Auntee's Reviews > Fever

Fever by Maya Banks
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bookshelves: erotic-romance, maya_banks, part-of-a-series, 2013_reads

Well...I'm sorry to say but I just didn't enjoy this one as much as the first one in the series (Rush). I don't know exactly what it was, but I think it had to do with the heroine (Bethany), or should I say the hero's obsession with her--I just didn't get it. Here's this uber-successful alpha-male businessman, with a wild and kinky sex-life (into threesomes with his best friend/business partner Ash), and he becomes obsessed with this uneducated homeless waif. They have nothing in common, he's about 14 years older than her, socially they're miles apart...and I just couldn't fully buy into it. I guess we're supposed to believe that it was sort of some "love-at-first-sight" thing, but I don't know. I think it was more like Jace (our hero) was at loose ends because he no longer had to take care of his younger sister (who he practically raised) since she became engaged. Controlling, protective Jace needed someone to take care of, and who better than (way) down on her luck Bethany? This was a sort of Cinderella story, with Jace showering Bethany with things she could never have before (a place to live, plenty of food, clothing, hot chocolate(!)). I did feel sorry for Bethany (she had a rough life with some bad breaks) and I was curious to see where this would all lead. They have plenty of adventurous sex (they match up pretty well here), and Jace lets Bethany in on all his kinks (he likes the whole pain-gives-you-pleasure thing). But all the while Bethany keeps feeling she's not good enough for Jace; questions "why do you want me?"--(yes, I'd like to know that too), and generally is an insecure mess. Now, I know what I would've liked to see her do to get over feeling that way (despite Jace's repeated reassurances) but we don't get to see that until the last page of the book! Finally.

 photo 09b5cedf-a4d2-4dff-95ea-b6e44c75a484_zps191f429f.jpg
Oh well. I do enjoy Ms. Banks's writing, and she does know her way around a sex scene, but sadly, this one was just ok. I have a feeling I will enjoy Bethany a lot better in the next book, if she does what she says she is going to do. I am looking forward to Ash's book (Burn--I'd like to see him resolve his family issues and get a woman of his own. A lukewarm 3 1/2 stars for this one.

*Warning: This book contains explicit language and sex, including oral and anal; one m/f/m menage scene; some spanking and bondage. Not for the faint of heart.
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2013 – Shelved
February 3, 2013 – Shelved as: erotic-romance
February 3, 2013 – Shelved as: maya_banks
February 3, 2013 – Shelved as: part-of-a-series
April 24, 2013 – Started Reading
April 24, 2013 – Shelved as: 2013_reads
May 2, 2013 –
page 416
100.0% "The last few pages saved it for to come."
May 2, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Heidi I felt same way!

message 2: by MelissaB (new)

MelissaB Nice review Auntee!

Auntee Thanks Melissa.:)

message 4: by A_Ryan (new)

A_Ryan A great review, Auntee. Your insights make me giggle. 14 years can be quite an age gap, hot chocolate or not, ... how old is Jace? Is this like a sugar daddy theme?

Auntee Thanks A.:)
I think Jace is around 38. Not a Sugar Daddy theme. Just a former player who now, finally, is ready to commit.

message 6: by A_Ryan (new)

A_Ryan Yay! Ive added it to my ever growing tbr list! :-))) Thanks, Auntee!!

Anita Great review! Btw that pic is exactly how I pictured Jace to look!

Auntee Thanks Anita!

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