🥰

Tbh, To me the wait was worth it. To me it was everything and so much more. To me this is my comfort book, to me I would always go back to re-read it. To me these characters are my soulmates. To me this book was everything and will always be. 💛✨ My love for Brandon and Nikolai is unconditional. My favorites forever. 💛❤️✨🫶🏼🪷

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Reading Progress

May 30, 2023 – Shelved
May 30, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
December 5, 2023 – Started Reading
December 5, 2023 –
1.0% "Screamingggggg FUCKING FINALLYYYY"
December 5, 2023 –
20.0% "“But lotus flower is this golden boy who hides more than he shows and I’m thirsty for any crumb I can get.”

Me too Niko. Me too."
December 7, 2023 – Finished Reading
December 22, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023-favs

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RIGHT??! We can keep dreaming 🤭

Yasmine I read the book, and they're literally being dramatic??


readwithnaw he didnt do anything lol im reading the epilogues right now and hes the sweetest rina kent men. love him so much

Claur he didnt do anything, people are weird for this..

valreads Yasmine wrote: "I read the book, and they're literally being dramatic??"

Ikrr. I realized it after reading it. I got scared bec last book was a disappointment.


Right?? But let’s just assume he will get it in the future (in our heads) 😂💛

valreads readwithnaw wrote: "he didnt do anything lol im reading the epilogues right now and hes the sweetest rina kent men. love him so much"

Yesss. I love himmm so much. For some reason I can’t review the book idk why?! 😭

valreads Claur wrote: "he didnt do anything, people are weird for this.."

Totally agreed. He didn’t do anything 🙄 people just love to make the smallest issue the biggest thing and ruin the book for so many others, bec some people don’t actually read it even if they intended to after their false comments.

annie amazing review bae! This long review shows how much you enjoyed it! Brandon is literally so good, I haven't read this book yet and it's gonna be my first MM book too but seriously I literally love brandon already! He's so good and I need characters like him more! Niko kind of disappointed me because from some reviews I got that he recieved bj from Bran's ex so that was pretty fucked up!

valreads Anum wrote: "amazing review bae! This long review shows how much you enjoyed it! Brandon is literally so good, I haven't read this book yet and it's gonna be my first MM book too but seriously I literally love ..."

Thank you love! ♥️ Hahah yess to the point that I can talk about it all day. Brandon is perfection trust me he’d never disappoint, he’s love. Completely agreed. I hope you enjoy it. 🫶🏼✨
About that, He didn’t EXACTLY receive the bj from her. And yes, I was pissed at Niko for that and I’m not defending him. But hear me out, technically when Niko and Bran got sexual, Bran was still with his girlfriend (and well that too he got back with to shoo Niko away) tho Bran didn’t do anything with her but Niko didn’t know that. And he asked Bran several times to get rid of her or he’d do so. Well Bran did but didn’t tell Niko and then Niko pulled this stunt. It honestly wasn’t that deep but yeah I was pissed at N for that. People aren’t exactly liking Niko due to his childish nature. To me he was utterly obsessed with Bran and never exactly was an asshole to him like every RK’s heroes usually are in the beginning or the mid to their love interest. Just bec of this one stunt (which I repeat wasn’t that deep) I won’t overlook his other actions throughout the duration of the book.

message 13: by Medollga (new)

Medollga Glad you've enjoyed this book so much, darling! Can you spoil me in dms who's the white mask is? is it eli king?

valreads Medollga wrote: "Glad you've enjoyed this book so much, darling! Can you spoil me in dms who's the white mask is? is it eli king?"

Thank you. ❤️ Sure, doing that. 😉

cal ☆ yay! hope you'll dive in deeper into the mm world! never looked back ❤️

valreads ♡ cal ♡ wrote: "yay! hope you'll dive in deeper into the mm world! never looked back ❤️"
For sure! I have some on my tbr now, can’t wait to explore the world 😍

MandalorianAvenger You said it perfectly. 👏🏻 Niko & Bran own my heart. 💛 I laughed, cried, screamed and awwed so much during this book. And I can’t tell you how much I loved Lan in this book. The Niko-Lan team up was so chef kisses. 🤌🏻 I loved it. This book is my favorite of 2023. Hands down. 12/10 for me.

valreads MandalorianAvenger wrote: "You said it perfectly. 👏🏻 Niko & Bran own my heart. 💛 I laughed, cried, screamed and awwed so much during this book. And I can’t tell you how much I loved Lan in this book. The Niko-Lan team up was..."

Yayyy I’m glad you enjoyed it as much 😽
Yesss, Landon always outshines in other’s books 😂 Ikrrr, Niko-Lan team up was definitely a star scene, the entire time I was cheering on them <33
Sameee, the feeling is mutual 🥰

Hiliary ♡ Awesome review! 💛 I haven’t been able to move on from Niko and Bran yet 🥲 they deserve another book

valreads Hiliary ♡ wrote: "Awesome review! 💛 I haven’t been able to move on from Niko and Bran yet 🥲 they deserve another book"
Thanks sweetheart ❤️ I don’t think we can ever move on from them, I totally agree they deserve another book. Or maybe another 3. 😭

Bright Love Same I love them. I have read many mm books, but the videos about this book got my attention. I love some good dark romance mm book, those are the best.

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