Lanette's Reviews > True Believer

True Believer by Nicholas Sparks
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's review

it was ok

Ugh. There are so many things wrong with this book, I don't even know where to begin. Someone needs to tell Mr. Sparks that self-respecting women don't sleep with a man after knowing him for only 2 days. (And no man I know is physically capable of "making love all night.") Like most of his other books, this one was completely predictable. The difference is that the characters in this one were pathetic. Lexie is a whining snot. Jeremy is a womanizer and I'm expected to believe he suddenly sees the light and falls head over heals for her in 48 hours? Whatever. This is all compounded by the fact that I listened to this one and the narrators voice was SO irritating. Fake southern drawl (falsetto for Lexie) did not add to my overall impression of this book. I have owned the sequel, At First Sight, for a long time, so I may try it, but I am not hopeful that I will enjoy more of these two characters. However, I am going to try reading it instead of listening to it to see if it makes any difference.
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April 23, 2009 – Shelved
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April 28, 2009 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Amy (new)

Amy I love playaways! You are the only other person I know who uses them.

Lanette This is the first one I've used... and I HATE IT! What a pain to rewind and fast forward it if, say, you accidentally hit buttons and lose your place...

message 3: by Amy (new)

Amy I found playaway kept my place pretty well. It's the book on cd I always lose my place in. I turn off the cd player and think I'll remember what track I'm on and never do! Plus the playaway can fit in your pocket it's perfect for traveling room to room doing housework,gardening or sticking in your purse and listening to while you grocery shop of have to hang out in a waiting room. I know what your thinking I do always have something to listen to, their names are Abby, Joanna and Steven!

Rachel Zwicker I was going to write a review but I see you already said it all for me. I agree 100%. This is a pathetic romance. I can't believe there is a sequel!

Cvpakkē Burgess You can sleep with someone after two days and still be self respecting.

Jessica DeWitt What Audra said...get over your sex negativity. The book is awful. Partly because the sex is so tame.

Elizabeth Laborde Agree with Audra -- can absolutely sleep with someone after 2 days and still be self-respecting. That being said, the book was a snooze.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

what ever you need to back of mr.sparks he is so goodleve him alone

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

how do you know that some one can't have sex all night have you tried? more than likely not. so back off him and let him write his own thing. ;) love you all D=======)

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