Lynn Spencer's Reviews > Bitter Harvest

Bitter Harvest by Ann Rule
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it was ok
bookshelves: nonfiction, true-crime

I'd heard good things about Ann Rule, but I have to admit that this one didn't impress me much. I had only vague knowledge of the Debora Green case at issue before I read the book, but one of the stronger points of the story was how the author managed to portray the shattering, heartbreaking quality of what happened. Two of Debora Green's three children perished in a fire in the 1990s, and Green was ultimately convicted of arson and murder.

The portrayal of Green's substance abuse and mental health issues added an air of tragedy to the already sad tale. However, the author seemed to have a very strong bias and it made for unsatisfying reading. Her style was heavy-handed and from the early chapters, it became obvious that in Rule's mind, Debora was just evil while her husband(Dr. Farrar) was portrayed as an innocent victim, with his various shortcomings((view spoiler)) minimized. Rule makes frequent reference to how handsome and wonderful Farrar supposedly was(references not borne out by the photos of Farrar contained in the book), and this did more to make the author look personally biased than it did to help bring the story to life. This story involves the complete breakdown of a marriage and family, and the layers and subtleties of the situation just get glossed over and swept aside in this telling.

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Finished Reading
February 12, 2013 – Shelved
February 12, 2013 – Shelved as: nonfiction
February 12, 2013 – Shelved as: true-crime

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Lynn Spencer Keishon wrote: "The only Ann Rule book I read was Small Sacrifices. It was a page-turner. Haven't read anything by her since that book was published."

I think I'll have to give her another try. The tone in this book was just odd because the author's adoration of the killer's husband and her description of the killer as monster just didn't match the facts reported.

Debbie W. Great review, Lynn! My biggest issue with this book was the glaring bias in favor of hubby and his girlfriend!

Lynn Spencer Debbie wrote: "Great review, Lynn! My biggest issue with this book was the glaring bias in favor of hubby and his girlfriend!"

Yes! I read this book 10 years ago, and I still remember how biased it seemed. It honestly made me wonder what really happened because I felt like I couldn't trust the narrator.

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