Priya's Reviews > The Little Venice Bookshop

The Little Venice Bookshop by Rebecca Raisin
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bookshelves: readin2023

To sum up, this was another enjoyable read from an author whose books always make me smile.
This one was a bit heavier than her other ones, dealing as it does with grief over the loss of a loved one. It never got depressing though.
Luna is dealing with the sudden loss of the mother she shared a nomadic lifestyle with. Finding a packet of letters written to her mother and referring to a bookshop in Venice, she decides to go and look for answers in the city of canals.
Managing to find work in the same bookshop she tries to unravel the connection between her hippie commune loving mom and the owner, Giancarlo, while also convincing him to let her improve the visibility of the shop through social media.
Luna loves books so there are a lot of references to what books mean to those who read and collect them along with the beauty of second hand books which have been passed through so many hands and have their own unique stories to tell. As a reader, it was great to connect with someone so passionate about books within the pages of this one and see the positive effect of some of Luna's bookish initiatives. The family of cats named after authors and their antics was particularly cute.
Luna's yearning for a family of her own even as she appreciates the one she and her mother made for themselves is relatable.

Overall, this was a light read, emotional in places.
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Reading Progress

February 7, 2023 – Shelved
February 7, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
April 21, 2023 – Started Reading
April 23, 2023 – Shelved as: readin2023
April 23, 2023 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Dee (new) - added it

Dee Lovely review Priya, we all need a book to make us smile now and again❤. Its a beautiful thing to have passion for books

Priya Thank you Dee😊.
I totally agree!

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