Karen's Reviews > The Half Moon

The Half Moon by Mary Beth Keane
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Malcolm and Jen started out contented. They were known as a golden couple. Malcolm had dreams of owning a bar, while Jess wanted children. By the time we meet them, it doesn't appear these dreams are being met in the ways originally planned - Malcolm is deeply in debt - and Jess is grieving her dream of ever being a Mom.

The story takes place over the course of a week during a blizzard which forces confrontations and secrets to come to light.

There is also a missing person weaved into the story as a subplot. But the real mystery will be whether Malcolm and Jess will find their way back to each other.

The author, knows how to create nuanced characters. She is romantic and real at the same time.

The story is gripping, and as readers we want resolution. We root for the characters, and wait for resolution to happen.

Will it turn out as we expect it to be?
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Reading Progress

April 27, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
April 27, 2023 – Shelved
Started Reading
June 2, 2023 – Shelved as: good
June 2, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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MarilynW I really enjoy this author's way with words. Wonderful review, Karen!

Karen MarilynW wrote: "I really enjoy this author's way with words. Wonderful review, Karen!"

Thank you so much Marilyn. :)

Emma.catherine Love this review Karen! I have been debating getting this one but I think you’ve persuaded me ;)

Christina ( Waaaaay behind) Lovely review, Karen!

Karen Emma.catherine wrote: "Love this review Karen! I have been debating getting this one but I think you’ve persuaded me ;)"

Thank you Emma. I hope you are not disappointed! 🙂

Karen Christina wrote: "Lovely review, Karen!"

Thank you so much Christina! 💕

Emma.catherine Thanks Karen

Karen Emma.catherine wrote: "Thanks Karen"


Karen Carol wrote: "Terrific review, Karen 💖!!!! I have this one on my shelf and I am excited to read it."

I am so happy to oblige you to take another look at it Carol! Thank you! 🥰

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