Sharon Rimmelzwaan's Reviews > Hooked

Hooked by Sarah  Conway
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it was amazing

A debut author with a book that sounded so interesting! I actually started reading this as soon as it arrived through the door.

I found it to be an entertaining read that brightened my day. Tilly is planning a law career but another path in life seems to be looming. This alternative career promises to be a great way to pay the bills and have some fun along the way. Which path will she decide upon? Or can she handle both paths concurrently?

A seemingly light hearted story that does have a deeper message running through it. I was surprised this was a debut to be honest. The writing is so well done and the characters well fleshed out. I loved spending time with Tilly. Her friendship with Fran was lovely to see. In fact, all the characters where memorable for some reason or another. I did feel proud of just how brave Tilly was in some situations and wondered if I could have been as brave!

As you could expect in a story like this there is spice, but it's not too much. It fits in with the story and doesn't come across as gratuitous in any way.

I am eager to see how Tilly gets on in her adventurous life and do hope there will be another instalment! It was that good of a read.
Thanks to DLM book tours and Sarah Conway.

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Finished Reading
January 12, 2023 – Shelved

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