Lydia's Romance's Reviews > Code Triage

Code Triage by Candace Calvert
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2 ‘It was okay’ Stars
(based solely on my enjoyment)

This book was too long for its own good. The only exciting thing about it was the ‘other woman.’ I seriously enjoyed hating her. Too bad nobody ever put her in her place. Good god, what a horrid, selfish woman. The main characters were an absolute bore. I read this for the angst but I hardly felt anything. Thank goodness, for the OW 😂 The cheating was never explored. The brief affair occurred before the start of the book, and basically, he’s begging for a second chance. I had so many questions, damn it. This was filled with secondary characters’ problems, and frankly, I didn’t care one iota. The suspense factor—even less. I guess I had no business reading this.

It’s a Christian book. Nothing at all preachy, tho. But no sexy times, either. 😭

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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Nikki ღ Navareus Dang! I have read stories like this before and the evil OW is the only decent thing about the story, the rest is boring AF. Why do authors do that? Hope you find a much better read with your next story Hon! Great review BTW. xx

Lydia's Romance Nikki ღ Navareus wrote: "Dang! I have read stories like this before and the evil OW is the only decent thing about the story, the rest is boring AF. Why do authors do that? Hope you find a much better read with your next s..."

Thank you, dear Nikki<3 If it wasn't for the OW, I would have DNFed! We really do need more OW like her in cheating books 😂

message 3: by Malene (new)

Malene Great review. Sorry it wasn’t better. Sometimes a long book can be too much especially if the writing isn’t up to par.

Lydia's Romance Malene wrote: "Great review. Sorry it wasn’t better. Sometimes a long book can be too much especially if the writing isn’t up to par."

Thanks, Malene<3 In this case, the writing was okay. I think the story was just super boring...not for me at all. The OW was the only thing that made it interesting.

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