Stacey B's Reviews > August Blue

August Blue by Deborah Levy
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's review

Deborah Levy is a wonderful and sometimes an intense author.
Having read three other books of hers, I am absolutely surprised without a doubt- that this book went right over my head and am not sure why. Does it make me an outlier.
I caught it all - all of it related to Elsa's insecurities and assumptions. I can put the puzzle together but can't see it. I would bet if I re read it, it would be
so much clearer.
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May 1, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
May 1, 2023 – Shelved
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June 27, 2023 – Finished Reading

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Holly R W Stacey, I recently read the book. If you're feeling unclear about it, this may have been the author's intent. She left it open to interpretation. This would be a good book to discuss in a book club.

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile I've been curious about this one. Hope you have better luck with the reread if you decide to pick it up again. If not , onto better!😊

message 3: by Stacey B (new) - added it

Stacey B Thank you ladies.
Yes it would be perfect for a book club discussion.
I did google it for an hour and got the answers I needed.
There was no way I could sit on this book without understanding this book.

Adina (way behind on reviews, some notifications) it happens. Better luck next time.

message 5: by Stacey B (new) - added it

Stacey B Adina wrote: "it happens. Better luck next time."

Thanks Adina-
I knew it would at the 35 page mark. :)

Lisa So after googling and getting your answers, do you feel satisfied? Did it change how you feel about the book?

message 7: by Stacey B (last edited Jun 28, 2023 07:30PM) (new) - added it

Stacey B Lisa wrote: "So after googling and getting your answers, do you feel satisfied? Did it change how you feel about the book?"

Lisa, what a great question !!!
Yes Im satisfied fitting the explanations into my missing pieces.
I understood Elsa's perspective of identity but overthought it.
I found myself going back to pages too many times and was frustrated with "my" interpretations when they didn't connect later in the book.
Clearly this book did hit home with many readers and on so many levels.
I wasn't prepared to do the work. I should have set it aside for the time being.

Jennifer Welsh Stacey and company, you all have me very intrigued! Stacey, when I finally get to this (it may be in Fall), I’ll definitely want to discuss it with you. 💕

Lisa Stacey, I'm circling back since I've just finished reading this one. Anything you still want to talk about?

message 10: by JimZ (new) - rated it 3 stars

JimZ I do not think you are an outlier....went over my head too. I'm glad it was a relatively short read.

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